Tuesday 27 September 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt September

Hosted by

Hey I'm on all of them this month

Back To School

The Football/Soccer Season

What's in Your Bag



A Pile of Things


Your Desk/Workspace

A Public Telephone Box

Something Taller Than You


A Road Sign

A View From Above

Result 12 out of 12, come on mom you can do the same next month

Have a good Week
See Yea George xxx


meowmeowmans said...

Interesting and wonderful pictures as always, George! We especially enjoyed the "something taller than you" one. :)

Kathy said...

Hey, well done George. First again!!! You've certainly made me smile. I considered the same pose with Inca for the relaxation one ... will have to rethink now!
PS I don't want to see what's in your bag!!!!

Rose H (UK) said...

Wow, Mom got you involved in ALL of them this month George :o)
Great photos, and subjects...my favourite? Relaxation, closely followed by What's in your bag? !!!
Bet you didn't like sitting in that blessed phone box though.
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Unknown said...

Mr George you have the prettiest white teeth on a dog ive ever seen!

Finn said...

Wow, look at that! I love your view from above - where are you running to?

Barbara said...

Ha! I know what's in that bag!!

Stewey said...

Hey George - are there some tasty treats in that bag?

houndstooth said...

We're trying to catch up on our Scavenge Challenge before the month is over, too! Great pictures, George! I love your phone booth picture and your pile of things!


Ryker said...

Nice work mom, we can tell you really know what matters!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great George--and you are in all of them. Fantastic effort. We love you looking in the school yard under the No Dogs Allowed sign!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

WOW! Look at all of those apples! Great pictures, George!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GEORGE.... that is a FANGtastic PILE you have there my furend!!!
Grrrreat job this month 100% Wheeeeee.

Michelle said...

Nice selection of photos George! So nice to see a photo of you getting some relaxation.

sprinkles said...

I know what's in my bag but I don't think I want to know what's in yours, George! bol

I've been working on some more pictures of Flat George around campus.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My boy George. For a minute there, I thought you were going to primary school and join the children in music class! I HAVE HEARD YOU SING and let me tell you, you would be a great student!!!

I SEND YOU ALL MY LOVE and hugs; Jan dearest, I am stressed, overwhelmed with work, but coming here reminds me of the beauty that you and Georgie give us all....BISOUS MES AMIES! Anita and BALZAC!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

George, does dat whole PILE belong to you? Wowsers!

Wyatt said...

Absolutely Pawesome, George!! You have a grand sense of humor this month :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Eileen H said...

Grrreat photos George.
You have the whitest doggy smile I have ever seen too :)

Leigh said...

Love your photos George and glad to see you in all of them. Really like the phone box one - it made us smile! Love from Magic x

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey Bro - it's been quiet without ya!! I laughed at your pics - and soooo happy that your mum got a PERFECT score - well done mum!! I know what is in that little black bag, and if it's anything like mine, it'll make the peeps gag!!

My post will go up in a day or so - but you must check it out for a comparison of your and mine "relaxation" pics.....BOL!!! Our mum's have great minds!!

Tail Wuggles from your blogging sis!!

Taryn said...

Love the phone booth! Nothing more picturesque than a big, red British Phone Booth, well to someone across the pond, anyway :-)

Louise said...

Well done George!

I have felt really uninspired with this list and still have a couple of photos I need to take! I can't wait to get it over and have a new list!

Peggy Frezon said...

Great hunt! I like that thing taller than you, George!

verobirdie said...

Beautiful pictures, all of them. I like the one of you with your pile of things, you look so cheeky

Anonymous said...

That's very good George! I like your pile of things, and how did you find all those apples?!

H and Flo

Road Dog Tales said...

It's an ALL GEORGE Photo Hunt! Awesome! Obviously, ALL photos are better with you in them :)

The Road Dogs

The Thuglets said...

Way to go George. Fabulous shots!

We love the red telephone kiosk.

Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx

Eubie said...

Ciao George, you have a lot of bones!!!If you needs some help to eat them call me!I'll take the first plane to reach you!