Monday 23 April 2012

Happy St George's Day

Hey its my day George's day,
 Ok OK I'm no saint.
 If you want to find out what the real St George's Day is all about then check out this LINK

Don't forget to finish my blog post first
I've got loads to show you 
Also my blogging friend Anita from
Castles, Crowns and Cottage's
share's this special day with me as its her Birthday
Happy Birthday Anita from me and Tess xxx.

First up, I didn't have my pesky sister Tess last St George's Day,
 so I had to show her how to slay a Dragon

No Dragons where destuffed in the making of this smile box

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
Free photo slideshow customized with Smilebox

 Tess you did alright for a girl, I'd just like to point out, the stunt Dragon used is a Welsh Dragon and as I'm Welsh Terrier I wanted to look after him

Next up My local pub
To see if there was any beers on tap named after me

 By George there was!!

By this time in the day, I was wanting my beauty sleep, but Tess thought it would be fun to slay me while all I wanted to do was sleep!

Thank goodness we both got some sleep later

Hope you enjoyed joining me on my day
Have a good week
See yea George xxx

"Hang on George I've got some photo's to show folks"

"You know the one's they call out takes, as you are always having ago at me for not posing for the camera" 

Take a look at how I'm sitting waiting for George to get is act together!

See he's no Saint

"You can say good bye now George"

Good Bye from me and Tess xxxxx


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy ST G Day!

How funny on the timing - fur my Monday post will have some updated pikhs of the OTHER George!

He's the one Flat George met last December!

Mom says I should share this video too


Millie and Walter said...

Happy St. George's Day! What a fun day you two had. That little sister sure wasn't going to let you sleep until she was done playing.


Michelle said...

Happy St. George's Day to you both! George you are just so handsome and glad to see Tess, the beauty, keeping you on your toes!

zeeFM said...

happy st george day~
I'd love to have a pint of those George lagers too!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, happy St. George Day, George and Tess. Tess! When we disappeared there was no Tess and now there is. How wonderful!

Pippen said...

Happy St. George's Day! Looks kinda exhausting having a sister!

Sam and Pippen

Eileen H said...

Happy St. George's Day George.
I think your a saint George having a sister who won't let you sleep :-)
She's got the hang of slaying the dragon George and you sure did need that pint of By George ;-)

What a big tongue you have George :-) Enjoy the rest of your day with Tess.

Love Eileen and Annie xx

Pat said...

Happy St George's Day!

Loved the videos, Tess is such a playful girl, adorable!


WFT Nobby said...

Happy St George's Day George. I must say you look dapper in that splendid bandanna*.

And what a fine job of slaying the fiery red dragon. If only Tess were such a pushover eh George! She really does look quite a handful in that video...

Gail says she loves the picture of you two asleep together (personally I think it's a bit boring, being more a fan of action photos myself).

Toodle pip!

*See, I just want to show that not all us proud Scots are anti all things English.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

happy St George's Day. We're glad you could have a reenactment of the dragon slaying!!!

Tess you are such a good model...doing just what you're supposed to. (We always have loads of out-takes).

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

Happy St. George's Day! I loved your smilebox and your video, George!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Happy St Geowge's day ow Szent György Nap as they say hewe
I plan to celebwate you and Daddi all day
Those scawves awe soo lovely and you awe a pawfect bwuvvew showing little Tess the pwopew slaying teck neek
(judging by that video, she leawned all too well, hehehehe)
I do love yoow stunt dwagon, so am welieved he came to no hawm..i'd love to sit in that pub wif you and have a toast wif yoow beew, but will have to just sip some of Daddi's
" György Villa" wine
Smoochie kisses

Leigh said...

Happy St George's Day! Tess enjoys bitey face games as much as we do! Loved your smile-box too - great dragon slaying technique - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I slept in today for it is MY BIRTHDAY and I am home to stay for the day. I rushed down to the computer because I KNEW this was ST. GEORGE'S DAY and I could NOT miss this. But what do I see besides fun and frolic? A birthday wish that is so kind and ENDEARING TO ME YOU DEAR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!

Now Tessy are ONE HOT PISTOL! Your brother, all he wanted to do was to sleep, but you, you just want to play like a girl wants to do. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!!! Oh you two, your smile box show IS GREAT and I chuckled and laughed and even cried as I see you and remember and make NEW fond memories of the antics from the Bell household. Tessy, you are perfect for slaying dragon; YOU DO NOT GIVE UP EASILY!!!!!!!!!!

Well my friends, this was a delight beyond words. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy St. George's Day, George and Tess!

You look great in your bandana. Did you get to try the George beer?

We enjoyed your video and the smilebox. Tess is a bundle of energy, isn't she?

Matilda the Boxer said...

Happy St. George's Day! You two pose so very nice. I need to find a dragon of my own to slay today, that looks like fun.

Ryker said...

A day of cellebration in your name, excellent! Love all your pictures and you both did an awesome job of slaying that dragon. Tess, I have to say you still have a cute little puppy face : )

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you are so wonderful that you have your own St day! I love that dragon stuffie and I saw some fishies in those pix. Pawesome. I hope you got to try some of the George beer. Looks like a great day!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

meowmeowmans said...

Happy St. George's Day! That Tess sure keeps you on your toes, doesn't she? :)

Anonymous said...

Happy St. George's Day! :D

Oh you and Tess made a great team of dragon slayers! Bravo!

Laughed myself silly watchin Tess try and get you to have some fun. Hilarious! :D

Waggin at ya,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Happy St.George's Day a tad late! The video of Tess being a pest was funny. She just wouldn't let you take your nap would she?! We enjoyed the Smilebox presentation too, but your outtakes were enlightening...Now we know the rest of the story. he he.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Sara and Gruffudd said...

Hi George!
Living in Wales, me and Gruffudd were glad that no actual dragons were hurt! Loved the photos!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

On man! Looks like I missed a great party. I can only hope that it still is going on. Happy St. George Day to you. Know you had a fun filled time.

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, I have a special post up tomorrow (4-27-12) for a few of my good furiends...and it includes you! I hope you'll like it.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Furiend

The Thuglets said...

Belated Happy St George's Day to you both!
You both look very gorgeous in your bandana's!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Littlemissairgap said...

That is the longest tongue I've ever seen on a doggie, George! Did your mum put some peanut paste on the tip? :-))

Wyatt said...

George and Tess-
You 2 are soooo funny! You were kicking some dragon butt, fur sure!!
Tess seems to have forgotten that she has a limp...Hard to keep a feisty girl terrier down, eh?
Sending kisses to both our favorite fuzz faces!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Bicontinental Dachshund said...

Beyond funny!!! Please don't be too hard on the dragon next time :)

Anonymous said...


Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

Thanks and have a great day!