Tuesday 27 July 2010

I got pee-mail

Just look at the Pic's Wyatt and Stanzie sent me, Thanks so much.
 I'd love to get me chops around one of them. They must be good with a name like George.

If your out and about and see my name, I'd just love to get a piccie.
you can email me mom jan3bells@googlemail.com
Blog land is playing up, and me linky, widet thing a me Bobs are not working!! 
They were OK the other day, so  try this link to find out about
 Wyatts Riot 2010 and send in your Recipes 

Thanks again Wyatt and the lovely Stanzie xxxx
See Yea George xxx


Nelly said...

What a cool idea George. We'll be keeping a look-out for your name around here.
Hope Wyatt and Stanzie got one of those George Burgers (DROOOOOL!)
Nelly xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi George, thanks for the good wishes for Phantom. We really appreciate it a lot.

We see you are furiends with Wyatt and Stanzie too - don't they have the most amazing garden?

We have lots of little grandbipeds here every day and one of their favorite play friends is Curious George - could that really be you in disguise? Do you know the Man in the Yellow Hat?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Only last week my mom was at a Lake named after you! Next time she is there she said she will takes some pictures. If you want to, p-mail me your snail mail address and I will send you a postcard from theres, she boughts an extra one :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

That's so grrrreat of Wyatt and Stanzie. I just sent a pee mail with my two recipes. I wish I could have one of those burger thingys right about now.

Anonymous said...

What pup wouldn't want to own a butcher shop??? That would be the bestest!!!

We will keep our eyes looking though.

woo woos, Tessa

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Giant hamburgers? You have giant hamburgers named for you? You must have done something majorly impawtent to get those named for you. I will look for your name and try to have Mom take a photo when we see it. Sounds fun.

wags, Lola

the booker man said...

heehee! george i didn't know you had a GIANT burger joint! ;)
that was super cool of your friendz to send those pictures. i will keep my eyes peeled for any george places near my house!!
the booker man

♥ Sallie said...


Lauren M. Davis Folk Art! said...

Soooo neat!!! Love the pictures!!!!!! I'll be on the look out for places!!!!!

3 doxies said...

Okays so where is my burger, I's kinda hungry now.
I will definately bes on da loook out fur George things, very neat idea.

Zona said...

Ooo... what a cool idea. I will surely keep an eye out for your name out there! I don't imagine anyone would see mine but if they did I would LOVE for it to be a burger place!! BOL!


houndstooth said...

Those burgers sound delicious! I'm not sure I'd like to see a place called Bunny Burgers on the corner, though!


sprinkles said...

There's a bike shop in another town near here named after you. I haven't been by there in a really long time but if I pass it again, I'll try to remember to get a picture for you.

Road Dog Tales said...

That's so cool - you're famous!
The Road Dogs

Wyatt said...

Hi George!

Dang it...we didn't even get a burger, it was an early morning outing, the place was closed! We'll go back at night and tell you how those GIANT BURGERS really are!

Wyatt and Stanzie

little princess Luna~ said...

hi george~! sorry i didn't said "hi" sooner--sometimes i fall behind saying hi to new furends. :/
those are some cool pictures~!! :)


Sam said...

Hope that you get to try one of those George burgers soon!

Unknown said...

Getting peemail is always so much fun!

Don't forget to send some giant burgers to Malaysia!

The Thuglets said...

We have our paws on the case!

Those burger picture set us droolling. When do you think you get to sample them?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Duke said...

Now that is a serious hamburger! We'll be on the look-out for George signs around here for you, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, they are great signs! We will look around for some here!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly