Thursday 13 June 2013

A Matter of Taste

We know that every dog has his favourite dog food for one reason or another, we do, ours is Vets Kitchen. 
Me and Tess have been fed on it for over 19 months.
 Our reason for starting to buy it.

It’s a high quality food that can be bought at most major supermarkets, Mom picks it up with her weekly shop.

"Are you going to tell them what’s in it George"

"Lets start by saying what's not it in Tess"

There's NO Wheat, Beef, Soya or artificial colours and flavours.

The Salmon & Potato
For healthy skin & Coat
40% delicious salmon
 Omega 3 fatty acids for healthy skin, coat & immune system
Prebiotics for healthy digestion
Glucosamine & chondroitin for healthy joints
Natural antioxidants

Chicken & Brown Rice
Tasty chicken for high quality protein
Nucleotides to help maintain healthy immune system
Prebiotics for healthy digestion
Glucosamine & Chondroitin for healthy joints
Natural antioxidants

"Hey, Mom how about feeding us?"

"Tess have you got the right amount?"

We never turn our nose's up at it, the kibble is a good size, its OK for me and not to big for Tess, smells good to. 

All gone!!
 Mom says it's very cost affective as you don't have to feed large amounts, and after being fed we always settle down for a sleep!!
Our poops are hard to!

Mom always picks some up from the Vet's Kitchen stand at Crufts as they always have good offer's on, 
we are also on their emailing list.
Not that long ago they sent an email out
"Is your dog the next Top Dog Model?"

Without me knowing Mom sent in a photo of me!!
I got through to the final 10 dogs, 5 would go on to have their photo on the new Dog Food packaging

We had to go to the Vet's Klinic
and I had my photo taken!!

We were made very welcome, that's us and Mom with Joe Inglis the vet that created the Vet's Kitchen foods and runs Vet's Klinic.
We also got a goodie bag to take home.

Was I one of the 5 to be put on the new packaging?

No, I didn't get picked this time


 But they did say they might use my photo on another product.
I'll keep you posted on that one

So now you know why me and Tess have clear eyes, shiny coats and white teeth
We are fed on Vet's Kitchen

Click on the logos for more information

Thanks for popping by
Signing off for now
George & Tess xxx


sprinkles said...

I've never heard of this brand before. I'll have to google them and see if they sell that here in the US.

You and Tess have the whitest teeth of any dog I know, so it must be good!

I'm sorry your pictures didn't get picked, but I'll keep my fingers crossed they use it for another product.

Anonymous said...

We are like Sprinkles, have never heard of it, will check it out for over the pond here.
George you and Tess are so good about presenting a product, we bet your picture will be on another of their products. betcha Mom sure is proud of you guys!

The Mad Scots

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YAHOOOOOO!!! YOU are both back! I am so happy to see you and your mum; she is very pretty and I must say that the vet is quite a handsome man! tehehehehheheeee

GEORGIE, you are the posterchild for any product under the sun. That snicker and smile of yours is classic and Tessie, you are a good little girl for showing us how you finished your food to the last bite. I vouch for having both of you photographed for an important product, and it was a delight to see you all! HUGS to you all! Anita

meowmeowmans said...

That food sounds pretty delicious, George and Tess. And we can see from the photos that you enjoy it very much! How neat that you got to visit Vet's Kitchen!

Unknown said...

We can see you enjoy it. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Rose H (UK) said...

You was robbed George - you should have been on the packaging!
I shall pass this information on to Bisto's Mom (he can't read very well!)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Cowspotdog said...

WHAT THE DOG !!!!!!!!! How could they not pick you - you are a super hero - you are george...don't they know that!!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We've never seen it here in the US but we'll sure be hopin' you get your picture on one of their products! Let us all know.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We've just switched to a high grade locally owned no-grain kibble.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We have never had this brand but it sure sounds good to us, George and Tess!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

They need their heads read for not picking you as NUMBER 1 !!!! I'm just outraged George.... if I was closer I'd go over there and tell that company a thing or six!

I need a snack now to calm myself down.

Bye for now - Tail Wuggles, your sis Rubie xxx

PeeS: Mum want to ask your mom if she saw my "Dark Days Ahead " post - she is very proud of her new "table" - but I'm not so sure!!

Rubie xxx

Ryker said...

I am very glad you love your Kibble...but I'm sure it would taste even better with your picture on it!!!

Leigh said...

Can't believe they didn't pick you for the pack photo - you would have been the best advert for it I'm sure. But you did get a goody bag so I s'pose that's not too bad :-) woofs and licks from Magic xx