Saturday 4 June 2011

Saturday Steps, Grinshill and Corbet Woods

Mom found this walk on the Internet.

This is the photo on the information board in the car park,
as you can see its clearly marked
You are here, she also had the printed off map from the web site with her, but as we have got lost on other walks had taken this photo just in case, as it was more detailed.

Its a good tip if you come across a board with a map of where you are, take a photo, you can then look back at it on your camera and zoom in to hopefully find your way back!!

Yes you guessed it we got lost,
 two maps and still got lost!!!
Dads answer was well we just went off track for a while, yer OK!! 

The woods looked lovely with the sun shining though

Rocks to climb on

Come and look at this

It has a disused Quarry, the camera couldn't get all the rock in when we got this close, it must have been 87 feet high by the Frankie scale mom didn't like getting to close to it, she's funny about things like that!
So why she has The Grand Canyon on her number one list to see I have no idea!

The  following information was on the notice board at the start of the walk

Grinshill stone built Shrewsbury
Some of Shropshires finest buildings, churches and bridges have been built from the high-quality white sandstone of Grinshill's quarries. Many of them are in Shrewsbury, including, New St Chad's, St Marys and St Julian's church, the English and Welsh Bridges, Shrewsbury library and the Music Hall.

Arguably the most impressive structure is Lord Hill's Column which is taller than Nelson's Column in London. Unlike its counterpart the lions at the feet of Lord hill's Column are also carved from stone.

Here are the building

Lord Hills Column photo  from Link

The English Bridge photo from Shropshire Star

The Welsh Bridge photo from Google

St Chad's Shrewsbury photo from LINK

Shrewsbury Music Hall photo from google

Photo from link Shrewsbury Library

Photo from Link St Julians

Photo from Link St Marys

 This is interesting

All the soil has been washed away from the roots!!

There was lots of things to look at though the trees

We passed an animal rescue centre, mom didn't like the rock face, well I didn't like walking past here.
The dogs started barking loudly and it worried me so much, that we had to walk faster, I do hope folks will come and give them a forever home.  

Mom has a nick name for me. Mister Nosey!! I'm not nosey I just like to see things, if there's a gate I want to know whats on the other side, what wrong with that.
 I also like to look at folks when I'm walking, most of them smile and I've had some laugh!! others think I might go for them but I am very friendly and only want to play. 

The Village church

All Saints Church Clive,
 made out of the sandstone from the Quarry

You can see the two different sandstone colours

They're doing a good job of looking after the local wildlife

It really is a big church for a village

It had a bowl of water for passing dogs

Time to move on, to the top of the hill

I'm now standing 630 feet above sea level

That's what it says on the plaque, all around the edge it gives you information of the what hills you can see

There's also this thing at the top, at night aircraft will see it and won't crash into the hill!!

Its green, as its solar powered 

Moms flower photo

Now I've been on loads of walks 
but we agree that this walk deserves
 The Four Paws up award.

There's a web site so we will be emailing this one  

It's well worth a visit if you are passing this way, there's is a pub that you can include on route, if only we could have worked out how it get to it!
 I'll be coming back here again.

Here's the link to the PDF that mom printed out.
 The Kangaroo facts are funny but we don't believe that do we Boys and Girls!!
Don't know why they picked a Kangaroo!! why not a Badger or fox, might just ask when we email them my award ;) 

Till next time
See Yea George xxx 


rottrover said...

George! Those woods look like something out of a fairy tale! What a beautiful walk!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Zona said...

Another PAWSOME post - your pictures are AMAZING! Maybe I can hitch a ride with FG when he makes he way back to you so I can visit??


The Daily Pip said...

Looks like a nice place to get lost, George! My mom is very weird about cliffs as well. She can't get too close or she feels like she will fall.

Those roots were wild - the tree looked like it was OK. I didn't realize the could survive with their roots exposed like that.

Your pal, Pip

Cranberry Morning said...

What a great walk! I wouldn't mind getting lost with you George. :-) Guess what: I have even been to the Shrewsbury library to use their internet. Love all the photos and have a soft spot for bridges. Quite a prestigious award, I would say, if you give it your Four Paws Up!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE MI MAN, another FINE TOUR for us all who need to get out and MOVE and CLIMB and see the WORLD! You have a great view from that high point and dear ones, YOU GOT LOST? Oh George, I just love the look on your face when you discovered that mum got lost! teeeeheeee....what is it with you terriers; you all have the ability to SMIRK and give us so much laughter with your smiles and grins!!!! GO OUT THERE AND HAVE A FABULOUS WEEKEND YOU TWO! BISOUS, Anita and BALZAC

Unknown said...

Oh dear George, thanks for taking us for another great trip. What an amazingly beautiful place you visited this time, the whole place looks so unreal yet so real.
The buildings and the view are gorgeous!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH GEORGE!! You have NO IDEA how much I look forward to your Sat. Steps posts.
I am Crazy over the Quarry pic and the Bare Roots one too!!!
Hey you have a FLOWER picture. You could send it to Fenris fur the Blogville Flower Show at the Big Picnic in the Bark. Got any grrrrreat BUGS or creepy crawlie pics???
PeeS... my mom got some super pics of the old Bottle Kiln that is on display in East Liverpool, Ohio. She wanted it fur your mom fur when she does the post about the pottery thingys.
It took her like 87 different tries to get a halfway good pic.. hehehe

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, great walk you had!!! We loved seeing all those tall rocks and that tree with the crazy roots was very interesting. Wish we could get the Momster to take us on hikes like you do.

Have a great weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Hoke said...

Wow Wow!! What a walk. I can't imagine seeing all that stuff...she must have been taking 100's of pictures...and you look like you were really enjoying yourself. I wish there was stuff like that around here...all I have are fields and paths and there is no way they would ever let me off the leash either! You are one lucky ducky!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi George
Boy I'm tired! What a great walk.. So many wonderful sites to see.. Thank you for taking me along.
Give my best to mom and dad.

Michelle said...

This does look like a great walk. The forest is so beautiful in these pics and I really liked those tree roots.

meowmeowmans said...

Thanks for sharing another beautiful walk with us, George! We especially liked the pictures of you in the disused quarry and the ones of the exposed roots. Hope you, Dad and Mum have a great weekend. :)

sprinkles said...

I always love your Saturday Steps posts. You always go to the most interesting places.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Maybe badgers and foxes don't like cheese...

Great place to get lost. That quarry must have huge amounts of rocks to build all that stuff and still have stone left over!

Those steps are just beautiful.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

houndstooth said...

George, you take the most fantastic walks! We had to laugh about you still getting lost. At least you had beautiful scenery to enjoy while you were finding your way!


Kathy said...

I love the walks you take us on George! We always get lost too, no matter how many maps we take, and we both have a degree in Geography!!!!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
How nice it is to wake up on a Saturday morning and go for a walk with you. Sort of puts us in the right frame of mind for a good Saturday outing up here. And of course we especially enjoyed examining the structures of the bedding in the Triassic sandstones...Oh yes, and Gail says she loves that third photo, the one with your wonky grin. Looks like you're up to no good, she says.
Toodle pip!

Rose H (UK) said...

Another great day out for you George, you visit such lovely places!
Sorry you weren't feeling 100% yesterday, but Mom said you were a lot better. Hope you were okay while Mom was at my house for a few hours though.
Sending lots of love, hoping you feel okay now!
Loads of love
Auntie Rose xx

Duke said...

Another fabulous adventure for you, George. I get called Miss Nosey all the time! We're just doing our job, right?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Finn said...

What a great adventure! You're looking cute looking through those gates!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a wonderful place to walk, those tree roots look like a pawsome place to hide (Artemisia could squeeze in them for sure).

Thanks for stopping by our blog, we are looking forward to seeing what flowers you send for the Flower Show, we loves the ones in your header. We has a thing for blue and purple flowers. Although quiet frankly I don't think the Mom has ever meet a flower she didn't like. The silly woman even thinks Kudzo (the bane of the South) has a pretty flower.

How Sam Sees It said...

You always take the prettiest walks! If we ever make it over there, maybe we can come along for one?


Anonymous said...

Hi George

Great post! Loved the pictures and details - what a lovely walk.

We are nosey too and always wonder what is on the other side of something (gates, walls, fences) in fact that is the most interesting thing ever.

Woofs and Waggles
Hector and co

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

THE CHEEK OF IT INDEED of those bees!!! Oh, how we peeps love our lavender and out here, RUSSIAN SAGE, CATMINT and SALVIA...but the bees love the BLUE HUES as much as we do and that means trouble for or FUR BALLS friends! How we love that picture of you George mi man, of you saying, "WE GOT LOST" goodness, your face muscles are like no other canine I have ever known!!!MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL, from the Riveras and BALZAC!!!

Anakin Man said...

Howdy and Hello George!!

We are ketchin' up on bloggys and loved walking with you-

The scenes were just beautiful.
The bowl of water in front of the church for doggies was too cute-

Momma calls me(IzZY) nosey all the time - you are a very cute- nosey

Next time we visit- we will bring our little hiking bootsies-

the girls today,
IzZY & TriXie

Hey- wait-a-minite- me's wanna say hello's to me furiend George Man too! S'up dude!! - Anakin Man

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, what a wonderful trip to go on! So much to see! You were not being nosy...of course everyone always looks through the gate to see the other side!! We love the pictures...thanks for taking us with you! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Adien Crafts said...

Wow George what a fantastic walk and what wonderful photo's as usual. The tree looks like something out of Lord og the Rings, our humans favourite. How nice of the church to leave a bowl of water for the dogs too. Have a great weekend, our human is emailing youe Mum about the ostrich :-) Dex & Lou x

rottrover said...

Hi George and Jan! Thanks for stopping by our blog! I'll have to google "blow hard" and get back to Bertie :-) I wanted to recommend another good dog/photography blog - the comment right above yours on our blog from 'violette'. She's in Germany and has airedales... She's an amazing photographer!

Have fun!!

Sherry said...

What a big adventure, George! Your people may have been lost but we could tell you always knew where you were.

Alanis & Miro

rottrover said...

just came from Mischka's blog and saw you there!!

the booker man said...

dude, george, i totally agree with you that your grinshill 'n corbet woods walkie deserved 4 paws up! that looked like so much funsies, and there were so many interestin' thingies to see along the way! did you spend the whole day there?

the booker man

pee s -- you know what's funny? my mama calls me señor nose cuz i like to know what's goin' on everywhere, too! :)

My Mind's Eye said...

George, Mom and Dad,
Mom and I look forward to your Saturday Step post. OMCs you all find the most interesting and beautiful places to visit. Mom always says Madi we need to go there. Of course she doesn't really me we as in me...MOL I don't do airplanes and I don't even like cars that much. She and Dad hope to cross The Pond one more time before the are old and feeble. MOL Thanks for the lovely post.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Ryker said...

You do go on the most wonderful walks! So pretty and entertaining not to mention educational as well. I really enjoy your walkies!

Andi's English Attic said...

It looks like a lovely place to visit and well deserves the four paws award. xx

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow George....that was some special walk.....too bad ya got, I track.....but it looks like ya saw all the great sights anyway...

The roots on that tree were really gnarled.....'n scary too...

Dewey Dewster here.....

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

George, Hi!!! I'm back now.

Another Bootiful walk - you are one lucky dog - I love the face you pulled at your peeps gettin' lost! Funny!

Yes - and I agree it can do with your award - tell your peeps that the B&B we stayed at could be awarded too!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Wyatt said...

You know all the good places to go!
Loved your expression when your peeps got lost...haha.

Wyatt and Stanzie

Anonymous said...

Cool walk George! Mom luvs sandstone. Its pretty soft for a rock so good carving material :) And the colors and patterns are just gorgeous :)

How come when you got lost you didn't run into the pup? I would think your excellent instincts would take you right to it ;P

Mom so enjoys looking at all the old buildings and other structures you have there. They all have such character! The United States wasn't formed early enough to have buildings like that. Course you can visit some American Indian places that built homes into the sides of rock cliffs. Those are pretty cool :)

Thanks again for taking us along on your wonderful walks George! :D

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Those rock stairs and the gnarled tree roots were really something too! :D

violett said...

A beautiful hike!
The trees are in an enchanted forest and you have not seen Little Red Riding Hood with the wolf?
The different architecture of churches like my mom.
Lots of love

Agatha and Archie said...

Ohhhhhhhh what a FABULOUS walk!!!!! Listen that part that really was interesting to us was the picture of the FOX on the animal board there.... FOX Georgie... FOX! I mean we are FOX TERRIERS..get it???!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh what we could have done........ We live through you dear boy.. Love A+A

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous walk to get lost on! How beautiful.

We know you're not nosey. Butter likes to go up everyones steps when we go for walks-maybe he's counting.


Sage said...

Another pawsome adventure, George! It's a shame you couldn't get to the pub though. Maybe next time....

Anonymous said...

That was one BEAUTIFUL walk George!

But Mom wants to know why on earth Grinshill and Corbet Woods used a Kangaroo? Are they a new species in the UK??? BOL!!!

woos, Tessa

Chicco said...

What a beautiful walk George!
Yes the wood is fantastic with a lot of rocks and that plot of roots!
Oh the church is splendid!!!
Have a nice sunday.
Woof, woof,


Deborah said...

George, whenever I get lost, I just say that I'm on an adventure!! LOL
The tree roots are amazing!
Have a great day :)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Great adventure with you, George! Love each photo along the way! You sure do look handsome when you are 630 feet above sea level :)

rottrover said...

Hi Jan! I found another beautiful blog this morning:

Her photographs are beautiful -- go back a few posts. Just thought you'd enjoy it!!

Have a good week!

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, I agree that this walk deserves an award! Pawesome place. Love those big rocks and the roots around that tree...very cool!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

BowWowzer George. You have the best walks! So pretty and interesting too. Can we get adopted by your hoomans please??
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

ps-mommy loved the look on your face in that 2nd picture. hehe.

Bocci said...

George-we give walk the four paws up award, too! Loved it! Don't even mention heights to Parental Unit:-)

As always, thanks for taking us with you!

Bailey Be Good! said...

Wowserz, George! It looks like you had such an amazing journey! If I ever went on a walk like that, I think I would go crazzzzy -- not knowing what to look at first!

Loved the photos (& I love all your step pics!)

Woofs & hugs,


Elizabeth Keene said...

Beautiful scenery, George! Thanks for sharing so many interesting places with us.

Hmmm. We didn't see a pub. I guess you were too distracted by all the great things to see. :)

Alien said...

Yes. That light at the top has helped me many a time as I flew over the area.

Wonderful photos and history.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh gosh,, you have the most beautiful trials and wood to walk in,, you are so lucky,, to see so many wonderful places.
Thank you for sharing all this with us

jim.stabler said...

I am glad George the Lad liked the walk! If you want to find more nice places for dogs to walk go to:

Pup Fan said...

What a gorgeous place! You always take the best walks. :)

J_on_tour said...

I have to hand it to you George, you certainly find some interesting walks that include more variety than I thought was possible. You'll have to be careful about being too nosey at those gates, you might get your head stuck !! I don't do much advertising I've a couple of friends (including a link) that I'd like you to meet !

Road Dog Tales said...

George - What a fabulously beautiful and informative walk! Wow - they sure got lots of cool buildings out of that quarry! We especially love that tangled tree root. Definitely see why this walk received your Four Paws Up Award!

PeeS - Loved your Peeps post - can't remember if our comment went through but we know we tried to comment when blogger was being a poopyhead. We finally gave up commenting until they fixed it. We - of little patience :)

The Road Dogs

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

What a great tour George. Mum thought the roots thing beed very interesting looking. TNP always says you can never get lost, you just took the off route version. hehe.

Elaine Pritchard said...

Amazing walk and pictures. I especially love the picture of the tree roots.

My friend Frankie (Rhodesian Ridgeback/Greyhound cross) got very upset when his folks took him to an open day at the RSPCA rescue kennels recently. I think the barking is a bit stressful.

Like you I hope they all get good new homes soon.

Love and licks, Winnie

The Thuglets said...

Looks like a terrific place for a walk George.

As two maps didn't wotk do you think you need to invest a a GPS collar so you can always help your mum & dad out when lost?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Amber-Mae said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures, George!