Saturday 9 April 2011

Saturday Steps+ A Weekend at the Sea

We had a weekend away on Anglesey North Wales, in Auntie's tin box,

First stop was the beach at Trearddur Bay

I thought I was going to be the only dog there!! then Scrabble turned up

She was great fun, best of all she showed he how to bunny hop

I got real good at it.

Then I found out if you ....hop....skip.....

You can fly!!!

I also had ago at paddling

But felt a little trapped at times!!!

After all that running around it was time for an afternoon nap

Only to be poked by dad telling me it was time for a walk to the pub!!!
But it wasn't the kind of walk to the pub I'm used to!!!!!!

Mom wanted to go off by herself to take photos, and said she would meet us at the pub in the car, while me and dad walked along the coastline to get there!!!

This is the Coastguard Station. It's unmanned at the moment but they are asking for volunteers.

I think I should put up
  for the job!
"Hey Dad, not bad for mobile phone photos".

We where going to
at Rhoscolyn

A very dog friendly pub

Dad asked if there was a waterbowl for me. So the barmaid got a big bowl and put ice cubes in it.

It was so nice to have iced water at the end of a long walk.

I was also allowed a dog biscuit out of the dog jar.

Just to top it off my favorite Guinness froth.

Then it hit me out of the blue, we have awards in blogland so why not when we are out and about.
So when we got home dad helped me design an award.

If I have good service as a dog, and great walk or just think someone deserves an award I will give

George The Lads Four Paws Up Award

So my first ever award goes to

 Rhoscolyn Anglesey, North Wales 

The award will be posted off to them today.

I've just remembered I got a certificate for going into space
I think you will have to click on it to read.

I'm gutted it only took me up 220miles!!! I thought I was going to the moon.
But I did go at 17,400 miles per hour that's enough to put your hair on end!!!

Thanks for joining me on my weekend away

Have a good week whatever you are up to.
Till next time

See Yea George xxx


Pippen said...

Okay... we need to take a nap after reading about all those things you did on the weekend! Looks like it was fantastic fun!

Sam and Pippen

Rose H (UK) said...

Looks like a fabulous week was had by all! It's been a good many years since I was in the White Eagle at Rhoscolyn!
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xx

Asta said...

Anothew pawfect weekend fow you
I weally am getting my papews weady to apply to youw pawents fow adotion. That bunny ho and then flying and paddling wif youw new fwiend looked lie the way I'd like to spend my day and then to fing that dog fwiendly pub, well, it's just the best!!!
I bet they'll be glowing wif pwide when they weceive youw awawd! might not be to the moon, but Geowge, it's way fuwthew than any of us have been
smoochie kisses

the teacher's pets said...

Oh my gosh, George, you have quite the life, fur sure! I loved every single picture but the one I loved the most was the bunny hop photo! That is so darned adorable that you learned how to bunny hop!
I love that you have such a gorgeous beach to go to and I love that you are allowed to spend time there w/o restrictions. I went to Wales nearly 10 yrs ago and it was in June and boy was it cold at that beach so I wonder if the water was too cold for you too?
Loved that you gave an award to your favorite pub! I cannot believe you get to go IN there too! And I am so impressed that there are dog bowls and treats inside! I've got to visit Wales again fur sure!

3 doxies said...

Dude, I am so movin' where yu lives. I has nevers seen a dog furiendly pub. I am miffed cuz we nevers gets to go on journeies likes dis.
What a fabulous award you and your dad designed! I knwo da pub will be very honored...I mean you IS George after alls.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

George, that last photo with the big happy smile tells us it was a great trip to the North Wales shore. Such fun you had with Scrabbles - looks like a lot of fun hopping, skipping, and paddling.

Great award you made there and we are sure the pub will be quite honored to receive it.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I just KNEW that fine set of steps would be leading us on a fangtastic journey. Holy Gwalk A Moley.... That girrrrl taught you to do the Bunny Hop??? And you MASTERED it so quickly!! AMAZING!! AND THEN ... the dawg furendly pub... What a Place that is!!! I can certainly see why you and your dad made the super duper AWARD... fur them. I have a feeling it is going to be very much difficult to fine any other pub that can hold a Milkbone to THAT PLACE.

rottrover said...

What a wonderful trip you had with your family, George. We think we should make some FLAT rotties for you to take with you next time!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Unknown said...

You are one lucky dawggy!!!
Looks like yet another pawsome weekend you had there!
Guess what! We're going to the beach too this Sunday and we just can't wait!!!!!

Elizabeth Keene said...

George, you are one adorable, well-pubbed pooch. Jon Farleigh and Dewi are your forever admirers.

Stella said...

What a very swell weekend you had! From the Bunny Hop to flying with NASA. You are one lucky dog, George!

-- said...

Beautiful pictures. I wish we had a pub like that around here! It looks like you had a wonderful vacation!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

George, you always have a fun time! Tank yous fur showin us all dose wunderful fotos! Happy Weekend my furiend. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Michelle said...

Do be careful by the sea...don't want you getting washed away now, do we?! You and your new friend looks very happy dashing about. Glad to see you received some refreshment at the pub.

Diana Chiew said...

What a FANTASTIC weekend you had!! We love your bunny hop with much fun.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What a wonderful day that was. I jus luved all da fotos. And your Face in Space award is a one in a million award. I nose you'll treasure it always. Great post!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OMG. YOU NEVER disappoint us Georgie are the best. HEY! I LOVE TO BUNNY JUMP TO! You are just THE BEST tour guide of the UK and we just love you to pieces. I love your award! AND...if you are up to the beach my friends, come on over and celebrate our birthdays tonight...if you are able to catch your breath dearest ones! George, you look so comfy in your bed....bonne nuit mes amis, Anita and Balzac

The Daily Pip said...

Oh George, these pictures are just lovely - I can almost hear the waves, smell the sea, feel the wind on my paws! Thanks!!!

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

I like a good hike as much as the next girl, but wow does that look like a lot of excitement for a day! You must be exhausted after all that fun! I love all the waves!


Wyatt said...

Hey George, we went to the beach too! Great terriers think alike! We didn't get to go to a hoo. I like your 4 paws award, it's like Michelin stars, except better!

Wyatt and Stanzie

WFT Nobby said...

Hi George
Anglesey looks like a wonderful place. Gail says she went there on summer holidays when she was a very little girl, so about a zillion years ago then! Looks like you had a wonderful time on the beach with Scrabble. After all that bunny hopping I assume you are going to enter Jazzi's Easter Bunny competition!
Toodle pip!

Andi's English Attic said...

Wow that pub sounds wonderful. Dog biscuits as well as iced water! Can't wait to take Elsie there one day. xx

Anonymous said...

Let's see...running on the beach, making a new furiend while playing on the beach, steps with beautiful blue handrails, a pub with ice water, biscuits and your fav froth, and and and ;) George I do believe you had a very full day along a beautiful coast! Paws up to you my furiend!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GEORGE MI MAN! Absolutely son, YOU MAY GET IN THE CAR WITH US! WE SHALL MAKE ROOM FOR YOU to come to frolic on the warm and blue beaches of the MEDITERANEAN next week! And you may bring your pint so we can get some froth too!!!! Balzac wanted to come, but he gets to SCRAPPY when there is water around! I trust you will obey? Not bite at our tulle skirts? I have a little crown for ya, you want a go at it? Teeeeeheeeee....why not? HEY JAN....may I borrow Georgie's image for a romp on the beach with us next week? How about it, son?

LOVE YOU TWO!!! Anita and Balzac

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, what a pawesome post! Your beach time looks like a ton of fun. You have the greatest territory. I like the blue railing on your steps and the pub definitely deserves your badge. Now that's how to properly treat a good pup!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning George.
I 100% agree with Puddles D. Rainwater, I'm packig my bags and buying a ticket on the QEII.

You are one lucky puppy to live in such a beautiful place with two loving peeps.
Hugs madi

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

EXCELLENT! AGREED! GEORGE THE LAD IS JOINING THE SISTAHOOD ON THE BEACHES OF THE WORLD! How do you feel son, about sporting a crown? TEEEEHEEE! NEXT POST, you will be with us, little man!

YIPEE! Balzac will be green with envy, but WOW is he sassy! I would love to shred up our tutus!!!!!!


the booker man said...


seriously, you go on the bestest adventures evarrr! i liked how those stairs just went right down into the ocean waters. was the water cold? at least you have lots of furs to keep you warm. oh, and i bet you dried off really fast like doin' zoomies 'n bunny hops with miss scrabble. heehee.
your four paws up awardie is such a neato idea! the white eagle is a super duper grrreat place. i'd love to go visit them! they are gonna put your awardie up in the window as soon as they get it. :)

the booker man

pee s -- i'm totally jelly that you got to fly in space!!

Sage said...

That was one fine trip to the beach, George! You sure can fly, so I think that trip into space will be a snap.

cherie said...

What a wonderful trip. The walk by the sea and then a visit to the pub, who could ask for anything more!?

Homer said...

Playtime with Scrabble at the beach and a trip to a dog friendly pub...hey, I want to come too!


sprinkles said...

I wish I could travel as much as you do, George! You're always going somewhere fun.

Duke said...

You always have the most funnest adventures, George! You look so cozy wrapped in those blankies!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

violett said...

You were indeed another very exciting Wochenede. So many pictures and read so much. Now my eyes hurt and I walk in Mom's bed. Good night!
Recover you well for your next adventure!
Lots of love

Road Dog Tales said...

George - You and Scrabble look so cute bunny hopping together! What a great place. We especially like that rock arch thing (is that what it is?) Cool! And to top it off with some fresh water, a biscuit AND a smidgen of Guinness! Now THAT's an amazing weekend of fun!

The Road Dogs

Taryn said...

Wonderful post! Loved the scenery.

Amber-Mae said...

What a pawsome weekend you had! WOW!!

FiveSibesMom said...

What a wonderful weekend! The photos of you by the water and cliffs are just beautiful! Thank you for sharing your getaway with us!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow! What a great post. You really have some grand adventures, George! :)

Anakin Man said...

Hey George Man!!

good to see yous!
me just loves visitin' and going on all 'dese fun trips wit yous-

Me likes yous certificates too-

Next time yous take me to 'da beach- me bring me trunks-

Anakin Man

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi George, I think it's funny - I went to the beach in my last post too! My beach looks a little warmer than yours though! My mum is blown away at the welcome dogs get in pubs in your part of the world....sooo nice ..... it's super that that nice pub will get the 4 paws up award - well done to you and your dad! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

taio said...


Pup Fan said...

Looks amazing! I love the photos at the beach - what a gorgeous day! And Scrabble is an absolutely adorable name for a pup... I'm filing that one away. :)

Golden Samantha said...

Holy Tamales, George! (And we thought we got to do a lot of stuffs!) You were rockin and rollin on Saturday, that is fur shore!!! Love the flyin' beach photos and the stairs to the water - yahoo! (Did you drink a ton of coffee with breakfast???) And then that comfy-looking nappy (can we nap with you sometime?)!!! But the rude awakening for yet another LOOOOONG walkie - wow!!! So glad you got some foodables after - you are so lucky the pub allows you inside for cool waters and cookies! What an incredibly day with such beautiful views and country!!!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie
PS - That Face-in-Space cert. is fabulous and so is your beautiful award you created!!! Kudos!

♥ Sallie said...



Jon Terry said...

Hey George! you sure had a great time by the beach. You are a fast learner too in doing the bunny hop! Thanks for sharing all your fantastic and great adventures :)

Super licks and cuddles for your mommy :)

Love ya,
Jon Terry

J_on_tour said...

It looks like you had a fun time George, with plenty of action on the beach and a great welcome in the pub unlike the coastguard station where unfortunately no-one wants to go. I might be following in your footsteps here next month... haven't decided on the weather dependant itinerary yet.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

George, you really go to some fantastic places!! The pictures are all beautiful! Plus you went up in cool is that!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

the booker man said...

hihi george!

you are right! i am way much happier paddlin' in a REAL POOL! heehee.
have a grrreat week, too! :)

the booker man

karen said...

What a brilliant post!
hope you don`t think i pinched your idea of putting willow on front of my blog, I didn`t honest!
But I have never found such an interesting doggy blog as this and we look forward to following more of your journey - good luck and what a brilliant site! karen and willow (woof)

Amber-Mae said...

George, thanks for your comment. Blogger is being a pain in buttocks today!!! It eateds some of my pictures when I was editing the post & it caused a couple of other problems too. I was SO mad. Anyway, I can understand your comment. No worries.

Me hopes you having a good day today!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I will be back tomorrow for sure!!
Love your week-end trip to the sea. You live in a beautiful country !!!
xx, Fern