Saturday 7 April 2012

Saturday Steps with Wilson and Jimmy

Wilson and Jimmy are joining
 me and Tess on this weeks
 Saturday Steps

 We have something in common,
 Me and Tess are Welsh Terrier's
Wilson and Jimmy are Cardigan Welsh Corgi's, they are herding dogs

Over to Taryn to tell you some more

Wilson, brindle and white, is almost 9.
Jimmy, black and white, is almost 5.

We live just outside Washington, DC. (You would think I could get some good Steps there, but never seem to take the boys downtown! Someday....)

Both boys are trained in dog agility and both have dabbled a teeny-tiny bit in herding sheep. Their favorite activity is probably swimming. It would be the sheep herding but it is way too expensive and a long drive!

As always, love hearing from George and Tess on their blog, and especially seeing your beautiful English countryside!

A totally un-dog related comment...I've only been to England once, for a week, back in the 90's, in early June. Our visit coincided with the Queen's birthday celebration, just as a fluke, we didn't plan it. So we of course watched the parade. The Queen passed right in front of us in her horse-drawn carriage, just a few feet away.....Now, consider that I've lived just outside Washington, DC for almost 30 years and have never seen any of our Presidents up close! I guess I got really lucky on that trip to London. 


Thanks Taryn

Mom's not seen any Royals, so you did get lucky.

  Wilson and Jimmy you always pose so well together,
any tips that I can pass onto Tess!! 
You can visit Wilson and Jimmy Via this link
If you would like to be a guest on Saturday Steps, just send in a photo of you on some steps, and a little about yourself, remember you don't have to have a blog to join me
I will send you an email back saying which Saturday you will be here with me

Happy Easter
 Love and Hugs
George and Tess xxx


Finn said...

Those are some nice steps! That's a pretty funny story from Taryn too about the Queen! Have a good Sarurday!

Michelle said...

So nice that you have some lovely friends across the pond!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Bro' and Tess - great post with Wilson and Jimmy. I like their names.

Yes - I've forgiven mum, but really - she can step over the "personal space" line sometimes. The bunny ears were not too bad - you should have seen the treats I scored - and then dad rescued me and we went for a long walk. Mum could not believe how long I kept them on for - but they didn't pinch into my head so I was relieved about that!

Anywho - Happy Easter to you two and your Peeps!

Tail Wuggles, Your sis, Rubie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Very nice to meet you Wilson and Jimmy. My mom and dad have been to Washington D.C..

Happy Easter to you George, Tess, Wilson, and Jimmy.

Taryn said...

Thanks so much for posting my boys! It's great for them to get a moment close to their native Wales! Maybe someday I'll actually take a trip to Cardiganshire.....

Rose H (UK) said...

I like your guests George, shame it's too far to journey to herd the sheep though.
Thank you for your visit and (cheeky) comment George! Sorry no pet recipes, and there's not a lot of chocolate at our house :o( but I'll see what I can do before Sunday!
See you then, lots of love
Auntie Rose xx xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great story.

SHE saw the queen 'just outside Washington DC' years and years ago when her limo went past...Bruhaahaahaa!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

The Daily Pip said...

Hey George and Tess,

How nice to share your Saturday steps with friends. Wilson and Jimmy look like a couple of pros on those steps!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

Your pal, Pip

meowmeowmans said...

Hi George and Tess!

How nice of you to share your steps with your friends around the world. :)

Happy Easter to you both, and to your Mum and Dad, too.


Eileen H said...

Hi George and Tess,

It's a great idea sharing your Saturday steps with your friends. I am definitely going to go and look for some steps this weekend :-) Nice to meet Wilson and Jimmy... and Taryn wrote a lovely story.

Happy Easter to you both. Have a great weekend.

Love from Eileen and Annie xx

Chicco said...

Hello George and Tess,

It's nice you met two new friends!Have a great Easter full of happiness with all your family.
Woof, woof,


Duke said...

Wilson and Jimmy are very handsome boys! How cool that they joined you for your Saturday steps!

Love ya lots,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING YOU TWO, THREE, FOUR wonderful correspondents and reporters! Tessy dearest, do you need a little lesson on how to stay still? How is your leggy my dear? And the swimming classes? Dear George, old man, you look the distinguished one, looking after little sister! Are you both going on an Easter BUNNY HUNT?????? Be kind! Give the bunny a good run for his money, but no biting!


Andi's English Attic said...

I like the names Wilson and Jimmy. Handsome dogs.

Elsie got mistaken for a Lakeland Terrier this morning. You would think her accent would have given it away!

Have a great Easter. xx

Cassie said...

This is such a cool post. SO nice of you to open up Saturday Steps to all. Happy Easter to you and the family!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Looks like you have a lot of fun outside! And makes it extra nice that you have someone to share it with.
Wishing you the best at Easter time and sending love and cheers across the miles.

Piappies World said...

Happy Easter, George and Tess!


Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi George and Tess, we love your visitors for Saturday Steps. Its always great to meet new friends. Wilson and Jimmy look like cool dudes. We will go visit. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Patrice said...

Your friends are quite cute!

julee said...

Happy Easter to you too George and Tess.
Your new buddies are beautiful and lucky to 'walk' with you.

Violet and peeps

Scooter said...

Wow, Wilson & Jimmy have a great set of steps there! Nice pix of them and it's really fun to see your furiends steppin' out! BOL.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Leanne said...

hello! Not sure how I found myself here
(bloghopping again!) but I had to leave a comment..
you see, I know another George
who has his own blog too!!
to check it out, go to my blog
and click the tab 'George' at
the top!! I am not quite sure what your George would make of him though!!


(memo to self- must update blogs! lol)

your Geirge isa fab too, by the way!!

Leanne x

sprinkles said...

Wow, having the queen pass right in front of your house is pretty impressive!

I hope you're all having a very Happy Easter!

The Thuglets said...

Happy Easter George and Tess. We hope you had a lovely time.
Nice to meet your guests on Saturday steps.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Asta said...

Geowge and Tess
Thank you fow intwodoocing youw cool fwiends Wilson and Jimmy
They suwe know how to pose pawfectly on those steps..they sound like soopew cool doggies
I hope you two had a most wondewful Eastew wif some yummie tweats and lovely walks
Smoochie kisses
I have some mowe steps on my smileybox. I can nevew pass any wifout thinking of you

The Black and Tans. said...

Hope you had a good Easter George and Tess. It rained and rained here... at least we managed zoomies around the coffee table.

Ryker said...

Fun post. I got to do a little herding with some Corgis and they are pretty talented dogs.

Posie said...

Ma nayme is Posie, I iz a borderr terrior n I iz simperly lovin yer blog lots n lots... n sutch pretty doggies on herre too!

p-dorg xox

lady jicky said...

Hi Big Boy!
We just found your blog and we are in Luv!!
Kisses from Moi Moi and Coco in Oz