Tuesday 6 July 2010

I'm Back......

Hi I'm back after a long haul flight from Sallie's party in Hawaii, we all had a great time, I am trying to catch up with me blog freinds, there has been so many new posts, so sorry if I don't get around to leaving you a comment. 
Any ways no sooner had me paws touched the tarmac, Dad dragged me off on a pub crawl!!,  Not that I'm complaining, I do like pubs.

The Hare and Hounds

Lord Hill Inn

The Rose and Crown

The Stafford Arms

Mom's told me not to talk to peeps in cars, but I was OK dad knows him, he's called Simon the same as our baby peeps.

I have to say Dad had a bit of a wobble on because we also went in our two regular pubs
The Crown and The Station, (I will put up a post about each one, another time, cause I like the landlords)
Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips, well that's not quite true, a bit of Guinness froth is my favorite tipple
I ended up having a nap on a nice cold quarry tile floor in me local.

By the time we got home Mom was back, O I forgot to say, she went away with her mates to Liverpool
and brought me back some pressies.
A liver bird and a chocolate lollipop, I'm not allowed peeps choc so Dad had it!!

She took a flat me with her so will post later what he got up to.

See Yea George xxx


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey George, I surely am glad that we had a chance to meet up at the Luau and share a bit of Pee time around that hoooge palm tree. That was grrrreat.

Asta said...

Welcome back!!!! I'm so jellt that you have all those cool pubs to cwawl to..my flat self got to go to some faboolous pubs in the spwing when my pawents viusited Ewic and his squawes..it was heavenly and I too talsted youw Guiness fwof and found it yummielicious.
I was thwilled to have a hula wif you at the Luau
smoochie kisses

The Daily Pip said...

Boy, that floor looks nice and cool! Do you they let dogs in pubs in your town? There are a few here in Chicago that allow dogs, but most don't, not even on the patio. Not fair!

Your pal, Pip

Chewy said...

Oh george!

It looks like you had fun!


Wyatt said...

That was very nice of you, to keep your dad company, while your mom was away. Cool presents!


Duke said...

We've never been in a pub before! We bet it's nice and cool snoozing on that floor! You are one lucky boy, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Russ said...

See I told you your Dad would enjoy that...and he got a wobble on, all with no help from me. So maybe I'm not a bad influence after all ;-)

violett said...

Hello Georgie,
interesting your pub tour!
In Germany dogs may also go along almost always in pub. They must pay attention to master and bring him again home.
I would take dear ice, no guinness froth. :)

Now have said goodbye Germany also from the world championship. So what...
Lots of love

Dewey Dewster said...

I tell ya George....ya would not be able ta get inta a pub in the states....ya get carded and I bet ya don't have a card sayin' yer 21 or over.....but it's great if ya can visit the ones in Europe cause they look SWELL....very picturesque and quaint and fun ta visit.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

George, Lad...are ya able to walk yet, dear boy? That was an amazing pub crawl, we must say!!!

One of our Granddad's old dogs loved the bar...they'd feet him tons of hard boiled eggs...never missed a night!!

We still have your chess pic up as our puter background...love that expression on your adorable face! What a great photo you took!!

Kisses, Lad!

Laciegirlie xxoooxxxooo