Saturday 8 June 2013

All Change

We're not sure, its a big change to our blog.
You may of noticed that its now back to George The Lad
The setting won't let me change it, so gone is
 "The George and Tess Adventures" 
 Tess is here and will still be blogging along with me.
I have also put a page at the top of the blog called 
"My Sister Tess" with some photos. 

You can change how you would prefer to view our new look blog.
 Go to the top left hand corner with your mouse where it says Magazine a drop down menu will appear, take your pick.

On the right hand side are small icons. if clicked on you will see it's like the old side bar.

Click on any part of a post to open it up.

There is a reason I picked this lay out, I started blogging to keep a diary, blogging is a great way to do this but the more you blog the harder it is to go back and find posts.
 The Flipcard layout on the drop down list is a very easy way to take a trip down memory lane.

We do apologize

 Firstly for being out of the loop and not visiting our friends.
Also after having one of the longest blogging breaks we have ever had I now have bloggers block!!
 I hope its not a long term condition, bare with us, normal blogging and visiting will return soon.

Love and Hugs George and Tess xxx  


Cowspotdog said...

Nope - don't like this style at is weird. But at least you guys are still cute and adorable. We will get use to it in time :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


We can never forget you, ever! It is difficult to make blog changes, but you did it and as long as we can still see you, leave comments and read about what you're up to, all is well.

We missed you so much. Big hugs from across the pond, Anita

Duke said...

We could NEVER forget you, George and Tess - not in 87 million years!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy George and Tess, good to see ya mates. We don't mind what the change is, as long as we get to say hello. Mum agrees, sometimes it's hard to find stuffs she has helped us blog about even though we try and label them. Give us a few photos here and there and we're happy to see you both!! Take care.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Anonymous said...

Oh I understand, we change up the blog form time to time too. Good luck with working out the layout!!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

We can't forget y'all. Us Welshies have to stick together.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Bloggers Block. Happens we completely understand.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Ruby said...

Oh noes! I loves your faces! You do look disgusted with the state of things! BOL
I had to stop by and say hellos thou, and wish you lucks with that Blogger's Block ~ I gets that too! Readin' a whole bunch of bloggies usually gets me back on track thou.
Good to see you!

Sage said...

No worries...we've been amongst the missing at times ourselves. Glad to see you both! We were on some steps (the picture came out horrid) and thought about you!!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Just think, at least you haven't had anything worrying to post about!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Change can be good sometimes. We would never FURget you! You two are our buddies fur life!


Eileen H said...

I'm sure well get used to your new layout, you have worked hard.
I am upset that my friend Google Reader is ending at the end of this month.
I don't like change!
As long as you are here to say hello to that's all that matters!
I have got bloggers block BIG style :-)
Annie sends her love x

sprinkles said...

It might take a little getting used to, but you did a great job!

Unknown said...

Nice one we like it. Great to see you back. Have a serene Sunday.
Best wishes Molly

Rose H (UK) said...

It'll take a bit of getting used to - but I'm an old biddy now!
Great to see you back :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Leigh said...

Glad to see you both again! I'm sure we'll get used to the new look very soon :-) Have a happy Sunday - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Terrorzinhos said...

Sometimes changes are a positive thing!
We would never forget you!
Nice to see your sweet faces again! =)
Have a nice week!

Kaiser and Farrusquinho

Hoke said...

Change stinks but it's bound to happen!!! NIce to see you again!

Ryker said...

We had to take a break too...hang in there. We just like keeping in touch, no worries about format :)

J_on_tour said...

The page seems very modern but loses a lot of your blog identity ... which you may have moved on from. Having said that I have to an eye on my sidebar as I can dislike some of the widgets with the passage of time. This format seems more accessible to find old posts although from experience, I find that these are mainly viewed by Google hunters.

I guess that you can tell that I find change difficult but have to deal with it all the time with professional life & leisure pursuits.

Nice to see you back & that you weren't away for too long. Hope you refocused on what you want from the experience.

Bocci said...

Nice to hear from you two and your peeps-we'll look forward to more posts!!!!

The Black and Tans. said...

George, may we just say you look a bit grumpy in the photo above all your writing.

We are going to have a click around your new look blog.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Unknown said...

I love you George and Tess, no matter what the blog looks like!

Hugs, Lynnie

World of Animals, Inc said...

George and Tess we are so happy to of found your blog. We are very happy with how your blog looks like. We just love seeing your fun photos. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals