Saturday 24 March 2012

Saturday Steps and a Meet up with Friends

"George you've not told me just who we are going to meet"

"He'll be here soon"

"Look at this Tess all things to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee"
"TESS are you listening"

"Hello my names Tess, pleased to meet you"
"I'm Lucy pleased to meet you to" 

"Hi Gunner I don't think we have meet before"

"I'm glad he's made out of wood!"

"There he is, its Taffy"

"Oh dad got to him first"

"Hello George and Tess good to meet you again, pleased you could make it for my walk around the Sandringham Estate, we will be setting off shortly, now Tess dear, George says you have to rest your leg so you must wait until we get back"

"Taffy wait, I don't know my way around!"

"Thanks Taffy, the walk was great, and meeting other members of WELTAF"


The day didn't end there, we went back to Taffy's home.


"George, Tess come on Its me Winnie, I want to show you the field of Dog Sticks, Monty say's he wants to show you the ponys" 

"George we must go"

"George don't be silly, Stanzie knows you love her, Winnie is just a friend"

"I do hope you are right Tess, do hope you are"

"George you look a little worried, they won't hurt you"

"This is George and Tess, they have come along way to visit us" 
"I'm never seen a pony before Monty, but I'll stay just where I am thanks, George are you going to get closer"

"George, Tess look a Dog stick field, hundreds of them" 

"George whats wrong, I'm your friend silly I know you love Stanzie, we can be friends you know"

"Thanks Winnie, I've enjoyed my time with you all this weekend"

"Thank you, Taffy, Monty, Molly and Winnie for making it a very special weekend away, love and hugs George and Tess"

Molly,Taffy,Monty and Winnie's Blog


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

What a great much to look at. We think they should carve a Welsh Terrier statue. It would give the estate some class.

XXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy

The Black and Tans. said...

George we had the best time ever last weekend. We loved having you here and when we find out what the field of sticks are all about we will let you know. Wuffs to little Tess.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie.

Duke said...

What a fun day for all of you! The wood carvings are just fabulous!

Love ya lots,

Andi's English Attic said...

Walks are so much more fun with friends. Looks like you had a great time. xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Pure joy.

George mi man, a boy and a girl CAN be just friends. Don't be silly now, mi man! And Tessy dearest, how is your little leg? You look very pretty, and what a FUN CELEBRATION of friendship with the most adorable bunch of terriers. Oh how I love you both so much. I chuckle and chuckle and the other members of this household just wonder, "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS MOTHER LAUGHING AT?" I love my little perch here where I can visit England, George and Tess, and dream that maybe one day, I will go to your lovely country.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George and Tess you had a FANGtastic weekend fur SURE. I know that Stanzie will totally understand that you are just FURends with them.

The carvings are grrreat.. except fur the Squirrel, of course.

All THAT grrreat stuff... and STEPS too! Perfect Post!!

Anonymous said...

How cool is that?! You got to visit bloggy pals! And meet ponies (Mom's not real fond of ponies. Had one as a kid. Mean as mean could be. Named Cyclone. Very appropo. Would run under tree branches trying to knock Mom off. She still thinks they're quite cute from a distance though ;), and a field of sticks! OMD! Do they plant toothpicks and then water em?

Back to your walkie... Mom just luved all the wood carving statues! Wow! :D Me, I saw the giant squirrel and took off :O
Y'all are very brave.

Waggin at ya,

Scooter said...

Hey George & Tess!
Wow, what a wonderful adventure! The steps are so pretty next to that water and the giant squirrel is totally pawesome! Great statues. Looks like your furiends are wonderful pooches. Thanks for sharing with us.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

rottrover said...

Hey George and Tess!! Another fab walkie! AND you got to meet our new furiends Monty, Taffy, Molly and Winnie. They are SO fun!!

Have a great week!

-Bart and Ruby

Asta said...

Geowge and Tess,
What a most wondewful day..meeting so many fwiends and especially Molly, Monty, Winnie and Taffy. You suwe awe lucky!!! It looks like a fawfect day..sticks and adventoowes and so much to sniff. I know Stanzie won't be jelly, cause winnie is a lovely fwiend, but you awe twoo to youw love.
Hope Tess, that youw leggie feels bettew!
smoochie kisses

Eileen H said...

Hi George and Tess,
Glad you had a great weekend with your friends :-)

Love from Eileen and Annie xx

Patrice said...

That's one heck of a huge squirrel! Love the ponies. Hugs!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Wowza, what a grreat weekend. Meeting up with Taffy, Monty, Molly and Winnie and visiting them at their home looked like so much fun! We really loved all the carvings too. They are amazing. We think the little dog near the warthog? looked like Stella hehehe. Glad you all had fun. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Golden Samantha said...

It has been way too long since we've visited you - wow! What an amazing time you had with Taffy, Monty, Moll and Winnie and hanging out with them! Love all those sculptures - yeah... we're glad that squirrel was made of wood too - that is one ginormous tree rat! We love those ponies, but wouldn't get too close to them either! Beautiful pictures!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Leigh said...

Amazing carvings there -the squirrel was a bit scary. Best not to get too close to ponies - if they're anything like horses they can kick! What a great Saturday meet with your friends - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Rattus Scribus said...

Hi G & T:
What fun, and OMG, that Lucy was a doll. But I wouldn't want to fight her. She's a big'un.
I went for my walk today. No time for tea.


verobirdie said...

How nice to meet your friends, you look all so gorgeous.
The sculptures are amazing too.
Thanks for sharing

sprinkles said...

That looks like a really fun weekend! You're always going to some really cool places.

The Thuglets said...

Wowie.. brillo paws what a fabulous weekend you both had visiting Molly, Monty, Winnie & Taffy!
Lovely photos. Er George...We think you have a new admirer in Miss Winnie! Just saying.

Have a good week
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

WFT Nobby said...

Oh what a wonderful visit. But I do fear that Stanzie might be feeling just a tiny wee bit jealous....Better watch your step George!
Toodle pip!

julee said...

What a great day! Beautiful statues and a stick field and LOTS of terriers! That's one for the books!
Violet and peeps

Wyatt said...

George and Tess-
What a great walk and visit. Stanzie does worry about you George. But, she is just going to have to trust you. She's been wearing your tag and thinking of you often :D
Now, about that giant squirrel and badger, YIKES!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Sage said...

I guess that's one squirrel even I wouldn't chase! What a fun meet-up though...and I'm sure Stanzie understands.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

What a great time you two had with your friends and what wonderful pictures!!!The best week-end ever!!!
Loved seeing you at our place George & Tess.......

Joyce said...

you two sure get a lot of exercise on the weekends. I get tired just reading about it. :) Big hugs from Bo and I. xo

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi George and Tess
What a grand time you both had!
Your walks would make a wonderful BOOK!
Thank you so much for coming over to meet wee moussie!
Have a great week... My best to mom and dad.

Dewey Dewster said...

Hey George....I can see ya took part in one of those special walks where there are so many of ya...that ya get mixed up....looks like ya had a great time...those wood carvings were spectacular...

Dewey Dewster here...

meowmeowmans said...

That looks like a great weekend, indeed, George and Tess. So glad you had such a wonderful time with your friends! :)

Bocci said...

George and Tess,

We're sorry we haven't been a round in awhile-our loss! So glad you had a nice weekend with your friends!

We're wondering if we could get permission to use that photo of the giant squirel on our blog-giving you full credit of course! Not sure how we'll use it yet, but sure to think of something!
Don't worry, though, feel free to say "no"! Of course, no problem:-)

All of those carved statues are spectacular!

Chicco said...

hello dear George and Tess,

I have missed you so much, sorry for my absence but my humans were very busy.
What a great walk you had with your new friends, you certainly had great time!!!

Have a nice weekend my friends.
Woof, woof,


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE PORGIE! teeeheee....I hope old man, that you do not MIND my nick names for you, but I just cannot help it. Well old thing, ST. GEORGE'S DAY IS COMING UP and what do you and the little sister have planned????

WE WILL BE HERE, with bells on to greet the celebration!

THANK YOU, you THREE, for visiting and rejoicing with me as MOTHER takes on her new role as a substitute teacher next September...OH HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!