Saturday 29 September 2012

Saturday Steps with Molly, Monty, Taffy, Winnie, and Roxy

What a fun time me and Tess had last Saturday

We meet up first with Roxy, for some fun on the beach

Then, Molly, Monty, Taffy and Winnie turned up

 Me and Molly


Me Monty and Taffy

Roxy, Monty and Tess

Winnie, Monty and Taffy

Monty on the left Roxy on the right and in the back ground
Me Tess, Winnie, Molly and Taffy

We had come to Barmouth for the day to meet up with members of WELTAF

This time each year we get together for a walk 
and to have some fun 

But we had to say good bye and leave them to their walk, Dad was playing in our local pub for folk day so we had to get back home.  We did have just enough time to go back to the beach for another play and an ice cream before setting off for home.

The Sun shone all day.
 It was great meeting up with so many friends from

You can Visit
Molly, Monty, Taffy and Winnie at Terrier Fun 
Via this LINK
Birthday Wishes go to Molly and Taffy as they both had Birthday's this week.

Have a Good Week
See Yea George xxx

If you find any steps and would like to join me on a Saturday
Email georgethelad(at)
With your photo of you on Steps and a little about yourself
You don't have to be a dog or have a blog, I welcome all friends


The Black and Tans. said...

It was great meeting you again George and Tess. We did enjoy ourselves.
Taffy will be posting very soon about our barkdays, just that our typist has been rather busy lately.
Have a grrrrreat weekend.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


teeehee....GEORGE MI MAN! What a glorious BEACH! That bridge is outstanding and it looks like the kind of place my mum would love to go!

Is Roxy an AIRDALE or just a tall WT?

So good to see you mi man and give mum a nudge to speak on the video next time! LOVE YOU ALL!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a grand sight. All those Welsh Terriers together.

The beach looks fantastic, too.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD GEORGE and TESS this is a TERRIERific Post fur SURE!! My mom and Ernie and I are all going SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE over all the pictures of you .

meowmeowmans said...

Oh my gosh! That looks like so much fun you are all having together. :)

verobirdie said...

Love that post and the two previous ones. Beautiful landscape, and dog smiles.

Eileen H said...

Was thinking about you and all the Welsh Terriers at Barmouth. It looks like you had a fabulous time. Can't get much better than that, Welshies, walkies, sun, sand, sea, seagulls and icecream :-)

Unknown said...

What a great time and great pix too. We love the Hello in the sand. Have a wonderful Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ahhhh! I SEE That it is MOLLY that I was inquiring about; she is rather tall for a WT! Oh Georgie, you have yourself a fantastic day outside as mum goes on a romp with her girlfriends and as dad takes Tessy for her swimming lessons! You two make great BEACH BABES on that new banner of yours!!!!! HUGS TO YOU FUZZY WUZZY PALS!

WFT Nobby said...

Wow. You got to meet yet more wonderful blogging friends. And so many other black and tan terriers. Barmouth looks so beautiful. I would just love to visit Wales some day, but Gail tells me it is a long way from here.
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

What a great day out with the gang! Luv your new header photo. Wishin I could have been there bouncin on the beach with yaz :)

Waggin at ya,

Unknown said...

Love love love all your pictures, George and Tess! What a great fun to meet up with so many friends and play with them.

That is a beautiful beach but I like the bridge the most.

Sherry said...

What a BEAUTIFUL place to be on a beautiful day. Black and tan dogs do love a crowd!

William the Lurcher said...

Looks like a great time was had by all. Love your header pic.

How Sam Sees It said...

How fun!


Finn said...

A wonderful outing!! I love those beach scenes. Have a great Saturday!

Duke said...

Look at all of those black and tans! We wish we could have joined you all too!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, wowza what a lot of fuzzy furry faces. Looks like a fabulous get together. We love Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie too! You live in a beautiful part of the world for sure. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sage said...

Party time!!!

Looks like a fun outing for all of you.

Louise said...

Hi Jan/George!

This does look like a lovely place to visit and a great day out!

Thanks for you suggestion for the feather ID. I highly doubt red kite as we don't have any in this area anymore, plus I've considered and ruled out birds of prey as their feathers all seem to be striped or patterened. I've asked on 'wild about britain' and no one there has been able to ID it so far. That just makes me want to know all the more, I do hope I can figure it out!

julee said...

Oh my I'm so jealous I wasn't there for all the fun!
The beach and the cove are so beautiful but all you pups look really great!


julee said...

We just watched your fish video.

Tess we didn't know you were part fish! BOL!

That video made mommy's night!