Tuesday 4 September 2012

The Tess.....September Issue

Headline News

Dog Bites




George's Interview


What A Shot!




Grooming Room


A Big Delivery


Hello and Welcome to this months Tess, and what a busy month it's  been, our paws have hardly touched the ground!!
I think you can tell by the headline news there's a lot to get through
So lets get started


Dog Bites

This item comes as a warning. We go on Fuzz Book and picked this news story up and think we should pass it onto you.

So sad and no need for it to have happened.
If your fuzzy friend does happen to bite you and breaks the skin please get it checked out.



Power of The Paw
Its a new blog set up by Roo and Mango is administer. It goes without saying how the power of the paw helps when our furry friends are unwell.
Now you can find out very fast in one place those friends that are in need.

This is the badge that you will see on blogs, we have also put it on our side bar. If you have a friend that is in need you can have them put on the site, so you get to feel the power of the paw.


George's Interview

He got Interviewed by Rolo from

 Go check it out, you might find out some facts about George you didn't know.


What A Shot

If you read last month's Tess you will know I have a new nick name
Slug Girl
Well I'm living up to the name lol.

 Its so funny, I managed to chuck a slug onto Dad's mouse mat while he was on the computer lol. He hadn't a clue what it was, or how it had got there. Mom did take some photos but she can't find them. 
So this is a reconstruction shot



 Shrewsbury Folk Festival

My first folk festival, I loved it but George desided he's gone off Folk music

 "Isn't that right George, it got a little to much for you"

"Well I'm going to show the photos anyway"

As you can see we didn't know if it would rain or the sun would come out!

Hey, a family photo, yes that is our Mom!!

George showing his dislike of Folk music

Where as the music put me to sleep

Some Festival Dogs enjoying themselves including me

This is a youtube video of a group that Dad saw at the festival and fell in love with, Folk does Rock sometimes.
Funny the song is called Throw A Bone!


Grooming Room

Mmm, we're not to sure about it, there's a waiting area

Heater, light, grooming table and noose!! net curtain haven't a clue why that's there.

George was always groomed by Dave, but then I came along so Mom throught she should start to groom us. We are very good on the grooming table, even though I say it myself, so we get done little and often.  


A Big Delivery

The Box is bigger than me! in fact there was a smaller box as well

It is was a big box of goodies

 What's in this?

One for me and one for George.
From Pedigree 

I won £150 of dog goodies for my week three report about
 Pedigree Joint care +

 I love my new bed and George says thanks for putting a dog bowl and name tag in for him, we will be sharing the treats.

Pedigree Joint Care+ Tess Reporting Week Three

Thank You Pedigree, I was just doing my job
If you need any more reporting doing, or a pin up girl you know where to find me.


Breaking News

On 15th September Me and George will be at
Taking place at Weston Park in 
You can pop in and see us in the furs for real and get to talk to Mom and Dad 

We are also meeting up again with with our blogging friends
 Eileen, Martyn and Annie from

Can't wait, as we are showing them around one of our favorite place's, no high bridges this time.

Its a wrap for this month's Tess
Now's that's out the way we will have more time to come visiting over the next week, looking forward to seeing
 what you have been up to.

See You Soon
Love and Hugs George and Tess xxx


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Wow! Lots of info and you've been very busy.

When Bella came along SHE decided to start grooming us....that's why we look funny for about a week after a grooming!

What a FANTASTIC box of goodies! To find a product that would help Tess and then get that--BONUS!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Finn said...

Oh my! Do much is happening!! I love your gift box and your recreation photo! Too funny! Be good Tess!

Pippen said...

You guys are so busy we need a nap to recover!

Sam and Pippen

How Sam Sees It said...

Wow! There were a lot of updates for this month!


Millie and Walter said...

You sure have been busy. What a huge box of goodies you won! Not only are you feeling better from taking the Joint Care supplements, but you also won a great prize package! What a lucky girl.


Michelle said...

Wow! So much going on with you both! Lovely family photo! Nice to finally see everyone together. Do enjoy your box of goodies!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Tess....Wow, you and George have been busy little bees! That's a lot of news for one month. Nothing ever goes on in my end of the world!


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my....we saw that grooming table and shuddered...our mom's gone mad....she bought these clippers and we fear the table is next on the list....she tried clipping Stanley on this really hot and muggy day and she was sitting cross legged on the concrete patio wearing shorts and um well...that's why she wants a table...do you know what size your mom ordered? Not a problem for Scruffy and me, but that cow Stanley needs a bit bigger of a place....

Stripping us doesn't make near the mess of the clippers!! Can your mom peemail Mumsie at kreitm@gmail.com (Marilyn) and tell us the dimensions of the table?? And if she's using clippers, what size blade? We sorta look like the lawn mower ran over us...she said it's impossible to clip with one hand and hold us with the other, but I doubt she'll do much better with two hands...

Stan's not a big dale...bout 50 lbs...

Lakie kisses,

Miss Lacie who won't let her near me with those clippers....

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my....we saw that grooming table and shuddered...our mom's gone mad....she bought these clippers and we fear the table is next on the list....she tried clipping Stanley on this really hot and muggy day and she was sitting cross legged on the concrete patio wearing shorts and um well...that's why she wants a table...do you know what size your mom ordered? Not a problem for Scruffy and me, but that cow Stanley needs a bit bigger of a place....

Stripping us doesn't make near the mess of the clippers!! Can your mom peemail Mumsie at kreitm@gmail.com (Marilyn) and tell us the dimensions of the table?? And if she's using clippers, what size blade? We sorta look like the lawn mower ran over us...she said it's impossible to clip with one hand and hold us with the other, but I doubt she'll do much better with two hands...

Stan's not a big dale...bout 50 lbs...

Lakie kisses,

Miss Lacie who won't let her near me with those clippers....

Sage said...

My head is spinning with all that you've done, Tess!

George, you have a very silly look on your face at the folk festival. Give it another try...you might find it's OK.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Geoge and Tess!
Good heavens, you two HAVE been busy.. Love your grooming table and you both made quite the haul from Pedigree.. So many goodies.
I love the family photo... Mom looks so pretty and Dad is such a dapper fellow

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Typo alert George.. Sorry

Patrice said...

You are quite a reporter Tess! Hugs to George from across the pond.

Eileen H said...

You do have a lot to report on Tess and really interesting too and The Power of the Paw is a great idea, lets hope it's not needed too often! Love your reconstruction...bet Dad wasn't too happy with your slug gift! How cool to have your very own grooming parlour and stylist, she does a great job.
Your box of goodies from Pedigree is well deserved you are an ace reporter, nice that there are goodies for George too.
Enjoy your day at the Midland Game fair. We are looking forward to meeting up with you and George again...thank goodness for no bridges this time :-)

See you soon
Love Eileen, Martyn and Annie xxx

Pat said...

Wow, Tess - a packed issue!

I read about the poor lady elsewhere and such a shame :(

Love the idea of the Power of the Paw.

Your grooming shed is fab! I have a grooming table too, because Missy was scared of the groomer, she now has it in little and often stages too!

Teehee, folk music sends me to sleep also, Tess!

What lovely people at Pedigree to send you such a lovely parcel - and to include some for George too!

Duke said...

Whoa! We a fun box you got from Pedigree. Those treats will keep you busy for a long while!
We loved your interview with Rolo, George!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Wow what a fun packed month George. Have a wonderful day and licks to Slug Girl.
Best wishes Molly

Leigh said...

Great report again of your busy month..and we checked out George's interview :-) Lovely box of goodies - well deserved for the reporting videos.Have fun at the Game Fair - we enjoy going to those round here. Grooming - less enjoyable but with 5 of us our Mum has been doing it herself for many years :-) Have a great day! Woofs and licks from Magic xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WOOOO! You did a FINE JOB little SLUG GIRL! Journalism runs in the family, I see! WOW, you covered much from serious and informative news (that poor woman.....one MUST attend to any bites immediately) to fun and awesome stories. GEORGE, you are still the most photogenic furiend out there!!!

So good to see you all and Jan, you are simply beautiful!!! Anita

Taryn said...

Wow! That's quite a haul from Pedigree!

Matilda the Boxer said...

Another fun and informative issue! Thanks for all the grreat reporting. And wow, what a haul from Pedigree!

WFT Nobby said...

What an action packed month.
And I assume this means that George has also also gone off folk dancing.
Toodle pip!

Hoke said...

Holy!!! That's alot of stuffs! I need a box like that!!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Tess- that was a great report..... but I'm worried that Bro' has gone off folk music!! LOVE that BOX of GOODIES...... who's a lucky duck then??? Does that mean we have to change George's name to "Pedigree Joint Care+" now????? BOL!

Watch your waistlines getting through those snacks!

I suggest that you avoid that torture chamber room with the noose with all your might. I don't groom well - I get bored and stroppy...... then more stroppy! Just got my winter furs cut off on Monday!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, dog oh dog, you two have been busy. We loved your photos from the music festival and the slug story gave us a good laugh too. Enjoy all your treats from the goodie box. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

William the Lurcher said...

Goodness you have been busy! Love your parcel with all those presents, that must have been fun to receive.

Anonymous said...

Super report Tess! You and George have been runnin in 5th gear I'd say! Very nice of Pedigree to send you that HUGE box of pressies! Wow! Yay for Pedigree :D
Really liked that folk band. That drummer gal sure could rock the electric banjo! Neat to have a (couldn't quite make out if it was a cello or base violin) in the mix.
Bone chance on the 15th! :D
Thanks for the POTP press. :)

See ya soon! Waggin at ya,

J_on_tour said...

A bumper report indeed. Good to see that you were thanked by pedigree in such a good way. heres hoping that you don't play any folk music in that grooming room ......... !

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, just come across this wonderful blog, me and my Welsh Terrier love it!

I have one burning question.. Where do I get one of those fabulous Union Jack collars from!??

In anticipation


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