Thursday 1 March 2012

The Tess ....March issue

Headline News

We Walked on Water


Happy Welshie Day


Back On The Negotiation Table!


Dogs Shows


Hey we're back with an update of whats been going on in the Bell Household

We Walked On Water

Yep, we got snow, the pond froze over and we got to walk on it.

 Mom was having kittens when it started to thaw she thought we would end up under the ice so each time we went out she had to come to.

We never did fall through it.


Happy Welshie Day

"Opps Doh" Wrong

 St David's Day

To all our Welsh Friends


Back On The Negotiation Table

This has taken alot of negotiation,
 just like the last time we were here

I was almost asleep at one point!

 But finely mom has agreed that we can carry on with 
"Saturday Steps"
She even owned up that she has missed taking the photos of us on steps, and had been looking for a project to do with her camera

So why not use Saturday Steps as the project
 A great result we think.
So as from next Saturday the 10th we will be here each week, there won't be a post attached, just a photo of both of us on some steps.


Dog Shows

Flat George got to go to
 The Westmister Dog Show
Pop over to his travel blog 

I asked mom if we could go to
 Crufts the biggest dog show in the world.

 George wasn't to keen on the idea as he's been in two dog shows.

 Didn't get placed in the one.


and came last in the other

I didn't mean to enter in the ring but it would be nice to see all the different dogs and trade stands

Mom said they don't allow dogs in!!! a dog show that don't allow dogs in? you have to be invited.
She was going to go with a friend and taking Flat George so you got to see the show and all the dogs

But guess what.
 Remember George doing 10 hours in a pig pen,

On the post- Update on what's been Happening 
 Chris, the man that asked us to do that, got back in touch
 and asked if we,
 as in
 Me and George
would like to represent the Welsh Terrier Breed in 

The Discover Dogs at Crufts in Hall 3
On 11th March

Bow Wow, Bow Wow, Wow Wow Wow
Yes please

So me and George will be there on 
Sunday 11th March 
Along with Mom and Dad.
 They will be talking on our behalf as we don't want the world to know us dogs talk do we?

 We are both are very friendly and would love to meet anyone that follows our blog, Mom and Dad don't bite so tell them you know us please.

You can click on the banner to find out all about it


Breaking News

This month we are off to visit some blogging friends, I won't say just yet who they are, but most of you know them ;)
 I'll give you a clue they are on one of the links in this post
We are so looking forward to it.

Talking about visiting, we have been having a very hap hazard way over the last couple of months visiting blogs, and not commenting all the time, we are keeping up with things, its just we just don't seam to have the time to fit it all in, and the month of March is going to be ever more busy, so apologies if we don't manage to leave comments.  

Hope to see some of you for real at Crufts, we will be putting up a full blog post about the day, and about our visit to our blogging friends

Its a wrap for this months Tess

Oh and remember we will be back with
 Saturday Steps
 on 10th March

The day before we go to Crufts

Have a Good Week
George and Tess xxx


Woody Airedale said...

Good news all around, and Tess you are sooo cute! Have a great time at Crufts, you lucky dogs, looking forward to Saturday steps, luv seeing your pics!
See ya,
Woody Airedale

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


Now you two thought you were grrrreat walkin on WATER... I am walkin on AIR over this post and the news that you are bringing our STEPS BACK!!! THANKS.

See you Soon!!!

lyon de clarasvals said...

You two are so adorable. I've missed reading your blog. Welcome back! Have fun at Crufts.

rottrover said...

Hi George and Tess. Nice to see your smiling faces! We miss you. Looking forward to the Steps!!

-Bart and Ruby

Berts Blog said...

WE missed steps saturday to. congrats on going to Crufts. We don't know what it is so we are going to go check out the link now.


Hoke said...

OH how we have missed your faces!!!!!! Don't you walk on that ice...she would have a cow if I ever ever did that!!! Can't wait to see some more steps from you too!!!!

Patrice said...

So good to hear from you. I have really missed you! I haven't seen a good dog show in years. Have fun at Crufts.
Big hug to George and Tess!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So much newsy news dat me little head is spinning! Glad you didn't fall through the ice (what's ice?)

Can't wait to hear more about the doggie show. Do you think there will be weenie dogs there? Glad you'll be honored guests!


The Daily Pip said...

Can't wait for the return of Saturday Steps! You know I have to live through you when it comes to steps - though we do have quite a few steps in our new house and I am not happy about it all!

Glad you didn't fall through the ice!

Your pal, Pip

Wyatt said...

That is super exciting!! You get to go to pressure, just fun! We did the 'Meet the Breed' at our Rose City Dog Show....but Crufts, OMD!

We are so happy we will get to see your fuzzy bottoms on more steps...we really missed your fuzzy bottoms!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're glad the Saturday Steps is to be reinstated!!!

We saw FG at Crufts, can't wait to see you guys as well.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sunshade said...

Oh wow, what an honour to be invited to Crufts to represent your breed!! Congrats!! You and your sissy are just too cute!

Is Tess a tiny girl by the way? she looks so teeny tiny beside you!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

The Black and Tans. said...

Wonderful post Tess and George. Gosh we can imagine how excited you must be feeling about going to Crufts.... can't wait to read all about your day there. Take plenty of treats for Mum and Dad and hopefully they will be well behaved then ;-)

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Duke said...

How wonderful to see your smiling faces again. I've missed you! What an honor to go to Crufts!
And I so look forward to your Saturday steps!

Love ya lots

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Like always, YOU TWO....I love seeing your precious smiles and wagging tails, hearing your TALES of what is happening! AND I AM GLAD TO HEAR that all that discussion at the NEGOTIATING TABLE has finally come to a HALT and that a WONDERFUL PLAN has been put into place: YOU WILL BE BACK WITH SATURDAY STEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have missed you all so much. THANK YOU for coming back to us, we love you dearly and you WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART!!! LOVE TO ALL!

Eileen H said...

Annie and I have been counting the days for the March issue of the Tess.

We didn't get any snow here on the north Wales coast...not sure I'd have let Annie walk on water...glad you are both safe:-)

Happy Welshie day to you...Annie is an Essex gal so you two are lucky to have your very own Day:-)

Hooray for the return of the Saturday Steps :-)

Bow, wow wowzers to you going to Crufts !!! Not sure if I'll get to see you there as my Carol is ill. Have a fabulous day and we'll need tons of photos :-) Have a grrrreat day :-)

Thanks for your comments on my blog xx

Leigh said...

Happy St David's Day! Lovely daffodils - ours are still in bud here. So glad to hear Saturday steps will be back too. Sorry not to see you at Crufts what with me being 'in the family way'!! Have a great day there you guys - it's lots of fun and make sure your peeps don't forget to visit the treats stalls :-) love from Magic xx

The Thuglets said...

Great to see you have been missed! Well done on going to Crufts we are sure you will be do an excellent jobbie!

Hmm..going visiting? We have no idea where that might be!

Have a great week. Yippe for saturday steps return.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Climbingmandy said...

So much brilliant news in one post!! Hurray for more posts. Congratulations on some excellent negotiating. Double hurray on attending Crufts!! How exciting. The 11 March is Horatio's birthday so he's really excited. Shame we can't make it down though to visit.
We're meeting a fellow blogger too!! Bouncing Bertie's coming to Edinburgh on Monday and we've got a rendez vous organised!!!

Taryn said...

How exciting to get to represent your breed at Crufts! I can't wait to see that post! Glad "Saturday Steps" is coming back, too!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi George and Tess, wow whee, you two are going to even MORE famous! Well done. We love the photos of you two walking on water hehe. Can't wait for the next Saturday steps. Yay!! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Scooter said...

Hey George & Tess!
Wow, I've been missing you and your Steps posts something fierce! I'm so incredibly glad you're back. I sat on my basement steps just the other day and thought about you both and missed you. YIPEEEEE to you!!!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

OMD I am just so jealous of you guys going to Crufts! How come we haven't met before, you're both just so cute and I love your fur-styles.
Bet you'll have a fab time - I can't wait to hear all about it :)

meowmeowmans said...

Saturday steps are coming back? Really? Hooray!!! We're so excited! :)

And that is exciting news that you two will be in the Crufts Dog Show. What a terrific honor!

Hugs to you both!

verobirdie said...

Yooohooo! The steps are back!
I wish I could come to crufts! I'm sure you'll have fun. and you are very, vey beautiful on the pictures

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

SO good to see you sweetie pies again! We're liking your facial haircuts. A bit different, but your eyes are out in the open and looks like you can see!! Hootie's eyes are so hiden by his furry face that we're afraid he'll run into something. And HOW he does agility we never know!! Looking forward to seeing ya'all on the steps next week!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Rattus Scribus said...

Dear G & T:
Glad you two are fit as a fiddle and ready to suck the marrow out of life. Not that you had much trouble with that before. Love this blog. I've been away for a month and it's good to find you two beasts are still here. Good luck on you meeting your blogger friend. Anita hope we can meet you all one day.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my sweet friends! George mi man, Tidy Tessy, we just ADORE YOU and thank you for coming to wish us all a wonderful anniversary. is fuzzy and wuzzy, isn't it?


Sage said...

Woohoo!! Saturday Steps. I've been a slacker with my Muddy Mondays, so you are inspiring me.

Have fun at

WFT Nobby said...

Wow, Crufts! As specially invited guests! I am so impressed. (I hope you don't have to have a funny hairdo before they let you in...)
Toodle pip!
PS Gail and I are looking forward to the return of Saturday steps. Good bit of negotiation there guys.