Tuesday 5 June 2012

The Tess.. June Issue With Jubilee Post and Giveaway

 Headline News

Colin's New Hair Cut




My Nick Names!!


Jubilee Post


A Give Away


Hello and welcome to this months Tess 
We have a lot to get through.
Go get yourself a cup of tea first, its a long one! 

Colin's New Hair Cut  

This is what Colin looked like last month!! as you know we couldn't wait to see what he looked like when he came back from the groomers

Bow Wow, Colin you do look better, George I think could do with a tidy up



Welsh Terrier's as far as the eye can see.

We started the walk at 
and walked to the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct. It was one of the hottest days of the year, we got to paddle in the river

 I don't quite know why but Mom said something about melting in the heat, and put the camera away!! so we haven't got any more photos, bad show Mom.
She has said we will go back when its not so hot. 


My Nick Names

"can I tell them Tess"

"No George I will"

I'm sure most of you have nick name's
Our blogging friend Sarge was organising The Nick Name Game a couple of weeks ago. We so wanted to join in but mom is just not playing ball and letting us on the laptop much these days!!

Most of my nick name are OK I don't mind them.

Tiny Tess
Shabby Chic

Oh, but I'm so embarrassed, I've been called
Pong go

Its not my fault, I've had to stop the swimming for a couple of weeks as I have got a yeast build up in my coat!!
I get bathed in medicated soap that has to be left on for 10 minutes!! do you know how hard it is to stay that still!!

I smell sweet and will be back to swimming this next Saturday.
"You do smell a lot better Tess, I don't think that nick name will stick"


Jubilee Post

 The Queen is Celebrating her 
We would just like to say congratulations. 
Lots of folks all over the world have been celebrating 

We didn't get to celebrate until the Monday, on Saturday Dad was busy doing the sound for an afternoon of music in the local high street, while Mom took photos

He got to play and sing 

We missed seeing Ben and Jenny

Even Colin was there!

Sunday was a complete wash out, raining cats and dogs!!
We were going to be in a dog show at the local park, but its been postponed to a later date!!

Time for a Grand Day Out

"Ok Dad I'm going to tell them!"
We're at Attingham Park.

Celebrating a Grand Day Out with
 Wallace and Gromit

Its shaun the sheep on the big screen

Look, we met Wallace and Gromit

Link to The Wallace & Gromit web page

Back home in time to watch
The Diamond Jubilee Concert 
Hip Hip Hooray to The Queen


A Give Away

Yes one lucky winner will get all of the above

The National Trust Magazine with my write up in 
Best of British book
Book on Breakfast recipes 
A signed photo of me
Two Wallace & Gromit post cards
A Wallace & Gromit fridge magnet

All you have to do is leave a comment
Or send me an email with your name
please put in the subject line give away.

This is open to anyone inside and outside the UK 

The draw will close on 11th June 

All name's will be put in a bucket and the winner will be announced
on Wednesday 13th

Its a wrap for this month's Tess

Have a Good Week
Love George and Tess xxx 


sprinkles said...

Oh boy, me and the boys definitely want in on this giveaway!

Looking at that breakfast cookbook reminded me of another one of your giveaways that I won. It included a cookbook too. There were several recipes I had wanted to try and never did. Just might have to get on that! bol

You've sure two been busy!

Finn said...

We do love a giveaway!

I love your nicknames! And what a great haircut there too!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD TESS... I think your nicknames are all CUTE.

I am soooooo so sorry that you had to take that 10 HOUR soak in the suds. BUTT If you skin and furs feel better I guess it was worth it.

YOUR DAD got to Play Guitar fur the QUEEN's JUBILEE? FANGtastic.

I love your river pictures. That must have felt heavenly on a hot day.. Why didn't your mum get in there and cool off with you?

I have been watchin the Jubilee stuffs on Our News. The Queen was ON the river ... butt not IN it like you and George were. That was a beautiful Red Barge she was riding in.
You did a Wonderful job with this Post...

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that was a great report, Tess! We especially liked the part about the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. And Wallace and Gromit, too! :)

We would LOVE to be entered in your giveaway.


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Tess, when I saw your sweet face on my blog roll I had to come see what you were up to..
Great post, you and George are really a pair...
Best to mom and dad.. Hope to see you at the Paris Party at Anitas.. Bebe will also be attending.
Great giveaway... I will leave it for someone on your side of the world... This would make for a long journey.

Ruby said...

Ooooo, I do love a giveaway! You can count me in!

You guys are the bestest! Tess, I 'm sure you didn't smell that bad - ma says I could make a skunks nose curl after about two months without a bath. I don't know what she's talking about - I think she's been hittin' the sauce again. (wink,wink)

Great pics of the jubilee! Sure looks like everyone had a good time.


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hiya Tess,

Are blogging sisters allowed to enter?

Anywho, I loved your pics and it looks like some great events! Your dad reminds me of mine with his music and stuffs.

We are gonna watch the big queens concert tonight - we couldn't watch it live because we were sleeping.

Be good, tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Rose H (UK) said...

What a shame you missed out on your show :o( Hope it's not postponed too long...
Dad looks COOL ;o)
Please PASS THE PARCEL on the giveaway, as fantastic as it is I already have your autograph(s)!
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That was a lot of information! We noticed that George didn't give away any of his nicknames.

Maybe next time you should dunk your mum in the water, so she'll cool off and be able to take more photos of you gorgeous pups.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Eileen H said...

What a great giveaway George, Annie has entered via email on my behalf :-)
We would have loved to have joined you on the walk,it sure was a hot, hot day. Cooling off in the river looked like a fab idea.
We like your nicknames Tess except for Pong go!!! Glad you're smelling sweeter now.
Well done to Dad for playing in your high street Jubilee celebrations, it looked fun and the Wallace and Gromit day out looked really Grand!

Love Eileen and Annie xx

Duke said...

What a fun post! We love your British collars, George and Tess!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

WFT Nobby said...

Hi there George and Tess, so good to read all your news. But seeing that picture of newly trimmed Colin has made Gail reach for the stripping knife, so this will only be brief as I need to go and hide in the front room. Time only to say that Gail and I are very envious that you got to meet Wallace and Gromit.
Toodle pip!

Posie said...

Oh ma gooderyness, Tess, me n ma mummer reelly enjoyered readin yoor posht! Whot buziee doggies yoo n george iz!! Dats cool dat yoor dadd was da jubileee myooozishun!! yeah! I fink Pong go is funny, butt iz sorry to heer aboowt awll dat mederkated shampoo, derr is nuthin wurse, pyuuookgh! Oooh i'z lovv wallace n gromitt so pleeese cownt a commint as an entriiiee, oh boyz, i loves compertishuns! Yeah eets troo! love n likkers, pdorg xox

(PeeS mummer says yoo haz sutch an adorible facey Tess!!!)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

PUT ME IN YOUR DRAW for these prizes, Georgie and Tessy! (Some of my nick names for you two!)

Oh, this was a fabulous write up today and ALWAYS with the best of photos to accompany! TIDY TESS is a good one too, for you are every so clean my little one! GEORGE MI MAN is another of my favorites, for YOU DA MAN GEORGE....YOU DA MAN......

Friends, you always make us smile. And BOW WOW to my British friends! LOVE YA ALL!

Chicco said...

Hello dear friends,

OMG! A giveaway! i want to partecipate!!! Can i put your giveaway on my blog on the right bar?

I love your new haircut, and you should not be ashamed about your nicknames, i have some embarassing nicknames too.
Oh, you certainly had a lot of fun in the river!!!
Have a nice week.
Woof, woof,


Leigh said...

What an action packed post Tess! Great updates on your activities. Colin definitely looks smarter after that haircut - he's lucky it was just a trim. My little girl Trilby is having all her puppy fluff pulled out :-( Lovely shots of the Union Jacks - our local street party was washed out too but we still had fun indoors. Count us in on your giveaway - that's a cool collection of goodies - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Taryn said...

George and Tess....Is that your toy box in the corner to the left of the television? It looks like you have plenty of toys!

Throw my name in the hat for the giveaway, please!

Sally said...

Wow - that was one action packed post. We have joined WELTAF walks down here too - and always enjoy them. Love seeing all those terriers in one place.

We watched the Jubilee celebrations too - but from the comfort of our dry and comfy couch. Rain can make our hair so frizzy ;-)

Love the nicknames - Sally is sometimes called Smelly because of her skin problems. We use a few products too - but we are now trying Dorwest herbs for skin complaints - will let you know how we get on and if it helps. Standing in a tub for 10 minutes is impossible for any terrier!

Love the giveaway - especially the signed photo of you! Very handsome in a Clark Gable kind of way...

Lots of licks,

Sally , Paddy, Klaus and foster Honey

Unknown said...

What an interesting newsy post! Those happenings sound really fun and we love all your pictures.

Your dad looks cool with his guitar and he sings! How nice to have a dad who can sing and plays the guitar. I really admire you two.

Oh, we'd like to take part in your giveaway, we especially love the National Trust Magazine with your write up and the signe photo of you.

While the whole country is celebrating the Diamond Jubilee, my silly sister Rosie is having her fun time in Berlin. Sigh! She has missed all the fun.


Unknown said...

Lovely post and happy jubilee!
Best wishes Molly

verobirdie said...

You have been very busy!
I always like to see talking to each other, you are so sweet.

The Black and Tans. said...

You have both been very busy! Sorry to hear about your skin problems Tess, a girl really doesn't want to have problems with her furs.

We sat and watched the Jubilee concert too. OK we snored our way through some of the acts but on the whole we thoroughly enjoyed howling along to the music.

Your giveaway is most generous and we would love to be included in the draw.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Asta said...

Love that yoo aways have so much news fow us

I think yoow fwiends' haiwcut looks smashing. Makes me want to go get spwooced up too
Thewe's no need fow yoo to be embawwaced about that nickname I know by now you smell sweet as oosual and you'll be able to get back to thatlovely pool fow yoow excewcises

I have my cuppa. Ackshooly, have been having quite a few while viewing all the joobilee doings. Hip hip huwwah gow yoow lovely queen. It made me wish I too could be pawt of gweat Bwitain. I wish I coold come have a dwink at yoow pub to toast hew and heaw youw Dad play his moosic
Smoochie kisses to you and sweet Geowge

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, what a great month you've had. Colin's haircut looks cool (our Dad Colin wishes he had that much hair hehehe). Your walk look good and the swimming looked even better!

We like your nicknames but Tiny Tess is the best one! We watched the Jubilee concert on TV last night. Lots of wonderful performers. How cool that your Dad got to play and sing at the local celebration. We loved his photos.

Wallace and Grommit, we love them heaps and will definitely be in your competition. See ya soon mates. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Sherry said...

OMG!! That first nick name photo was so cute that I hardly paid attention to the rest. That's a photo to frame and keep on the wall!

The Thuglets said...

Tess... what a pawsome post. So much news. Sorry to hear about your skin problem, and we hope you are soon as good as new.
We were tortures and had to listen to the jubilee concert (the good the bad and the dreadful) and found the opera singer lady the best for howling too!!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

julee said...

Good gracious you are so busy Tess.

I think your nick name should be 'Tess-a-licious" You are so darn cute!

We met a Welsh Terrier at the Farmers Market. His name was Utley after baseball player in Philadelphia. Sorry no pic but he was a cutie pie.

Your walks are still our favorite to 'visit' Thank you again for continuing to post.

Congrats to the Queen! We watched alittle of the celebrations too! The Brits DO know how to party!

Violet and peeps

Anonymous said...

Gosh George and Tess that was quite the bouncing ball! You'd think as a dog I'd have no trouble following it butt I have to admit, I had to back up and refind and reretrieve it numerous times BOL!

Tess, so glad you no longer have the nickname Pong Go ;)

Great time in the water! Bummer it was so hot your Mom melted. How come she didn't get in the water with y'all and cool off? ;P

What fun the Queen's Jubilee is! Did your Dad play a Welsh song? Bet he had a grand time pawticipatin :)

Catch up with you two again soon! :D

Waggin at ya,

Sage said...

That was quite the newsletter, Tess! I've seen a bit of the jubilee--quite the show! And speaking of shows, your Dad looks like he was having fun. That's the best kind, I think.

Pee Ess: I still can't believe you ate a slug, Tess. I'm in awe!

J_on_tour said...

Wow what a mammoth post. It's great to seeing you all having a good time & getting involved. The captions and photography are great too.