Wednesday 26 September 2012

Fish 4 Dogs

Hello, we're here to tell you about something real tasty for dogs

FISH!! how many of you dogs have nicked cat food or have gone mad for the smell of cat biscuits!! come on own up.
Have you seen the video of me swimming?

While I was watching it one day up pops an advert
Mmm, I know cats eat fish so decided to take a look.

They do dog food and also treats

We had to work at The Midland Game Fair, and the Fish 4 dogs stand was there.
I got my first taste of a "Sea Jerky Treat"

It was very tasty, mom bought the 
"My Dog Loves Fish goodie bag"

"That's a lot of goodies Tess"
"They sent us some to try as well"

There's allsorts in the range they do.
 Complete Food, Sea Jerky, Sea Biscuits, Salmon Mousse, 
Salmon Oil, Super Star Training Treats.

*No artificial additives
*No artificial preservatives
*No artificial colourings
Wheat Free

"What do you think George?"

"Very tasty"

"Mom get on line and please order us some more"

"Don't worry fish we won't eat you, but you look like you could do with feeding?"

"Mom time to feed the Fish"

Give it a try.

Signing off George and Tess xxx


Rose H (UK) said...

Hi Tess, Uncle Trev used to catch DOG FISH, is that the same thing? LOL.
Jan, What happened to your hair do in the second 'Fish for dogs' photo? Looks like you've had a perm ;o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
P.S. That silver koi is amazing!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, this sounds delish. We love fish, and we love jerky. We are going to have to get Mom to check this out for us. Thanks for sharing.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Finn said...

Sounds so good!! I go nuts when Momma opens up a can of tuna, so I bet I would love it! Thanks for the review!

Asta said...

Geowge and Tess
A few days ago, when auntie Hilawy was hewe chapewoning Flat Geowge, i noticed he was leaning close to the Danoobe on ouw cwoose. Now I know the answew why
That food looks deeelish..don't think I can get it hewe, but I'm glad so many of my pals can. .
Soochie kisses

Taryn said...

My guys had raw salmon for breakfast just today! They love fish!

Pippen said...

Tess! Were you eating the fishes foodable or were you trying to give them smoochie kisses?

Sam and Pippen

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I have never seen THIS Brand... butt Ernie and I do love Sammin and eat it OFTEN.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We eat a no grain salmon kibble and sometimes we get sardines, too. We love fish.

The sea jerky is superb.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We love our salmon tripe and our salmon treats! Fish is good stuff!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

meowmeowmans said...

Those foods sound tasty, George and Tess! We bet those fishies in the pond are glad you're not interested in eating THEM! :)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Yum....sounds tasty. Just let me know if you start growing fins!!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hiya George and Tess - I know fish is super yummers - I love helping Dad dad eat his sardines on toast in the morning ;-)

I also get fish sticks that are for my healthy skin and joints - super yummers!

Tess are you tryin' to get that big white fish in your pond?????? I'd come over and help you seein' as my bro' is not helping!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Eileen H said...

Tess, we think you should have been a mermaid :-) You made me laugh trying to put your paws in the drinking water trough!
Annie has tried Fish4dogs, Carol gave her two huge boxes for Christmas. one was the salmon mousse sachets and the other box was full of the jerky. They do some good deals on their website!

Love Eileen, Martyn and Annie xxx

Unknown said...

We love fish for dogs. Tess I am on my way to go fishing with you. Gives a whole new meaning to fish for dogs treats. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


You two know how much I love ya.....Jan, sooooooo good to hear your chuckle! Would you consider speaking? PLEASE?

OK, I am very pleased to see those CHOPPERS AGAIN! Tessy girl, was that YOU, smiling ever so LARGE??? AND FISH? BUT OF COURSE....DOGS LOVE FISH! Oh dear, but Tessy, don't eat mum's fish in her pond!!!

What a delight to see you all again, reporting LIVE from the marketplace! Enjoy all the treats; you deserve the best.

BIGGEST HUGS to you,my sweet and toothy friends!!!!!!

Charlene and Storm said...

ooohhh i will definately have to go look on this site, i get stormy salmon and brown rice dog food from a place in wales. since you guys are welsh terriers maybe you should check it out LOL! Happy fishing xxx

Charlene and Stormy

Laurie Eno said...

My heart belongs to Corgis, but you two are some kind of wonderful. Love your blog!

Bocci said...

I love fish more than our cat! It's in my kibble, I do believe.

Anonymous said...

Tess you are so funny playin with the fishies! Hardy Har Har :D

I luv to eat fish! Well as long as they come out of a can ;) Sardines and mackerel Nommers!

Waggin at ya,

Sage said...

Well, for one, I LOVE fish, but didn't know about this. I'll have to give it a try!