Sunday 12 August 2012

Pedigree Joint Care+ Week Three Tess Reporting

"Mmmm this one maybe?"

"Or this one?"

"Oh I don't know!"

"I'll shut my eyes and pick one"

"GEORGE!! stop posing for that camera and help me pick a ball!!"

"Look I've got to do this weeks Joint Care+ report and you're just not helping"

"Well Tess you wanted to do it, just pick one! it can't be that hard"

Oh no!!! I didn't see you there!!

Hello and welcome back for this weeks report about
 Pedigree Joint Care+

Pedigree wanted to see some action photos.
 So Mom and Dad took me to Snedshill it's one of our local walks.
We took two balls, one that came with my trial pack and a tennis ball. I'm not to good a catching and Mom was worried that the Pedigree ball might knock me out if it landed on my head!!  

Well Joint Care+ really does seam to be making a difference, the other week I tried to jump out of the car! its OK it wasn't moving at the time, Mom was just taking my seat belt off and I just jumped to get out!! Don't know why but she's not let me do it since.
I'm not so stiff, and I'm keeping George active

"isn't that right George!"

Come back next Sunday when I'll be reporting about
 Week four of the trial

Signing off
Tess Bell Reporting for 
Pedigree Joint Care+


Finn said...

Looks like a great outing, I wonder if he ever did help you pick out a ball Tess. Somehow, I don't think big brothers are helpful like that :)

Unknown said...

Great report Tess. Nice to see you. Have a great Sunday all of you.
Best wishes Molly

Eileen H said...

George just doesn't understand that hard to choose is a girl thing :-)
Glad to see that that your Joint Care treats are doing you the world of good Tess.

Millie and Walter said...

Excellent report on your progress. That sure is a lot of balls to choose from. I can see why it would be difficult.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Tess they asked fur ACTION shots and you surely did give them some FINE action and SUPER SCENERY TOO. I am very much glad that this stuffs is working so well fur you!!!

LOVED the Pics and The ... back and forth conversation between YOU and George... REALLY FUN.

Ruby said...

You are movin' GREAT there Tess!! It really seems to make a difference. That is great news! Please tell George to try any be more helpful!



Duke said...

We loved your video, Tess. Look at you racing down those steps!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

ann @ studiohyde said...

Looks like this Joint Care is helping you, from the video you look to be quite happy moving especially up and down the steps.

meowmeowmans said...

That looks like a great outing! That joint care sure seems to be working for you! :)

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow...Tess, you do look rather active. Looks like that stuff really does work.

PeeS....You sure have more energy than me! BWHahahahaha

houndstooth said...

Hee hee! Looks like you might be a little too active for poor George, Tess!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're so happy you're not stiff anymore and you certainly look active to us.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

sprinkles said...

Shiver would be in Heaven if here had access to that many balls at once. He's obsessed with them.

I'm glad the Pedigree seems to be helping with your joints.

WFT Nobby said...

Great report there Tess. Looks like George has a rival for the steps thing too. And wath pretty views from Snedshill.
Toodle pip!

Leigh said...

So glad you're not so stiff any more Tess - that's great news. I wouldn't jump out of the car again though :-) take care - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Frank The Tank said...

Hi George and Tess!
My name is Frank and I'm Furiends with Rubie and Magic the Shanuzers and have now found you!! Wahoo!
I've heard a lot about you!
Awww poor George did he ever pick a ball for you to play with?? I am really glad to see that that your Joint Care treats are working for you Tess! I love the Denta sticks! Yummers! You have had a really good play time and some amazing adventures, will be following you from now on!
Have a great day and enjoy those tennis balls!
Love, Licks and Hugs from your new Furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

TESSY DEAREST!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been away for one full week and I have missed my friends so much. I am so happy to see that you are feeling better and from what I can see, your performance is TOP!!!

Dad is really feel great himself; I told you that he is taking some pills with the same nutrients as your treatment and he has NOT had pain! YIPEEEEEE!!!!!

Much love to you all!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, sorry we have been out of action a bit and didn't know you were having problems with your hip. Glad to see it seems to be going ok with your care and supplements. We loved your video, you live in a beautiful place for sure. See ya soon and there is one thing mum wants to say, SQUEEEEEEEE!! That's cause she just LOVES your header photo. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

julee said...

those little cute legs look like they are working just fine getting up all those steps.

You are just so darn cute!

Thanks for another report!


Oui Oui said...

Tess and George, you are so cute together. What a beautiful place you live in! And so serene too. How lucky you are.

Thank you for the condolences on the passing of my mother. Its so difficult realizing she is gone, but the manner of her passing and the kindness of our friends has made it a little easier to bear. Thank you and God bless you.

Paula & The Twinkletoe Tails Gang

Bocci said...

What a great post! Those photos are priceless-:)
We just love Pedigree and glad to see that Tess is doing better!