Tuesday 7 August 2012

A Blogging Friend and a Walk Over The River in the Sky

We had a ride out to 
  On Sunday to meet our blogging friend Eileen, husband Martyn and Annie From

Annie joined me on Saturday Steps back in April

go via LINK to see it 

Annie and Tess didn't stop talking. 
Mom and Eileen were the same, what is it with girls!
The plan was to walk through the country park taking a dip in the river on the way and walk across the river in the sky!!

Eileen said "Annie doesn't like water"
Mmm, not sure that's right Eileen

Tess on one of her Zoomies!

I'm sure she's getting webbed feet

Tess and Annie, still talking!!

There it is the river in the sky!

126ft high
Yes we walked across it!!

We had to climb all the steps to get there.

Narrow boats waiting their turn to go across

We stopped for a drink a the pub right by the canal, just to steady our nerves

Their water had a lovely taste to it, like beef!!

Eileen had brought loads of treats that she shared out to the three of us, thanks Eileen

Tess some how ended up on Eileen lap!! 

Making our way to the aqueduct

Its 1,007ft(307m)long
11ft(3.4m) wide
5.25ft(1.60m) deep
126ft High

and no rail on the water side!!

Look how tiny that dog is

That's all the steps we had to climb

Keep walking don't look down.

Nearly half way across

There's not that much room

We made it to the other side, just got to walk all the way back!!

Can we hop on this boat to go back?

that's a no then!!

It feels like it was all a dream.

We had a lovely day, it did take some nerve to cross the aqueduct, Eileen's face was a picture when Mom said
 "We have to walk back across it" 
Well done Mom and Eileen both don't like heights.
 I think me,Tess and Annie helped them get across.

Eileen gave Mom a very special gift

Its a pottery Welsh Terrier.
Eileen's Mom and Dad always had Welsh Terriers, so she grew up with our breed.
Thank you so much, for giving us your treasured Welsh Terrier.
 We will look after it.

Eileen has a blog post about our day

Have a Good Week
See yea George and Tess xxx
Thanks for the treat bag Eileen:) we've not started on them yet


Matilda the Boxer said...

What a fun day! I've never walked by a river in the sky before. It sounds exciting and just a little skeery!

Finn said...

What a great outing! You did good helping the peeps with their fear of heights!

julee said...

I've never seen such a thing! Casey's right....'a river in the sky'. We had to blow up the picture to make sure we weren't seeing things. Very interesting!

You guys were very brave to help your momma and Eileen across.

Annie is beautiful - off to say hello to her.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a special gift!

We're so happy to see Tess running around and in the water. Maybe the special treats are working.

You are so brave going over the Aqueduct.......SHE would have had to crawl...hates heights.

Looks like another great walk. We enjoy seeing all the great sights you have around you. We just have crops.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Michelle said...

George and Tess,
What a brave couple you are! I always love seeing your adventures and so nice that you had a friend along.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Wow!! What a beautiful and interesting place to take a walk!! However I'm afraid I'd have to admire the view from the ground though, I even get dizzy on bleachers!! :-)!!!

Millie and Walter said...

Looks like you all had a fun adventure with your friends. There is no way I would walk across that bridge though.


verobirdie said...

This bridge is truly amazing. Not sure I would have been comortable on it...

Eileen H said...

Hi George,
You've made me feel queasy all over again :-) It was a lovely day out and one I'll always remember!

WFT Nobby said...

What a thrilling day George. You have some great friends, and that aquaduct is amazing. Tess looks on good form too, doing zoomies and all. How did her hips cope with all those steps?
Toodle pip!

sprinkles said...

That was a LOT of steps to walk up and down!

Duke said...

Your pictures were making our mom all week-kneed! She doesn't like heights either!
The pottery Welshie is just beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Great pix. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Leigh said...

What an amazing day out. I would like to visit that river in the sky :-) Those treats looked tasty too - woofs and licks from Magic xx

William the Lurcher said...

Very impressed with your walk...(although my mum thinks she would be too scared to walk across something that high up)...looks like you had a great time with your friends. Mum is going to pop over to their blog and have a nosey about..lol.

Laurie Eno said...

I just adore this blog and these dogs. Thank you for allowing me the pleasure of journeying with you across the miles!

Big Corgi Love!

Taryn said...

As always, lovely views for taking a walk. I wish my walks were as picturesque as yours!

Cranberry Morning said...

I am so jealous! That looks like such a great walk - and so fun to see Tess and Annie, just two girls out having a good chat. I've seen photos of that aqueduct before and would love to visit there! Maybe some day. What a nice gift of the little ceramic Welsh Terrier! :-)

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I'm happy that Eileen didn't "dog-nap" Tess.... we couldn't cope without her!! I can't believe that the river went up that high...... never ever seen anythingy like that before!

Tail Wuggles, your sis, Rubie xxxx

meowmeowmans said...

What an amazing adventure! How neat that those boats go across the aqueduct like that. You are all quite brave to walk across it ... it's so high! :)

Sweet William The Scot said...

Love looking at the pictures, but I could never walk across. We are deathly afraid of heights. Just the look of the distance wore me out. I do love boats.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful pottery Welsh Terrier. What a treasured gift :)

Luv the aqueduct with the boats crossing. How did the boats get up there? Were there lots of locks? Just curious :)

Waggin at ya,