Headline News
The Awaited Visit
Snow Days
Farewell To A Fishy Friend
She Signed Us Up
Hello and welcome to the February Tess
This is a very long Issue, so grab yourself a tea or coffee before you start.
The Awaited Visit
Me and George finely got to visit Gran and Granpops new home
"Its got a big garden George"
"The apple tree's are over there Tess"
We are looking forward to getting some apple pie later in the year.
"Dad could make cider!"
Not a bad view from the front
"Lets have a look around the back"
A veggie garden
A stream runs at the back, but we can't get to it.
The Snowdrops are flowering
We like Granny and Granpops new home and they are happy to.
Snow days
We had a great three days in the snow
Day One
Colin joined us for a walk
Lots of running about
Day Two
Our friend Tuffy joined us on the same walk
More running around
Day Three
We had to put a weather report on Fuzz Book
To show our friends Roxy and Roger what the roads where like, as they said they would love to pop over and walk our local hood.
The main roads where OK but our road was snowy
But they made it
Ben and Jenny also walked with us.
plus Tuffy and Colin
We had a great three days playing with our friends.
Over to George for the next article
"Thanks Tess" I've come across some websites over the last month and thought I'd give you the links
They have an all singing all dancing website, from product reviews and great facts about us dogs
Like this about Dogs Names

Dog names graphic produced by Matt Beswick for Pet365. Click here to view the full post.Like this about Dogs Names
Next is
The one stop web shop for all your doggie needs, not just for dogs but all fur and feathered friends.
Click on the logo to go to the website
Have brought out a Pet Comic Creator app on their
Face Book Page
You can add your own words.
Here's a couple I did
They let you download them or you can add them to their FB page
Here's the link
I'll be adding all three to my Links page.
Tess has just got to compose herself for the next article
Farewell to a Fishy Friend
The pond is missing one of our favourite fish
He as gone to the pond in the sky, we had many happy times with him
He was always the first to come and see us
He was on most of the photos with us sitting on the pond, check out our header photo he's on that.
He was the fish that got me into trouble because you thought I'd pushed Colin in the pond! Colin just wanted to catch him.
We miss you
She Signed Us Up
We forgot to tell you on the last Tess.
This is what we got in January
Thanks Mom for signing us up, we love getting a surprise through the post each month
Breaking News
I'm not sure we have any!!
Yes we do, one of these weekends George will get to go on his Birthday Outing.
BOL this is getting to be a joke, I've been waiting since November
George you know Mom and Dad will take us when they have more time, we've not even been on the laptop much as they have been so busy.
You'll be pleased to know it's a wrap for this months Tess
Thanks for popping by.
Has your tea or coffee gone cold? hope not!
Love and Hugs
George and Tess xxx
Oh so sorry about your FINNY FUREND going to the big pond.
Your grammy and grampy's new home is just LOVELY... what a nice place to visit.
THAT is a super pressie package.
You're going to have to make sure you get taken to visit your Grandpawrents frequently. That's a fantastic garden. Maybe you can get to that stream in summer.
We think we'd like snow...maybe not Roxy she gets cold easily.
Sorry about the fish...we love fish...yum.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy
That was fun catching up with your activities! First off I am so sorry about the oss of your special Koi fish. He was really cool.
I am so happy that you had three fun filled snow days.
I do love snowdrops, they are so pretty. I loves your Grandparents new place, it seems to have everything!
We're so sorry about your fishy friend having to go to the Bridge. Sending you hugs and purrs and prayers.
Your grandparents house looks brilliant! We hope you get to visit often!
Glad you had so much fun in the snow. :)
You sure had a lot to talk about this month. What fun you had playing with all your friends and that pressie package looked fun too.
You'll be keen to visit Gran and Granpop's home quite often with their lovely new garden.
Gosh you did have a lot of snow and fun days...we didn't have any :-(
Shame you've lost your fish friend, it's always sad to lose them but he'll be swimming in the big pond over the Rainbow Bridge.
Lucky you having a treat pack every month, how exciting that will be :-)
Luv Eileen and Annie xx
What fun you'll have with your poochie pack each month!
We're so sorry to hear about your fishy friend, George and Tess.
Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly
Pawsome pup-date pals. Sorry to read your fishy friend has swam over the rainbow bridge. The pooch pack looks awesome. Gosh you had some larks in the park with all that snow. Stay warm. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
Thanks for the update guys! Your granny & grandpop's house and garden looks excellent - plenty of space to run around and play there. Sorry about your finny friend - it is always sad to say goodbye. Looks as though you had a lot more snow than we did here - but it is freezing cold :-( Enjoy your treat box - woofs and licks from Magic xx
What a great update George and Tess.
I had a great time.
See you soon
Best to mom and dad
That was quite a report! It looks like Gran/Granpops moved to a lovely new home!
Sorry about your fishy friend :-(
Another grreat issue! So sorry about your fishy friend.
We just love your Grandparent's new home, especially the veggie garden.
We wish we could join in the snow play...snow does not seem to be in our near future :(
Have a grand time with your box o' goodies!
Stanzie and Wyatt
Looks like you guys had a good time!
My dear friends! My tea HAS GONE COLD, but not because of you...I have been SO BUSY TOO! I had to run off yesterday to school, in snowy conditions as well! I have missed you so, but to see you all frolicking in the snow is great fun. I AM SO SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR FISH FRIEND! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a mouth he had...what a TRAP! teehee
I am very very very jealous that you guys got so much snow....AND had friends over AND got to be off leash! I need to speak with my peeps about that!
Mommy LOVEs your cartoon link find. we'll have to go play with that!
WE are very sorry to hear about your fish friend.
Can't wait to see about next month!
Oh that is so sad your fish friend went to the big pond in the sky.
We loved the extra long newsy Tess report and we have shown Mum the Pooch Pack monthly web site.
Very fantastic and impressive post.
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What a lot of fun you had on your snow walkies with furiends!
Luved the comic strip you did -too funny! Ha!
Sorry to hear your fish friend crossed over to the big pond. Koi are such cool fish. Mom has watched them play with a watermelon before. They all have individual personalities. I know your will miss him.
Your Granma and Granpa's house looks fabulous! That's amazing that they already have a garden going! So glad they are happy with their new home :)
Waggin at ya,
What a nice update George and Tess. See you soon ...
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