Saturday 13 August 2011

Saturday Steps...... Lets Go Fly A Kite

These are a bit steep!!!

I'm on my way to see the Red Kite's being feed, but that doesn't happen until 3.00pm, so we just had time for a quick visit to
 Elan Valley
 I've just remembered this was one of the places
 that I had on my birthday voting list last year.
It supplies water to Birmingham

That wall at the end of the photo is holding back all of the water!!
Mom didn't take much notice of these large stones but we think each one represents a county in Wales.

When the rain fall has been heavy the water comes over the top

Lets go

Yes I was on a lead,
(you know I always am :)

Looks like I am invisible on this photo!!!

We just had time to walk back to the car and drive around to this dam, remember we didn't want to miss the feeding of the kites

I was disappointed that the time was short here.
You can see more about the dams on this Link

I can read the Welsh writing, you know I am a Welsh Terrier
It says Kite Feeding Site

Dog friendly to, I was allowed in the hides.
It was boring for me as I couldn't see out.
I just had to wait until mom had finished taking
 around 250 photos of flying birds!!!
Don't worry I've only let her put six photos of the birds on my blog

Oh five then, there's no birds on this one!!

Can to spot the albino one

They were all over the place

I spot 39 on this photo!!

The best photo she took.

This was one bird that stayed still to take a photo lol
A Peacock, he was tapping on the window trying to get in.

Gigrin Farm Web Site

Thanks for joining me,
Come back tomorrow,
 I have a Sunday Steps for you
See Yea George xxx


Finn said...

Wow, that is amazing! I like the way you were able to walk over the dam. You have the greatest steps walks!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I would have been so scared to get near that dam. What if it broke??? I don't swim very well.

Kite feeding? Are those birds ... kites?

BWHahahahaha....a peeping peacock!!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Bro!! That looked like a lovely place to visit, my mum is still shocked how you always LOOK like you're off lead ;-)

My pawrents have whispered to me that we are going to go to a place that is similar to that one, where a lot of water is kept so that when the houses turn their taps on, stuff comes out! Water that is! BOL. I'll make sure ma remembers her camera.

That is a lot of kites George!

Gotta go now, your sis,

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Berts Blog said...

Wow, that was all amazing. My Vickie and I have never seen anything like that and we loved it.

The birds, the great wall holding back the water, it was all amazing.

Thanks for sharing


Neeko said...

Wow! This is such a Pawsome post my friend :o)
You are so lucky to visit all these breathtaking places... Kool! Kool! Kool!!!
Thanks for allowing your Mommy to post the wonderful sites and the Birds.

Neeko :o)
P.S. Aida is Thanking you for the nice compliments!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you have the best times going out to nice and beautiful places!!! Your pictures are just pawesome!!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George that last pic of the Kites is amazing.. It almost looks like an eagle.

I would have been afraid way up on that Dam thingy. You are very much BRAVE.. and an EXCELLENT tour guide. THANKS!!!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, George, that was incredible! That "best photo she took" is so cool!

Thanks, as always, for taking us along on your wonderful adventures. :)

Jon Terry said...

My dear pal George,

Sorry that I missed so much of your adventures but I love this adventure of yours. This place is so beautiful and I like the peacock, guess the bird was looking for someone in the house like my friend yellow bird ;)
Tell mommy that it sure felt good just to wake up and be surrounded by her fluttering kisses. it made me feel so warm in my heart :)

Have a great weekend!

Love ya,
Jon Terry

verobirdie said...

I'd love to visit Elan valley. The wall seems so old, or maybe it is its color that makes it look special... Watching the lites must be something too!

WFT Nobby said...

Ah, the invisible lead! I have one of those too George!

Those Kite photos are absolutely awesome. You are so lucky to have a Mum who is such a brilliant photographer.

Toodle pip!

sprinkles said...

I went to the Birds of Prey Center today and saw a bunch of different kinds of birds too.

Pat said...

Beautiful photos - that Elan valley is so scenic.
I think all the bird photos are cool - but they've a way to go to be as gorgeous as you George! xx

Unknown said...

New to your blog, wonderful photos! Will be back!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh George, how we all wish we could come for a walk with you. You always have so many wonderful places to see. Have a great weekend. No worries, and love, Stella

Duke said...

We love that first picture of you navigating your steep decent, George! What a fun day you had and interesting too! Did anyone let the knocking peacock inside?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Cool dam George! Glad it wasn't leaking! :O The kites were amazing! Your Mom got some great photos. That last one was for sure a framer! :D
Thanks for sharing!

Waggin at ya,

Rose H (UK) said...

Hello George, I KNOW that you, Mom and Dad had a fabulous day 'cause I heard all about it ;o) I remember Trev and I went there with your Mom and Dad a few years ago - before you were a glint in your Dad's eye, we had a lovely day too...but we didn't go to the Red Kite place, that looks amazing.
Your Mom takes such fabulous photos, I love her 'best one'! (I must return your Mom's other camera...I LOVE it!)
See you soon
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xxx

Michelle said...

George, you just go to the most beautiful places. Love that bird shot and I am wishing I had a peacock on my farm.

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, those steps in the first picture look treacherous!

Did you get freaked out by all those birds? I think I might have - though they sure are beautiful!

Great photos!

Your pal, Pip

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


You have to excuse me, being an American and all, but when I saw that you were going to see the KITES, I thought you were going to FLY A KITE!!! teeeheeee...but dearest ones, your tours always take me to magical places that I would never imagine. GEORGE MI MAN! YOU ARE SOME LITERATE POOCH! I am impressed at your Welsh skills!!!! And of course, your charm and smile, your stature old man, always adds to my Saturday Steps. AND NOW SUNDAY STEPS??????? EXCELLENT! We shall be here.


Anita and BALZAC!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

George, you always have such great places to visit. That dam was so cool - hope you get to go back again to see more. That one photo of the kite in midflight was awesome. Your Mom does a great job with her flashy beast.

Have a great day and we will be back for more steps with George.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, wow, wow, wow!!! That is so amazing. That dam is really cool and those kites were fascinating! There were so many! Great job getting pix of them doing air zoomies! That peacock is fabulous! I wonder if someone let him in?!?
BOY DO YOU HAVE THE MOST WONDERFUL POSTS!! I absolutely love your blog, George!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Thanks for the cool trip George...we just loved the birdie pictures!!!

Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

houndstooth said...

I've heard of red kites before, but I'd never seen them! They're magnificent! George, all of the places you showed us today were so beautiful. I would love a chance to see a peacock up close!


Adien Crafts said...

Wow George what a fabulous walk! Our Mom is very envious of the feeding of the Kites, she would love to see that! Dex and Lou xxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Oh it is always refreshing to see your muzzle on my comments page!!! AND THANK YOU DEAR ONE for the advice on how to climb a mountain; YOU would know that on the way towards your goal, one should sit for a while and ponder, practice and take in the sites. THANK YOU OLD are the best. AND thank you for also visiting Pat. She has a fabulous sculpture of a WELSH TERRIER on her sidebar. I WONDERED if you happened to pose for her, but upon closer inspection, I see that the sculpture is of a FEMALE terrier suckling her that wouldn't be you, pray tell...teeeheee


Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh what a GRAND place to be! Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for coming over to meet Honey Bear and your kind words.. Best to mom and dad... Bebe says hello.

Ryker said...

Another great Saturday! Looks like you could use some rain, the water was pretty low. Not sure I would want to walk across the dam, but it is very lovely there.
That was an awesome shot of the kite your mom took. They are neat looking birds. My mama had to take an injured bird to the bird treatment place here where we live. Guess what the cats drug in! It was missing half its tail feathers.

Anonymous said...

Oh George you are so very brave going all the way up to the top of that dam. I sure did enjoy seeing all the pics though.

The pics of the Kites were amazing specially the last one. Awsome.
What do they feed the Kites?

woos, Tessa

Leigh said...

Amazing photos George - the dam and the kites. I've seen red kites near here - there are quite a few in Yorkshire too - but never that many all together! Looks like you had a good time - love from Magic xx

Wyatt said...

Wow! That is a lot of birds. My mom always gets a little freaked out, when there are a lot of frenzied birds...she saw the Alfred Hitchcock movie, 'The Birds' at a young age :(
Now she's a scaredy cat...bol


J_on_tour said...

Some amazing birds here & what a fantastic photo. it's a shame that you had to hide in the bird hut and couldn't join in the action George. Fancy even suggesting that you couldn't speak Welsh !!