Saturday 16 June 2012

Saturday Steps with Mr Pim at Westonbury Mill Water Gardens

Mr Pim is on his steps

He's working on his Oak Tower which will have a viewing platform on the first floor and a water powered mechanism that will work the clock and make a large bird sing every hour!!

Mr Pim's garden is open to the public.

Its dog friendly so we got to have a look around
There are all sorts of interesting things to look at.
We would just like to say at this point that 
"dogs on leads are allowed in the garden"
 we had our leads on all the time Mom photo shops them off.
We don't want to miss lead anyone

We arrived at midday, dad can't do anything without having a cup of tea

We had to wait while they had dinner!!

"George just what is that thing?"

"Its a water wheel, I think!"

"its taking the water to the top of the tower, I can see steps George"

  "Look I know I like steps but these are a bit on the slippy side"

"The water must be filling up the tower!"

"Wow, quick look at this"

"The water's coming out of the funny face"

"and seagulls flying around"

"Heck Tess they aren't seagulls they're Doves that live in the tower"

"come on lets take a look at this"

"someone likes wine!"

"It says in the leaflet that its made out of 5,000 wine bottles"

"The reflection in the pond is amazing"

"They don't look like Wine bottles" 

"I bet Dad could make us a dog house out of his beer bottles"

"Come on Tess nearly at the top"

 "are you going to look, I can see a bridge"

"Tess this is how you cross a bridge, don't look down and keep walking. Are you listening?"

"I can't look, she won't do it"

"don't look down and keep walking, don't look down and keep walking,  George I'm almost there"

"Well done Tess, I thought Mom would have to carry you across"
"I just closed my eyes"

"George do you think we might get some tea, I could do with a rest"

 While we're having a break Mom can show you some more photos 

We enjoyed our time at 

So I'm going to give Mr Pim and his gardens my 4 Paws up award

We will be going back when he has finished the giant water powered cuckoo clock.

Have a Good Week
Love and Hugs George and Tess xxx


Finn said...

What a great outing. I would have liked to help a certain someone empty all those wine bottles!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wow.....what a great place to spend the day. There sure isn't any dog-friendly places around here like that. We're green with jellyness!

Have a nice weekend.

Millie and Walter said...

All of those pictures are beautiful! What a lovely place to visit.


Taryn said...

What a lovely and charming garden! I wish I could see it. Your photographs are gorgeous!

Michelle said...

What a simply beautiful garden! I love the wine bottle house. So creative! Thank you, Tess and George, for the tour!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

George and Tess, you just go to the most amazing places! Thanks for taking us along. We loved it.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

verobirdie said...

This may be my favourite tour with you so far. Beautiful garden indeed

Eileen H said...

That certainly looks a fabulous place to visit and all Mom's photos are lovely as always. Of course we have to say hello to Mr Pim on his steps. Glad you both made it safely across that bridge, you're both so brave :-)

Unknown said...

Hey George , what a lovely place and Mr Pim is so cool! Stunning garden and what a great job they have done. Glad you had good weather. Have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

What an awesome place! The wine bottle house is amazing! Gorgeous photos - just gorgeous!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

A most excellent garden!! Loved that wine bottle hut. And the water wheel. Heck, we liked all those lovely photos. Have a great weekend.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Rose H (UK) said...

Great place, lovely photos :o)
ButI thought Dad only operated after a drink of beer ;o)
See you both soon
Auntie Rose

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OK, I have had MY tea and now I am ready to comment.

First of all, YOU TWO are again, the best tour guides in all of the UK! Tessy, good work. Your big brotha is very attentive and he is teaching you well how to safely cross a bridge. PAWS UP TO MR. PIM for allowing dogs to enter into his fabulous garden.

Secondly, JAN DEAR!!!!! YOUR PHOTOS ARE JUST EXQUISITE and I am impressed with the clarity and color that you have captured here. Those doves!!!!!!!!

My sweet friends, I bid you a fabulous day of WONDER AND DELIGHT! Anita

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh George and Tess, you've done it again! Another great tour for your loyal followers! I laughed out loud when I read 'I bet Dad could build us a dog house out of his beer bottles.' LOL The photos are fantastic and if I'd only known to turn west at Leominster when we visited the area. Sorry I missed Westonbury Water Gardens, but then it was fun to go on the tour with y'all. Thanks.♥

Sherry said...

That is definitely an award-worthy place. I think you could happily spend the whole day there, especially with that tea and dinner, which I hope the people shared with you!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

George and Tess, that was absolutely fabulous. We are so amazed that you get to visit some of these beautiful places. Thanks so much for sharing it. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

The Thuglets said...

What an amazing place. We loved the wine bottle house!
Tess you are becoming a very brave young lady..Geeorge is teaching you well!Fab photos.
Have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Unknown said...

This is absolutely one of the most beautiful places to visit! I think my dad would be busy taking pictures of the Gardens instead of me if we were there.

Thanks for sharing the pictures, your mom is a very good photographer.

hi-d said...

George & Tess are so cute!!! So sweet...and your photography is AMAZING!!!

Thanks so much for visiting me. I'm glad you liked my Paris post.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh I think if I were there it would feel like heaven on earth. Loved every inch of the garden. That wine bottle abode looks as colorful as the Muchroom House in Cincinnati.
Replied back to your e-mail about the music tune.
Thanks for being a friend,
Sweet William The Scot

Wyatt said...

Wow! What a great place. Love the big Gunnera plant and the bridge and the WINE BOTTLES and the fountain! But mostly we love you 2 dogs (New collars? Very fetching!)


Stanzie and Wyatt

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey George - we loved looking at that walk....and mum LOVED that wine bottle house....she keeps getting' that look in her eyes - that creative one!! She can't fit one of those in our current backyard.....but the next one???? I'll tell dad dad if she starts to stock-pile bottles somewhere....BOL!

Tail Wuggles, your blogging sis, Rubie xxx

PeeS: I hope you are training for the Blogville Olympics - in particular MY event!!??

meowmeowmans said...

Those were some amazing steps, George and Tess! We loved the dove pictures, and the wine bottle hut, too! :)

Hugs to you both!

BordoggyTerrier said...

GruffHello George! What a brilliant paw plod about of a day you all had there - Mummy2Legs' eyes lit up when she saw the wine bottles! Wish I was there with you! Take care, Barnie x

Laurie Eno said...

What a lovely post! You two are adorable ... so much so, in fact, that even though I rarely read non-Corgi blogs, I've subscribed to yours.

Keep on keepin' on!

J_on_tour said...

I've never heard of this place but I certainly enjoyed being shown around here on your adventure. Your Mum has put a tremendous amount of work into this post & thanks for giving her the time to take in some of the other scenery here. I love the third and last photo of you both.
Awesome capture of the doves in flight, macro stuff, the boat, reflective house and the gate/vanishing point ( my kinda thing ;-) ). Humorous comparison of the steps in the first two images with the text link, lastly great lunch photo finished off with a trip to the wine cellar ... I'd love to spend some time in there ... with the camera of course :-)

Anonymous said...

George and Tess,
Mom and I would have to give the Mill Pond walkie 4 paws up and a mock 7 tail wag! Wow!!! What a place! :D
Would really like to see a grotto made for yaz out of your Dad's beer bottles ;) Hardy Har Har :)

Mom went gagga over the wine bottle grotto and the cool reflection shot your Mom got. She just oo'd and ah'd and oo'd and ah'd so much I think her face muscles are sore ;P

She's seen these houses built in Arizona? that use this technique in some of the walls (gives light and insulation). Really cool and the house are like very self sufficient off grid types :)

Beautiful play your park :) Thanks for all the scenic photos!

Waggin at ya,