Tuesday 29 January 2013

Pet Face Review

Me and Tess have been trying out some of Pet Face products

"OK George lets start with this packet"

"Alpine Fresh grooming wipes"

"Disinfectant Spray"

"This is the one George is not happy about, Dog Shampoo with "Hello Vera"

Mom will be here later to tell you her thoughts on the products, but we can tell you about the Dog Shampoo first hand. 
Can you see George has a glazed look over his eye's lol

"Come on George its bath time"

"Doesn't it look nice clean water"

"Hang on Dad I'll just help you get him in the bath"

"George don't look so worried, its great when you get used to it"

This is the last photo of George, as it took all three of us, me Mom and Dad to stop him from jumping out!! silly boy.

 Me on the other hand loves the water

"Dad your strangling me"

"Singing in the rain"

"I'll give my teeth a swill"

Two shiny curly coats.

It wasn't to bad, Tess wanted to stay in the bath longer, and we both feel better.
Over to Mom


"Thanks George, maybe next time we bath you you'll enjoy it more. 
Getting back to the products

  The Pet grooming wipes
They are very strong, smell fresh and are a very useful item to have handy. One of my tips is to always have some in the car to wipe muddy paws and fur.
 George and Tess are not the best at travelling so wipes have come to the rescue many a time. 
They are what they say on the packet.

Disinfectant Spray
There are some pretty strong claims on the bottle.
Kills 99% of bacteria and viruses including kennel cough, canine distemper and parvo virus
24 hour germ protection
Neutralises odours and leaves a fresh clean scent
Suitable for areas where pets live, sleep and feed
Ideal for cleaning cat litter trays and small animal cages.

I use mainly blankets as they are easy to just stick in the wash, but have used it around the sleeping areas and sprayed the cushions on the sofa also in the car, and it does take away the doggie smell

Dog Shampoo
George has never been a smelly dog, in fact he has a lovely natural smell about him, well I think so anyway. I have never felt that he should be bathed that much, Tess on the other hand, maybe its because she goes swimming once a fortnight and it strips her natural oils but she does have a hum about her sometimes. I'm very impressed with the shampoo, days later and no smell, their coat feels conditioned and they have not had any reactions from it, itching or flaking skin.

All three products are manufactured for Pet Face by byotrol 
Check out the byotrol website as they make a wide range of hygiene products, you might already be using some in the home and not know.

Back to George and Tess


   Just remember if you see these products while surfing the net or in shops they get the four paws up from us.
Thanks for reading this product review

Signing off for now, your friends
George and Tess


Unknown said...

Yikes noooo baths.....run for cover. Hope you enjoyed. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Matilda the Boxer said...

Thanks for the review! But I'm hiding this from Momma. I don't want her to start thinking I might need a bath!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Tess wanted to stay in LONGER???!!!

We would have tried to bury that stuff in the back yard. Why couldn't they send you treats?

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Wow.... Blogger just ATE our comment..

Trying AGAIN... We posted about FLAT GEO. today!!! From his visit to our hill in Jan. 2011.

William the Lurcher said...

Cleaning and baths should be banned! Heehee

Cowspotdog said...

they sound like good products - our vet told us to use just unscented baby wipes that are non allergenic - very cheap and always come in handy.

Dandy Duke said...

You are too funny showing us your toofies in the bathtub, Tess! haha
We bet you both get extra hugs because you smell so clean and pretty!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Tess sure looked like she was enjoying her bath.


Wyatt said...

Hi George-
It's me, your gal Stanzie.
Poor dear, ooh the torture. I too had a bath today. Our stars must have been aligned. I also had a blow dry at the salon and now I look a bit like a bear or a character from Star Wars, but I hope to have my locks in order before the Valentines dance. Can't wait to see you, I bet you smell really nice. Love, Stanzie

Eileen H said...

I have to admit that Annie has never had a bath! I don't think she'd be too pleased. Poor George wasn't convinced it was good for him!
I'm sure you both smelled delicious after your baths :-)

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Thanks George, Tess and your mama for the reviews. We laugh when we hear that Georgie has a pleasant aroma naturally....Could it be Fritos Corn Chips?? That's what our mommy says Hootie smells like. Actually, both of us have "Fritos Feet"!! Bol.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

PS - LOVED the pics of bath time at your house. Tess sure knows how to grin and show off her pearly whites!

Frank The Tank said...

Hi George and Tess!
I loved your product review, I love the cute picture of the dog on the packaging and that the packet is yellow and bright!
I love all the photos of you in the bath, I laughed sooooooo much at the "your strangling me!" one, you really do not enjoy your bath do you? I love it, its like my Spa day, I enjoy every minute of it!!
Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank xxxxxxxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD GRAVY...those TEETH OF YOURS!!!! teehee.....

Georgie boy, you must give the bath a chance. You will always smell sweet and you must always be ready for the ladies that come your way! They like freshly bathed boys!

Tessy, you are the spokeswoman for this company. You are just too precious for words! LOVE TO SEE YOU ALL! Hey George mi man, are we on this St. George's Day to celebrate together??? LOVE TO YOU! Anita

meowmeowmans said...

Great review, George, Tess, and Mum! Those sound like wonderful products. Tess, we especially liked the pictures of you singing. :)

Ryker said...

Oh yuk...tell them to send treats next time!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE MI MAN! WE ARE ON FOR ST. GEORGIE'S DAY? And mum got you a new dragon? Well then, you are ready to slay, triumph and have fun. I cannot wait to see the spoils and the fun!

Thank you for viewing and yes mi man, I suggest you get your little card out to Stanzie SOON; LOVE DAY will be upon us very soon!


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

I feel sorry for you two ..... having to road test baffing products - that's the worst.

Here's hoping for foodables testing next time!!

Love ya lots, Rubie xxx