Saturday 6 April 2013

Saturday Steps with Cousins Ted and Twiggy

"Tess the camera's this way!!"


This week my cousins are joining me, 
I like you to meet
Ted and Twiggy
At the top of the steps is Mom's cousin Celia

Look at them running down the steps!!
To the beech at Bournemouth

This is Ted he's a 
The breed comes from Sweden 
Click on LINK to find out more about the breed

Twiggy is a much loved mixed breed and keeps Ted on his toe's.

 I have been told that Ted Thinks if he close's his eyes he can pretend its not really happening

"Now look here Ted, Step Sitting is an art and you did real well at it, unlike Tess on this weeks steps. 
Twiggy great pose, thanks for sending in the photos"

Mom's been telling me all about her Cousin Ceila.
In the summer school holidays when Mom was Tiny she would go down to Bournemouth for a holiday, they had great times together. 
We hope that one day we get to met our cousin's for real. 

Have a good week from my family 
George,Tess, Ted and Twiggy xxxx


Eileen H said...

Nice to meet Mom's cousin Celia, Ted and Twiggy.
Twiggy looks in a hurry to get down to the beach!
Tess you really must turn around for your Saturday Steps photo :-)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

It is very much WONDERFUL to meet your cousins Twiggy and Ted. Those are some super pictures of them. WE hope you get to meet them too!!!

Unknown said...

Nice to meet your cousins and Tess we say you have a very cute butt. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ooooo sweet friends! Ted and Twiggy are precious as can be, and though you are far away, someday, maybe you can romp on the beaches together! Do you know we had some snow here George mi man? We are hoping that as you attempt to slay the dragons on St. George's Day, that maybe you can also slay winter? PLEEEEEEEESE?

Looking good you two! LOVE!

Pippa Sheltie said...

The bournemouth beach looks really nice! I bet you had a super time with Ted and Twiggy, even though they're like twice the size of you! Mum must've had a good time catching up with Ceilia!
Pippa :)

Cowspotdog said...

Ted looks like he really knows who to "zen" out on the steps .....he looks so relaxed.

Sage said...

I bet you wished you were REALLY on that beach with Ted and Twiggy. Those were some might steep steps they were racing down!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George and Tess, Oh I do hope you get to meet Cousins Ted and Twiggy for real too. What a handsome couple they are. Perhaps all four of you could pose together on the steps to Bournemouth beach. Surely, you would then be rewarded with an ice-cream.
Toodle pip!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Awww, I love this post with you all enjoying the fun :) (Looking forward to you visiting Devon - hope we meet up).

Millie and Walter said...

I like the view Tess gave us. She has a cute bum.


Anonymous said...

Well, you need a wistle so tess knows where the camera is, Heeheehee, you did so0me serios steps today, That eye closed thingy, I do it to, Barharhar, you cousins look like fun guys!

Have a great weekend
The Mad Scots

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We loved meeting your new furiends!

Hap-Pee Saturday!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We would have called Ted a foxhound or something.

Looks like a great beach for zoomies and digging.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We have never heard of the Hamiltonstovare breed before. Ted sure is a handsome boy! Both of your cousins are very handsome doggies, George and Tess!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Your cousins are very cute!

Leigh said...

Lovely to see your cousins Ted & Twiggy - very smart dogs! Tess looks like she found something more interesting than posing BOL - woofs and licks from Magic xx

World of Animals, Inc said...

We are happy that we got to meet your wonderful cousins. It looks like a great day enjoying some fun on the beach. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals