Saturday 30 June 2012

Saturday Steps with Finn and a LINK

We found some steps, it was a close shave as the rain didn't stop until late Sunday afternoon. 
I've done these steps before, its our train station and no there's not 397 of them!!

"Ok Finn over to you"

Hewwwow!  I'm Finn, and I live with my Momma and Pops in New York.  Some people say it's the big apple, but we really don't have any large apples around here, I just don't know what's that all about.
Anyway, here I am last fall on some steps to a place called
 a moo-seee-um, it was a historic house where Momma used to work and I got to go with her every day. 
The house was built between 1918-1921 and was called a Gold Coast mansion.  I dunno about that either because we never got any gold there.  Momma says it was the North Shore of Long Island, and back in the 1920s, it was where the elite from New York City came and spent their weekends, like the characters in The Great Gatsby.  The house was in a park and some people who worked there made sure it was decorated for every season, and we love the mums they put out in the fall.  And here I am sitting on the steps to front door.  Where's the butler?  Someone let me in!!

Ok, that's enough rambling for me
Hope you like my steps!

"Thanks for joining me this week Finn, mom loves that door and the flowers are beautiful, of course my eyes are on the steps!"

You can go visit Finn at


I also have a link to a blogging friend that's doing Saturday Steps this weekend
So go give

A Visit

If you have a blog and and would like to do your own Saturday Steps like Sophie drop me an email I'll link it to your blog.

Or you can be a guest on my blog, just send in a little about yourself and a photo of you on some Steps

I will send an email back to let you know what Saturday you will be here with me.
Remember you don't have to have a blog or be a dog to join me
 I welcome all friends

Thanks Finn and Sophie.

This months Tess will be out sometime this week

See Yea Soon
Love George xxx


Finn said...

I like your train station steps! :) And mine too!

Cranberry Morning said...

George, I enjoyed the post! And now I remember who you remind me of: Geoffrey Palmer! (probably when he was younger and more handsome like you.) :-)

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi George,
Well that was fun!
So nice to meet you Fin... Hey George, tell mom I LOVE that door also..
My love to Tess..

Michelle said...

Always nice to see your steps George!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Bro' - good to see the rain stopped long enough for you to do your stuff. Ma says sorry she didn't get time to send you my steps stuff!! Humph!!! We will get our rears into gear soon I promise!

Tail Wuggles, your sis, Rubie xxx

WFT Nobby said...

Hi there George and Finn,
I too had always wondered about that Big Apple thing.
So no apples today but the flowers are gorgeous.
Toodle pip!
PS Did the butler show up?

sprinkles said...

I know Finn! How cool that she participated in this. These are always my favorite posts because I love to get to to see your beautiful country. Finn's steps are pretty cool too!

Eileen H said...

Hi George,
Glad the rain stopped long enough for you to find some steps!
Finn's steps in New York are very pretty with all those flowers and Finn is pretty lovely too :-) I'll pop over to say hello to Finn and Sophie.
Love Eileen and Annie xx

Unknown said...

Looking good as ever George and nice one today! We love Finn and Sophie. Have a great Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Finn looks beautiful posing with all of the pretty mums!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Leigh said...

Beautiful photo of Finn on the steps...and interesting to read about that place. Great station pic too - have a great weekend - woofs and licks from Magic xx

William the Lurcher said...

Hope the train arrived, looks pretty quiet there to me! Mum enjoyed reading about Finn (she almost sneezed when she saw all those flowers though)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE MI MAN!!!!!! Is Tessy alright? HOW ARE YOU? Oh, I suspect mum is busy as ever, but you look handsome as ever and ready to tackle the WORLD! Fabulous to see you again old thing.....have a great weekend! LOVE!

fromsophiesview said...

Jeepers Creepers those steps look mighty scary next to the train tracks...I'd be on a leash there...I'm sure!
Happy Saturday Steps everyone!
Sophie Doodle

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Beautiful flowers, and steps, of course. Finn is gorgeous as well.

xXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sweet William The Scot said...

Hellooo George & Tess ~ Oh I know Finn and visit him also. You just tell that rain to stop raining during the day so you guys can get out and about. Cincinnati where I live is seven hills we have steps every where you go.
Sweet William The Scot

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey George,

Yer the steppin-est dog that I have ever come across....I can tell ya that here in the is hot as Hates....and no one wants ta walk up steps in this heat unless they have ta....and if yer sick of rain....just point it in this direction cause we can sure use it. If I ever come across any interestin' steps...I will post about it just fer ya! But I won't walk up ' siree.....

Dewey Dewster here....