Wednesday 23 March 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Hello, I've just come back from a lovely walk, its been one of the warmest days of the year, and sunshine all day, the Daffodils are coming out.

Now let me tell you about

Mom's taking part, it is being run by

Each month Kathy puts up a list of items, all you have to do is photograph them and add to the photo scavenge hunt flicker page.
So this is mom's photo's for March

A collection 
Mom's uranium glass!!!

A Fancy Gate

The gates to Tewkesbury Abby, taken on my first weekend away.

A Lamb

A Lion

A Rainbow
You can just see it!! taken at the top of The Wrekin

A Ring
Mom likes to think out the box!! this is a gas ring!!

A Shadow

An Empty Chair
Granpops work shop

Peeling Paint

Something as old as you
That's mom's birth year!!!!

Something Green

Something Sentimental
This is mom's Boo Boo, Gran made it for her when she was a little girl out of her sheep skin coat, if you look under his nose you will see a worn bit, its where mom kissed him all the time!!
You will let me know if my beard starts to go a bit thin, cus shes always kissing me!!!

Some of the photos we had already got in the bag, but mom enjoyed trying to find the rest, so we will be doing the photo hunt at the end of each month.
Thanks for popping by

See Yea George xxx 


Taryn said...

That's a really neat idea! You did a great job with all the categories.

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh how very interesting we loved all the photos especially the one from the top of the Wrekin.
We have pulled our hoomans up there............

We have been spending loads of time in the garden bird watching. One of these days Mummy Blackbird is going to push her luck too far.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, that's a lot of fun. I really enjoyed seeing the creative pix you used for this. :)
BTW: Love your header pix with the daffys!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That looks like a lot of fun. The photos are great!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Zona said...

What a great idea! And you always have fantastical fotos... this is perfect for you!!


Wyatt said...

What a fun idea. Love all your pics, especially the ones with George in them :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You did good, George. Sounds like fun!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ahhhh....I am sitting here, comfy at my writing desk and it was a long, hard day. Balzac is at my feet, we are enjoying your NEW HEADER son, you look fabulous. Those daffodils are splendid. We have MORE SNOW and Balzac is chomping at the bit to go outside, but it is TOO HIGH!!!! Oh Georgie, your mum has the cutest boo boo; I have one too. My year of birth is a bit EARLIER than that of the penny.....but I am still UP TO RUNNING AROUND WITH YOU TERRIERS! I love that uranian glass..that is quite spooky! And you are the best, George. You make our day!!! HAVE A LOVELY EVENING YOU TWO...Anita

Cranberry Morning said...

Great photo collection! I can't decide if yellow is your color, George, or if it's green. You look lovely amongst the daffodils, and you look pretty stunning next to those John Deere tractors! Perhaps a little more masculine next to those JDs. :-)

Elizabeth Keene said...

Great photos (I *love* the uranium glass and gas ring)! I agree that this is a super idea.
Geaorge, you are SO adorable.

Elizabeth Keene said...

Oops! Sorry, GEORGE!

Michelle said...

Great photos and some nice thinking out of the box. George I love the header photo of you sitting in the still my heart.

Dolce said...

Great photos George!!!! ... we had more snow today :( Paws and licks Dolce

Jon Terry said...

Ahhhhh...your new header pic is so beautiful with all the daffodils!!! So lovely!!
Your mommy certainly is a creative person, i like her pic of the cool and unique :)

Send her all my hugs, cuddles and licks :)
I have received her blowing kiss and kept it in my heart ^^

Love ya,
Jon Terry

Boo21's Mom said...

Your new banner is gorgeous! Happy spring!

The Daily Pip said...

Cool idea! Love those little lambs!

Your pal, PIp

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

My mum is very jealous of your mum's photo abilities - she wishes your human could come over and take a pic of me for the canvas print!!! Fun idea about the photo hunt! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

houndstooth said...

The photos are all lovely, but that uranium glass shot is so cool! I love that one!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was a lot of fun, George. We might try that one time too. Hope you don't start losing the furs on your chinny chin chin, but we do hope you get lots of kisses from Mom.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh George have we's missed you!!

Tanks for 'da nice wordys on our bloggy~

Very fun idea and we's like yous momma's stuffie bear man~

Always nice to come to yous bloggy -

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

24 Paws of Love said...

Love your photo choices! Those are so cool. What a fun idea. Good luck!

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Those are very nice photos! Cool choices too. Love the little lambs hehe


cherie said...

Beautiful photos! George seems to always be smiling in his photos. He is incredibly handsome.

Anonymous said...

Oooooo! Y'all did GOOD! I like em all! Got a good chuckle over the "ring" shot ;) Excellent :)

Waggin at ya,

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwwwww - Booboo is too cute! We LOVE your new header picture, George!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

What a fantastic selection of the photos, they are so wonderful. I love the gas ring the best!
I love your new header too, it's beautiful.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George... you have Daffydills blooming already. BEAUTIFUL.

I love this series of pics.. You look soooo little next to those John the Deer Tractors!!!
BoBo is grrreat.

Road Dog Tales said...

What cool photos! That sounds like a super fun game, George. Those little lambs are too cute :)

Oh, and we're loving your daffodil header!

The Road Dogs

Amber-Mae said...

Very pawsome pictures, George! Your mom is a very good photographer.

J.E. Bolton said...

Very nice job! George is adorable.

Your mum x said...

Wonderful photos.....the gas ring, the rainbow....

Well done, handsome....

Homer said...

Hi George,

The photos are booti-ful and well-taken! Bellissima!


Asta said...

Those daffy dillies wif you in them look like my dweam of spwing(well you awe my favowite ackshually)
That scavengew hunt wif photos is soo fab. I love how youw Mom thinks outside the box.
Did you know that toys who awe loved to nakedness awe vewy special?
Don't wowwy, Geowge, all youw Mom's kisses won't weaw youw bootiful beawd away.
smoochie kisses

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Love your Spring header, George. Also those photos are just wonderful. That's a great game and we thank you for sharing. We look forward to future installments as well.

My Mind's Eye said...

Gorgeous pictures....George give Mom a high 5 for us....oh and today is the last Friday Mom will work. She is retiring next Thursday March 31, 2011.
Hugs Madi

Golden Samantha said...

Fabulous finds for this hunt! Such creative and lovely photos for each category your Mum's listed - wow! LOVE the HEADER photo of you in the daffydils! Simply bootiful!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

Peggy Frezon said...

Great pictures. I love BooBoo, and BooBoo certainly looks well loved too.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Wow! This has to be right up there with some of your greatest photos, yet. We loved loved loved looking at these. (And we'll watch out for your beard, George. Ours, too, now that you mention it.)

Jake and Fergs

J_on_tour said...

A great idea for a competition. Very original idea for the empty chair. I love the Tewkesbury Abbey Gates and unfortunately my collection from there is not in the digital age. The best photo for me has to be George and his shadow. Well Done.