Saturday 23 February 2013

Saturday Steps with Crybbe & Trilby

"Quiet George I'm counting"

She's a bossy sister sometimes, anyway this weeks steps I'm joined by
 Crybbe & Trilby

They are Magic's Brother and Sister
Our blogging friend over at 

The photo was taken at Fountains Abbey check out the link to see the post and what they got up to.

Thanks Crybbe & Trilby and Congratulations to Magic she is expecting pups.   

Have a Good Week
Love and hugs George and Tess the bossy one xxxx


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We know, Magic, Crybbe and Trilby. We saw their adventures at Fountains abbey..great place to wander.

George, we think your shadow looks like an alien in the first picture.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Eileen H said...

I like Magic's blog and her family Crybbe, Trilby and Aoife. They are all so very cute. Can't wait for the arrival of Magic's new puppies next month :-)

Duke said...

We understand all about bossy sissies, don't we, Molly!
Congratulations to Magic!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Have a super steps Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

Did you count the steps going up and down - you know it changes sometimes :) :)

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Saturday stepping, George and Tess!

Your pal, Pip

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You KNOW how much we love...

STEPPIN' Out with you two on Saturdays.

How many WERE there?

Bocci said...

Oh gosh, you are ALL so adorable!

Pippa Sheltie said...

How many steps did Tess count? Crybbe and Trilby are lovely!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


You two, I have missed you so, but I suspect that your mum is so busy. It is so good to see your smiling, uh...muzzles, faces? TO SEE YOUR TEETH! Love to you all as always. Anita

J_on_tour said...

Always nice to see friends sharing the experience. The steps thing may take off in a big way as they spread the word. I popped over to Life in the Doghouse for a look, it was well worth linking in to your post, Have a good week.

Wyatt said...

Oh, Magic puppies...can't wait to see that!
Keep an eye on your mailbox, George. St. David's Day is coming!

Leigh said...

Thank you for letting us share your Saturday steps George and Tess :-) woofs and licks from Crybbe and Trilby xx

meowmeowmans said...

Thank you for sharing these steps with us, George and Tess. And Congratulations to Magic on her soon-to-be babies!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Move over Georgie and Tessy....I am speaking to MUM now!

HI JAN! Thank you so much for coming to visit me even though you have been on a long break too! I was going to be taking a trip to my native state of California, but I had to cancel it just last week. I am however, going to take a little break from writing posts. I so miss George and Tess's regular antics, but you will NEVER GET RID OF ME! And St. George's Day is a big one for me....I hit the big 55. YEP! So George and I, we are gonna bark out loud about it!

Sending you fond wishes for a lovely time off. I am here when you all come back. Anita

Ryker said...

You all look very cute on your steps!