Saturday 11 June 2011

Saturday Steps and a meet up with Boomerang

Boomerang it that really you?

"Yes its me"

"Wow Boomer, don't mind if I call you Boomer do you Boomerang, sooo pleased to meet you in the fur, thats a great book you've done, hope you will sign a copy or two for me"

I must tell my blogging friends
 about how famous you are around here.

Do any of you remember these
Saturday Steps

I told you I was on a secret mission,
Well it was to help Boomer out.

The first time I visited Delidale

in the post

I left my blogging card with the owner, and later I got an email from Boomer saying he is doing a book about  dog friendly walks around Ironbridge and Coalbrookdale, and is looking for  Canine Chums to test out the walks and do a comment to go in the book.
I was soo excited, me being asked if I would like to do a walk, yes please

I was to do
The Historical Walk

Which just so happens some of it I had done on the post
You know I took my girlfriend Stanzie with me

So here are some photos taken on the secret mission

This is Boomerangs Book
12 Dog Friendly Walks Around Ironbridge & Coalbrookdale.

This is the page with me on!
 The Historical Walk, the maps are very clear and along with good directions even mom wouldn't get lost on one of these walks.

You can Follow Boomerang on Twitter

You can also buy the book at

Now you might have noticed I have three copy's of the book, well we took a return visit to Delidale with a 4 paws up award to say thank you, as without them me and Boomer would have never met

They have the book on sale so I asked mom if she would buy a couple for a give away

All you have to do is leave a comment, I know some of you are still having problems with Blogger so if you would like to be in the draw just email me at
The draw with close Friday 16th at 20.00 BST
The winners will be announced on next Saturday's post.

Mom won't let me on Twitter, she says my blog takes up enough time!! but go give him a visit and say George sent yea :)

Till Next Time
Have a Good Week
See Yea George xxx

PS Boomer's signed the books and I have signed my page to.
I have been a bit behind this week doing my visiting, will try my best to pop by soon.


rottrover said...

How thrilling to meet an author in the furs!! He seemed like a furry nice fellow. Your photographs of the walk were beautiful. We really liked the one looking through the tunnel with you standing in front!

And we really like your new header picture!! You're lookin' sharp!

Have a good week, George!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Lucky George - you met a real live authorpup!!! How cool was that! You got some great pics here, we love the tunnel one too, and the one with the big wheel at the beginning. We hope Boomerang's book is very successful.

We also think that very first photo is so cool with you looking up and Boomerang looking down and then the two of you meeting in the next one - great photo story:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

This is grrrreat.

PeeS.. I did a sneaky thingy and went on FaceBook fur a few days... I wasn't really feelin the love, butt then MOM CAUGHT ME and POOF no more FB fur me. I'm not losing any nap time over it, fur sure.
I am soooooo proud of you and your furend Boomerang!!!! WAY to GOOOOOOO Guys!!!

Michelle said...

George! You charming little devil are famous!! How wonderful!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hey George... Now this is what I call a REAL adventure... Wowwwwwwww
and I really liked your photo!!!
Thank you for visiting. Yes! I would be happy to make you a french bandanny, but I think I would be lost in ALL that material...teehee.. Yep, it would be like making a sail for a boat.
See ya George, mom sends her best.

jdemartin said...

Great to be reminded of Boomer and his cool book! Great photos as always-we feel like we're walking right with ya!

And please enter us in your contest if you will consider those living in the U.S.!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

George, this is great. You're famous. I nose a famous dog! Da book looks wonderful and you sure do get to visit lots of really nice places.

Patrice said...

You're even more famous than I ever imagined. I don't need the book since I'm on this side of the pond, but I wanted to say hello. Tell mom I stopped by.
;) Patrice

Wyatt said...

How cool is that!! You are in a published book of walks...that's our George! Stanzie is so beside herself with GLEE! Good work, George!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Anakin Man said...

Oh George-
Love yous new pho-toe header- me see's a little duckie man.
Me had fun on 'da walkies

and yes!!!!! We's love to win 'dat awesome book!!!!!!!!!

Anakin Man

The Daily Pip said...

Pretty cool, George! Boomer seems like a heck of a nice guy and I would love to check out his book!

Your pal, Pip

Cranberry Morning said...

My goodness, George. I didn't know you were famous and friends with an author. Ya know George, I'd take you on walks anywhere - and I'd never take you to the police station. lol

houndstooth said...

How totally awesome! You met the author AND you contributed to the book, too! I am totally impressed!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi George! What neat steps! And your friend is very cute!


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Why is your Pa taking you to the Pawlice station... have you been naughty??? I don't believe it!

You and Boomer are so lucky you have such beautiful walks to do, and now you are famous to boot!! I'm proud of you George.

My mum is thinking of doing the scavenger hunt photo thingy this month.... she'll decide later! You always make them look so good.

Bye now, Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Amber-Mae said...

How cool you got to meet a celebrity book author! The pictures are lovely as usual & you look like such an innocent puppy in the last picture. Too cute!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George, you are such a star! The book looks great too. Gail is always thinking that she should write a book about dog-friendly walks in the Aberdeen area. If she ever gets round to it, I'll demand that you come up and try out one of the walks with me.
Toodle pip!

karen said...

Hi George, Boomerang here! Looking at the photos reminds me of what good old fashioned puppy fun we had last week! All these lovely comments are going to my head I may have to start wearing shades and getting an agent! Anyway thanks for all your help with the book and see you on the next walk. I'm off on the Sunday Morning Walk now (yes I know its Sat but I like to be different!). Sausages for brekkie

Adien Crafts said...

Hi George! How brilliant, not only do you get to help a famous 'pawthor' but you get to test out the walks, that has to be a great idea. Boomer looks like a great pal to have and the photo's of the walk look fantastic. Have a great weekend whatever walk you have, Dex & Lou x

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That is just fantastic, George. You got to have a great walk AND you get famous! We are soooo impressed.

XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

Maybe you could include a few of those sausages in the prize--just an idea.

Duke said...

OMG, you're even more famous, George! You always have the greatest fun-filled adventures!
And your new header picture is just gorgeous!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Awesome! You're so famous, George! It's really cool that you met the doggy author and you're in the book too.
We always love to read about your walks, those steps and those historical places.
Can't wait to read the book now.
Have a great weekend!

J_on_tour said...

Congratulations on being famous George. Some nice shots here, love the one looking sideways on the steps beside the bridge.
Believe me, you have enough to worry about without twitter. I signed up for twitter and have only tweeted once. I keep getting e-mails from them to say that I am not using the service. All of my internet time is taken up with trying to edit 100's of photos, Facebooking them to friends and of course blogger as well.

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, what a pawesome meeting with Boomerang. I bet he was a bunch of fun. That's a wonderful book...especially since you are in it!! He should have gotten your autograph too. Great pix.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE!!! I AM SO LATE SON...yesterday was my last day of SCHOOL!!! BUT I had a late evening and I just barely finished my post...BUT I AM ENCHANTED TO MEET BOOMER IN THE FUR and to see your NEW HEADER, YOUR SKETCH drawn by mum, and to see your fun and wonderful FACE and butt shots teeeeheeeeeee all over this FABULOUS POST. WE LOVE YOU GEORGE AND JAN! This is so awesome. I love that you have your FOUR PAWS awards and PLEASE count us in for the give away?????? I so cherish you two. LOVE TO EACH ONE OF YOU TODAY AND ALWAYS!!! Anita

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh you came to visit me! I so love having friends of the two-legged and four-legged kind that are SO GREAT! I just get a kick out of you. Your header is so handsome mi man! LOVE TO YOU! ANita and Balzac

Rattus Scribus said...

Righto, George. But please don't forget us when you get to the top of the ladder of fame and fortune.

Please promise that you will still make your appearances at "The Cavern" like the good old days. Remember, we where you fans when you were just one of the Lads from Shropshire -- before the world tried to take you from us.

Rattus & Tea

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Teeeheee! That Tea Rat and Rattus...YOU have more admirers than you think, son! Anita

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi George and Happy Step Saturday to you my favorit 'Dale!!

Oh what a surprise to meet Boomer and what a great post you have today. I know you were thrilled to meet up with Boomer in dog!! MOL (You know how folks say the met in two met in dog).
Hugs to you and Mom
Madi and Mom

alison said...

Came over from Weltaf ....

Great photos - would love to visit that area and will definitely get a copy of the book of walks if/when we do :)

Lovely to see George off the lead too!

Anakin Man said...

Hey George Man-
Pugga Momma here--

Your suggestion worked!! Thanks little man :)

huggies to you,

Finn said...

What a great bookie and walk. So cool that you got to meet the author! Looks like it was fun!!

Andi's English Attic said...

My goodness, George - you're famous! How thrilling to be asked to contribute to a book. Such a useful book at that. Anything that stops your mum and people like her (me) getting lost. xx

Anonymous said...

Cool George! You're in a walkie book! What could be better! Yay for Boomer! Mom and I would luv to come on walkies in your neck of the woods! She doesn't think she can paddle all the way across the pond though :( Butt we just luv going on them with you in mind and spirit! :D

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: Mom took your flat self somewhere :O Plan to post about it this week. Will drop you a note when it's up. :)

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, it was meant for you to be famous because you go on so many walks and are so handsome!! We think it's great that you are in the book and it was autopawed by both of you!! Beautiful scenery really have wonderful places to go! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, you're famous, George! That is so cool that you met Boomerang and are in that awesome book! :)

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Wow George, you met a celebritdog and you got to be in a book, way to go you!!
~lickies, Ludo

Road Dog Tales said...

OMD! OMD! This would be a dream come true! Your very own page in book! We can't even express our excitement for you! That is awesome! And we're glad to meet Boomer, too! What a cool name. We'll have to visit him.

The Road Dogs (we know George and he's FAMOUS!)

Chicco said...

Oh George, I'm very happy for you, my friend. Have a nice sunday.
Woof, woof,


Pup Fan said...

George, you're famous!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

George, that's so amazing and wonderful. You know, you've accomplished a whole lot for a doggy who is still very young. No telling what you'll have done by the time you're five or so.

How Sam Sees It said...

We'd like a copy, George! If we win, could you pawtograph it for us?


The Thuglets said...

Wow.....George you are published! Brillo paws..great work.

Hope you had a good weekend.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

P.S. Cora said fank u for her birthday wishes and she did get extra Yorkie!x

violett said...

George, you'll always be famous. The world's most famous Welsh.
George A beer is not enough, George is now a guide. * lol *
Very beautiful photos made ​​your mom again!

Anonymous said...

Hey George! You have ALWAYS been famous in my book!

I can hardly believe that I knew you before you became a celeb! Just don't let all the fame go to your head now! BOL

Congrats George the book and photos of you are just Pawsome!

woos, Tessa

Sage said...

Super, George. You ARE famous and always will be! That's so special to be featured in a book--I can't wait to tell all my furiends.

That was a really cool walk you did for Boomer. Loved those steps!!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi George
Thank you so much for coming over to see Bebe visit her friend in the Hollow.. I hope you had time to click on her link and visit Dimity Doormouse at Hopalong Hollow Gazette. Jeri Landers is the creator of Dimity and an amazing author and illustrator.
Yes, Bebe has a big smile today, she is very excited about her visit.
Have a great week, my best to mom and dad.
Penny & Bebe

Hoke said...

You have the most wonderful adventures!!! An adventure a day will keep the mind happy!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What fun, George! I really love the photos of you in the spread! Know what? I'd be just as excited to meet YOU! You have the best adventures and are a very smart guide.

All the best :)