Sunday 2 September 2012

Pedigree Joint Care+ Week Six Tess Reporting

"George I think these Fish need feeding"

"Yes, they do George"
"Tess your supposed to be doing your report, we're waiting!" 

Hello and welcome to my final report for Pedigree Joint Care+

"Oh no, my final one, what I'm I going to do, I'm jobless after today"
"Pull yourself together Tess your a reporter!"

Sorry, on to the report.
Lets do some summing up


1 What is Joint Care+? 
 A daily Treat packed with good things to help with joint mobility 

2 What dogs is it suitable for? 
I think any that are showing signs of joint stiffness

3 Are they a fattening daily treat?
No, Small to Medium dog size 5-25kg contains 49 calories per stick, Large dog size 25kg plus contains 67 calories per stick
Plus they are free from artificial colours or flavours

4 Is it a medicine that will cure you?
No, its a supplement just like taking vitamins, it has naturally occuring ingredients to support a dog's natural body processes  

Do they taste good?
We both like them, so that's a BIG YES

What's the cost?
Because I have been on the trial I didn't have to buy them, but the price compare's very well with other high branded treats. I stopped my tablet supplement and Mom has replaced my nomal daily treat for a Joint Care one. 
Price wise it works out a little more but its worth it.

Would I  recommend them? 
Yes and I don't say that lightly, if they hadn't made a difference I would tell you.

 How do I feel after 6 weeks of Joint Care+?

Yes it has made a big difference, 
I'm so glad Pedigree let me go on the trail

"Come on George, race yea"

 I'll be carrying on taking Joint care+
If your furry friend is getting stiff after sleeping or a walk, give it a go, I think you will be surprised at the difference it makes

Below is a link to Pedigree's Joint Care Page, where you will find all the information you need.

All my reports are at the top of the blog on their own page

This is Tess Bell 
Signing off for Pedigree Joint Care+


Pat said...

Its a treat to see you running and enjoying yourself Tess. So glad these made a difference for you xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think you look they must make a difference. Keep it up, girl.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

WFT Nobby said...

Running around is absolutely my favourite thing (yes, even more than food), and I am so happy that this product has helped you enjoy it more too Tess.
Toodle pip!

Unknown said...

You're so cute, Tess! I love all the pictures of you and George!

May be Eva should try Joint Care+ so she will become as cute as you and as agile as you!

Thanks for the fantastic report, Tess. You're simply the best reporter!

Duke said...

We're so happy to see you running and playing with George, Tess! Joint Care has obviously made a huge difference!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Great report Tess you are cool journalist. Have a great Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Good deal Tess! I saw you were goin so fast that you even got your Dad runnin after ya :D

Lookin forward to your next report. Wonder what you'll be covering then? Bet it will be fun :)

Waggin at ya,

Eileen H said...

You've done a grand job reporting for Joint Care+ Tess, Pedigree the makers are going to be so pleased. You are doing so well on them, glad they have made a difference.
I love that bench on Top of The World!
See you soon
love Eileen and Annie xx

An English Shepherd said...

Good report

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhh mee Uji is gonna givs dem a try mee knows mee is only young to try dem butts after mi leggy surjury it cants hurt to keeps fings supple n none achey . Fank yoo Geaorge n Tess fur dis most helpfuls post


Finn said...

Good to see you running around and enjoying life Tess!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning Tiny Tessy!

Well I am so impressed. I have to say that DAD has also seen remarkable results having taken the same supplements. His knee is in top form and he can walk with me on BIG HILLS with no pain!

Tess, you are fabulous; YOU ARE SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD, GIRLFRIEND! George mi man, she is giving you a RUN FOR YOUR MONEY!!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Good to see you all happy and bouncy Tess..... keep it up....

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Millie and Walter said...

Tess, you sure are a cutie and it is good to see you running and playing with George.


the teacher's pets said...

Looks like you traded up from being a news reporter to being a spokesdog for Pedigree Joint Care and I think you are perfect for this job! The video is proof enough that your joints are keeping you hopping, walking, and climbing so well! Yeah for you!
Loved the video! Please do some more!

Michelle said...

Tess! How wonderful that your joints are feeling better!

Matilda the Boxer said...

I'm glad it's worked for you so well! Momma is looking into getting some of that for my sissy.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Great reporting and photos. You two look like you are having so much fun I wish I could join in. So glad that the joints are doing better. Keep up the good work!!!!

Bocci said...

Great reporting, George and Tess! Pedigree is a great company-and we're sure glad your joints are loosening up and you can have a good run!

Wyatt said...

Great reporting, Tess! You look on top of the world!


J_on_tour said...

Great action shots of you having a good time Tess. It's nice to see you're feeling on top of the world. The seat is quite a find to complete the picture.

Unknown said...

It is so nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.

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Anonymous said...

Great work,
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Anonymous said...

Both dogs are very happy with another..
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Unknown said...

what a love of cute dogs. :)
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Thank you very much for sharing a nice post,it is extremely good.

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