Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Tess.... May Issue

Headline News

Colin Visits




A Basket


Update on ME!


Hi we're back with this months Tess

Its been none stop raining, so lets go back to when the sun did shine!


Colin Visits  

He's our Welsh Terrier friend that lives across the road

One of these days I can see him ending up in our pond!

We all had a great afternoon together.
 But we've just heard he's been to the groomers!!

Good bye to the old look
 can't wait to see what he looks like now!



George wants to bark out about this one.

Please read

We are members of WELTAF which stands for Welsh Terriers and Friends, they have an on line forum that you can post on.

I&R one the members posted this

"I had never heard of this, but over Easter a young local girl asked permission to give a neighbour's dog a bit of cake which she herself had baked. She had used an artificial sweetener in it called Xylitol, which in Europe is apparently made from birch chips. It is becoming more common it seams.
Well to cut a long story short, the neighbour's dog almost immediately started vomiting, became very lethargic, was taken within an hour or so to the vet, and ended up on a drip over Easter at one of the animal hospitals in London.
Sadly he did not pull through.
Although this is a natural substance, it seems it can cause catastrophic lowering of blood sugar and liver failure in dogs"

We have been checking this out on the internet, we are not here to claim or scare anyone, so have put some Links for you to check out. 

"Thanks I&R for letting us quote you on this post. we hope no more dogs accidently suffer or die from ingesting Xylitol" 


A Basket

 "George what's wrong?"

"Looks OK to me"
"I thought it would be a dog basket!!"

"Don't be so ungrateful, Mom made it on that basket making course she went on with Auntie Rose and friends, we can use it for something"
"The way Mom told me it would be a dog basket, you can't even swing a cat in that!"

"See its makes a good toy basket George"

"Hang on that's not your toy Tess!!"

There's just no pleasing some dogs!
Mom didn't take any photo's of her making this basket but
 Auntie Rose has a full blog post up about the day they all spent together.
Thanks Auntie Rose


Update on Me!

Its still raining!

 I'm doing OK, still swiming once a week

 I take one tablet a day of
George calls them my pesky tablets

I only go for short walks, but have been building up the length of them, Mom and dad don't want to leave me behind if George goes on one of his long walks so mom got me this if a get tired!!

 "Dad I'm really not sure this is a good idea!!"

"Its a long way down"

"I can't look"

What do you think good idea or not!
Its by Outward Hound and called

He's laughing at me, isn't he, I know he is.
I'm under the weight it say's it takes, I hope the straps hold out!


Breaking News

Its still raining, but we have booked our holidays, yippie
We are going to Yorkshire later in the year.


George has had confirmation he is to be in a magazine, we can't tell you just yet as we are waiting for it to come through our letter box before it goes out to folks. 
Just a little clue you have to be a member to receive it, if you look at the last blog post you might work out what magazine it is.

 "George can I tell them or are you going to tell them"
 "No you can tell them"

Its my 1st Birthday on the 16th May, and I share it with Mom.
 Dad says he will take us out somewhere special, hope it doesn't mean I have to go in that Roo carrier!!

 "Come on Tess this rains just not going to stop, and I need a rest after this very long blog post"   

Its a wrap for this months Tess, see you next month when I will be one year older

Love and (((Hugs))) from the both of us xxxx 


Eileen H said...

That was a fabulous issue of the Tess. It certainly is wet wet wet.
Hope Colin stays out of your pond or he'll be a very soggy doggy :-)

I never knew that about sweeteners, poor doggy and his owners. Martyn is diabetic and I use sweeteners in my baking, will be very careful now.

Clever Mom making a basket. Tell her you need a much bigger one next time :-)

Now Tess, me and Annie are so pleased your pesky tablets are doing you good and you'll soon be an Olympic champion swimmer. It's a good idea to be carried around instead of tiring your poorly leg. Have a great holiday in Yorkshire, it's good to have a holiday to look forward to.

Happy birthday wishes to Tess and Mom on the 16th. Have a great day both of you.

Sending lots of love from Eileen and Annie xx

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi George and Tess,

Great post Tess - glad u have your holiday booked - I'm sure you'll have a great time! Thanks for the info on the sweetener....my mum occasionally uses it so it's good to know stuff like that - mum did know than sweeteners were not recommended for us, but that story was frightening!

I'm not sure about that carrier - I would struggle and try to flee....but if it means you get to join the pack for any big walk....it's a great thing Tess!

I can't believe you are about to have your first Birthday!! My mum will be baking my Birthday cake tonight for my 2nd Birthday tomorrow......wheeeeeee!

See ya, stay outa strife, Rubie xxx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That's a lot of stuff happening in your world. Tess you look cute in the roo carrier. And that basket is just the right size for toys.

We never heard of Xylitol, but SHE'll be checking out everything SHE buys to make sure we don't get any.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Pat said...

Tess, you're an excellent reporter.

So sad to read of the poor dog who ate the cake.

The Roo carrier is a great idea, Tess. You're a terrier, you will work it to your advantage ;)

have fun on your Yorkshire holiday!


Finn said...

I love that carrier! What a great idea!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


We are SO delighted for TESS'S monthly review. This is jam-packed with SUCH NEWS! Tessy darling, you are a fine little journalist you are and George mi man, you will always be the best big brother ever for letting the little girl shine!

OH DEAR I FREAK OUT at the thought of giving our beloved pets any products that are not meant for them !!! I am so sorry to hear of that dog that did not make it. Tessy, you be good and don't wiggle around in that sweet sac to carry you around in! I think you look darling in it!

Well my friends, this was a great way, as always, to start my day!!! LOVE TO YOU ALL!

Unknown said...

What a newsy post and we love to hear from both of you!

It seems there were so many happenings lately and what a great idea of having a trip to Yorkshire. Are you going to get lots of Yorkshire puddings? We love those puddings for our Sunday Roasts.

Can't wait to hear about Tessy's birthday pawty and her pressies and treats!

Taryn said...

Wishing you both a Happy Birthday on the 16th! I hope it's a great day and a SUNNY day!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


Tess, I love that Roo Carrier. I think you and your dad look SUPER with it!!!

Excellent monthly report... as always.

houndstooth said...

Your birthday is the same day as my mom's, too! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. It looks like you've been very busy

verobirdie said...

So nice to have an update of you. I met a dog in a pet-a-roo once and he seemed to like it. I'm sure you will too.

This baket weaving course looks very fun. I'd love to go to one!

Leigh said...

Great update Tess - as always. That Xylitol sounds very dangerous :-( Thanks for the warning. We love your pet carrier - did you see Aoife in hers (29 May 2011 blog post on our visit to Harewood House) she really loved it. Your Mum is very clever to make that basket - my mums are not at all practical like that. Hope those tablets and the swimming get you really strong again - take care - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Rose H (UK) said...

Hi Tess!
Cor, that rain is getting on my nerves too BIG TIME!
Good info on that dratted sweetener, thank you for putting it on your post Tess, it could certainly save some lives.
Isn't it grat that Colin lives so near and is able to visit! Bet you three have such fun :o)
Tell Mom please, how strange but Ann has used her basket for doggie toys too! (Thank you for posting the link to my blog post Mom)
I love your carrier Tess, you look so snug in it, just hope Dad's back holds out on those long walks!
I'd quite forgotten you and Mom share your birthday....mmm, interesting!
Sending lots of love.
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Asta said...

That was a most intewesting and wondewful wepawt fwom you that wain is coming down pwetty hawd, hewe it's been so hot, I might like to twade fow a few days , that swimming and pesky tabs will help so much that you'll only have to use that Woo cawwiew on weely long walkies9pawsonally, I think it's soopew cool, sadly, ummm, I'm a bit on the heavy side fow one, but shhhh, don't tell)
thewe must be lots of excitement wif holidays and Biwfday celebwation and all and meantime, you have a fun neighbow, Colin to come entewtain you
life is good
smoochie kisses to you and Geowge!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Tess, I love that last picture of you, George and Colin. The boys were certainly having a good laugh at something! (Not you, I hope).
Tell George thanks for the warning about the sweeteners. No danger of finding any of them in this house though - if Gail wants something sweet she says it has to be proper sugar!
We hope you have a great Birthday celebration on 16th May, and that the Roo carrier won't be needed (although it does look kinda cosy).
Toodle pip!

Cranberry Morning said...

Thanks for the warning about Xylitol, although I've had a strong suspicion for quite a while that any artificial ingredients are not good for man nor beast (not to be calling you a beast, George).

Did you know, George, that the Moors aren't going to have as many steps as the Dales? :-) Oh well, I hope you all have a lovely time...and I wish I were going to be there with you. In 'The Secret Garden,' Mary said that 'the Moors are ugly.' Evidently she didn't love Yorkshire like I do. Don't get lost on the steps at Rievaulx Abbey.

Michelle said...

Tess, you look most delightful in that carrier! Let them pamper you when you are tired! George, I cannot wait to see you in the magazine!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tess, we think you look very cute in that carrier and what the heck, if it means you get to go along for the walks, then enjoy the ride.

We have heard about the Xlitol problem for dogs. Mom worries about us grabbing a wad of gum that dumb humans just toss out - how would we know if it had xlitol in it? Very good info for you to share.

Hope the rain stops soon for you.

Take care.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

meowmeowmans said...

Great report, Tess! We think that carrier is very nice ... that way you can go out on the adventures, too.

So sad about the Xylitol poisoning of animals. Thank you for sharing this important information.

Happy birthday (a bit early)!

Hugs to you, George and Mum and Dad, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow Tess you and George have been up to all kinds of stuff! Glad to hear you're doing okay and are getting some walks in. Now about that carrier, anything with a Roo in it can't be all that bad ;)
Luv the basket your Mom made! I went on over to your Auntie Rose's site and what a process! Looked like a really cool way to spend the day :)

That Xylitol is sure nasty stuff. They use it in chewing gum too. Terrible story of the poor doggy that ate some in the cake :(

Saw your Mom's hike with her friend Bridget to Powis Castle. What a great place! Such fabulous photos she took there. Please thank her for sharing them :D

Waggin at ya,

Ryker said...

That is a lot of news! Where do I start?
Collin looks like a fine young lad. The three of you are very cute together. Mom was admiring your backyard area and the pond.
I am so sorry to here about the dog that died from eating Xylitol. We did a post on that a long time ago. We do have a tub of it in our house but have it well labeled. If I cook with it I am always sure to let people know it's dangers. It is now commonly found in gums and candies so beware!
Your mom made a beatiful basket for your toys, do they all fit in there? I kmow mine wouldn't!
I hope it stops raining so you can go out and play. Have a wonderful May!

Duke said...

Go for the carrier, Tess! You don't want to be left out of any fun!
How sad about the poor doggie who ate cake :-(

Love ya lots,

The Daily Pip said...

I have read about that sweetener. It's in lots of gum, which often ends up on the ground. My mom is always super careful about not letting me pick some up on our walks.

Your pal, Pip

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

First off Tess, Rory says he wants one of the Roo carriers. He says he gets tired too and should be carried!! We love your friend Colin cause that's our Dad's name hehe.

Very sad about the little doggie who ate the cake (and also for the little girl who wanted to share some with him).

See ya soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Peggy Frezon said...

wow so much news! thanks for the info on the sweetener. that is very sad about that dog.

i'm so excited about George and the mystery magazine!!

Andi's English Attic said...

First, thanks for the warning about the sweetener. How sad.

Happy Birthday Tess and Mum.

Elsie wants you to know that she has the white grinning dog toy on the top of your basket. For a while it was her bedtime buddy. xx

Wyatt said...

Another action packed Tuesday Tess!! Love the basket, love your smiley furiend from across the street...the jury is still out on the dog-a-roo pet carrier...snicker, snicker.

Can't wait to see our very own "Cover Boy George" in a magazine..BOW WOW!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

julee said...

Goodness you guys are very busy. Thank you so much for the update on the bad sweetner. Mom has been giving me little treats but will now remember to only share doggie treats...or give doggie treats...she doesn't eat them...BOL!

Tess, Hopefully the Roo carrier is only used in case of emergency!

Violet Mae