Sunday 2 June 2013



"George there's no need to shout!"

 Hello we thought we better let you know what we have been up to over the last month!!

OK here's goes.

We got to meet a well known Vet 


We met Cousin Celia, and we will be going to see her dogs
 Ted and Twiggy later in the year.


Have had two Pooch Packs, this was April's

This one was May's


Playing with the hose pipe, as you can see George doesn't like water


Having zoomies with Colin


Went on a Welsh Terrier walk with all the above fur friends
(Can you pick us out as we are in the photo?)


We got to meet two friends all the way from 
Denver Colorado, you can't see Sally's face as George just wouldn't stop kissing and hugging her!!!


Birthday celebrations in May


Lots of playing with  fur friends


Me and George always up for a play


We got our first taste of ice cream this year.


We let Mom have time out with camera.


Our paws haven't touched the ground, we have had a great month.
We just need a little more time to get the blog posts done.

Mom has been updating George's Flickr page. 
We like the new look Flickr
 here's a link  

You will find sets of photos 
Check out
 Sandringham 2013 
Roxy's Birthday Party

We hope to be back blogging soon with a new look blog
Thanks for stopping by

Love and Hugs
George and Tess xxx


Cowspotdog said...

My dogness you have been a busy pair - your are going to need a vacation to recover from your blogging vacation!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGIE AND TESSIE! I have MISSED you two so much and as soon as I saw that you had posted, I ran over here to see you.

You bring us much joy as we don't know of any other terriers EVER that can smile and make funny faces as you do! You have had SO MUCH FUN with Colin (are you and Colin still an item, Tessy?) and with Roxy and And mum is having fun with her camera as I am checking out your Flickr page! I LOVE YOU ALL!

Happy days are here again as George and Tess are back in the saddle!

Taryn said...

Glad to hear you are keeping busy and having lots of fun!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Tess and George it is very much WONDERFUL to see you and to hear about the MARVELOUS MONTH you have had. We DO miss you somethingy dreadful, you know.

Michelle said...

So glad to get an update from you both! Looking tip-top and so glad all is well!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think we've narrowed the field by getting down to about 6 in the photo...BOL!

You've had a very busy month...keep it up.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Ruby said...

Wows, you guys are two busy Welshies!
Thanks for the update, and yes, I was able to pick you two out of all your furends!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh wow, y'all have had a great month. I, Sally Ann, am a bit jelous that got to play with so many other Welshies. You two are sure lucky.
Welsh licks and Eskie head bumps

Eileen H said...

Gosh you have been busy.
Looking forward to your new look blog.
Luv Eileen and Annie xx

Unknown said...

Nice to see you back George and Tess. My you have been busy. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Leigh said...

What a busy time you two have had! And all those photos - beautiful! Great to hear all your news and see you enjoying yourselves - woofs and licks to you and your peeps from Magic xx

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Looks like you had a great month!

Unknown said...

So glad to see you two are back! Looks like you guys have had a lot of fun !

World of Wildlife said...

Great pics, will visit your Flickr photo stream.

Matilda the Boxer said...

What a fun, busy time!

Duke said...

You guys sure do stay superbusy! Aren't Sally and Nina the bestest ever♥

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

WFT Nobby said...

Well didn't you just have a great month George and Tess. Especially the ice-cream bit! Gail and I were very envious that Sally and Nina got to meet you on the Welsh terrier walk. In fact when I heard it was taking place I suggested to Gail that perhaps she could black me up a bit so I could pass as a Welshie and come along too, but she said that was a terrible idea, both messy and politically incorrect...And anyway, it seems that a couple of foxy terrier pups snuck onto your walk anyway, so it wasn't as exclusive as I was led to believe.
Oh, Gail says I am rambling on and it's time to shut up...
All the best anyway,
Looking forward to the new look blog.
Toodle pip!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

A great month for you all! Ice cream and getting to play with other Welshies! You must have been in heaven!! So fun that you met Sally and Nina. Here they only live a few states (and 1000miles) away from us and we have never gotten to meet them. Phooey!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

ps- we're guessing you were #6 & #11 in the group photo.

sprinkles said...

Y'all are always so busy! I love reading your updates and seeing what you're up to.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Good to know you are both okay and having lots of fun. Love the pix.

World of Animals, Inc said...

It's just so wonderful to see you two back posting on your blog again. It looks like everything has been going well for you two. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
World of Animals