You might be thinking, I could have found a better steps photo than this to finsh on, well this is where it all started back on 15th May 2010 on these very steps.
(note Tess is in focus!! and not me,shes getting to be quite a poser to)
Here I am as a pup of just over 5 months,
Since then there has been 84 Saturday Steps.
So close to Frankie's magic number that I'm going to show you some that didn't make it to a blog post
That makes 87
My Farorite Steps has to be a place that is a local walk to us
Attingham Park
They where the first steps we took Tess to
Two of my favorite Saturday Steps
My first Birthday
When you sent in photo's of yourselves on steps.
Mom had to do it in two posts, as blogger didn't like the post being soo long as 55 friends joined me on the day
My Second Birthday that's just passed
Thanks for making it a special day
When I first started it was just a photo on the post but as time went by I added a post to it, the following are some of mom's favorite's
Saturday 31st July 2010
I put up a slide show but it slowed down the blog, so took it off, if you would like to see all 43 photos of the day you can see them on My flickr page Hawkstone Park Steps
Mom also loves this photo of me!!
15th October 2011
Consall Hall Landscape Gardens
Me, Mom and Dad really enjoyed our walk around this place, even though it rained, I gave it the 4 Paws award and emailed it off to them not thinking we would hear back, but the next day I had a lovely email from the manager thanking me for the award, and that he liked my blog post, so much that it is now on their main web page with a link to my blog and post.
Thank You Consall Hall
We will be back to show Tess around later this year
Web page
29th October 2011
We have become good friends over the last year with Boomer and his Folks, and without him this post would not exist, it was also around this time I realized just what its like having a sister!!
We could go on as we have so many favorites.
I have put together a smile box with all 84 in the right date order that they appeared on the blog, so if you feel you can sit through 84 steps take a look, perhaps you have a favorite.
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This slideshow customized with Smilebox |
Thanks for joining me each Saturday,
I'll just be posting as and when from now on.
I've not given up on steps,
if I come across some when out and about
I'll be on them posing for a photo.
See Yea Soon George xxxx
Hey bro' - that's a lovely trip down memory lane - I know you changed the way I look at steps forever!! We will still see you on them, just not as regular - but as we said - that's OK too!!
Tail Wuggles, your sis, Rubie xxx
George BUDDY and Tess Young Lady,
I can not tell you how much I have truly enjoyed your Saturday Steps. You have shown us so many beautiful and some times rather Scary locations throughout your LOVELY Country.
I am very VERY worried that you won't be back.
OH THANK you Dear One. fur showin us the FULL 87... THAT makes ME feel so very special. And Speakin of Special.. I really do think that YOU and Tess and your MOM and DAD are SPECIAL.
You have taken us on so many journeys and have been so very much FAITHFUL to US.. your LOVING READERS.
GEORGE.. THANK YOU. From the Bottom of my heart.
Frankie Furter, & My MOM TOO!!!
We've really enjoyed going with you on your SATURDAY STEPS. A piece of our week will be missing but we'll always think of you, especially on Saturdays.
We luv you all!
Oh George, we have really enjoyed sharing the steps with you! Hope that you and Tess keep having fun!
I've enjoyed your Saturday Steps and often wished I could take the walk with you! Hugs to you, Tess and your Mom.
Ohhh, I am feeling a bit blue, thinking that THINGS CHANGE....but let us not lose you two precious friends. Your new banner is just delightful, your faces are full of love and mischief, the way it should be, and your poses are JUST SO FUNNY!!!! George, Tess and Jan, THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES. I will never, ever forget how you make me feel when I see your new post come up on my blog roll. You mean the world to me and I hope to never lose you three.
Loved the walk down memory lane. Like the 'George and Tess Adventures' too! bI'm looking forward to seeing some of your new adventures this year...
Sending lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx
I'm glad you aren't going to stop posting Saturday Steps completely. I really enjoy these as you get to visit some of the most beautiful places!
Love all the steps photos.... delightful. Where I live it's kinda flat on the prairie, not many steps around here...
Thank you for this round up. I love both the views, and your smiles.
Hi George and Tess,
Love the round up and am looking forward to your As and When posts...
sort of keeps us in suspense:-)
Nice to see your birthday photo again and I love your banner :-)
Take care you two. Much love from us x xx
What a great review of all those steps George. We enjoyed them all enormously and it was great to see them again. Gail and I think about you every time we go up and down steps in interesting places.
We look forward to your future posts, whether or not they feature steps.
Toodle pip!
PS Did you know, Gail actually took me into a pub on the way back to Scotland last week. I'm pestering her to help me post about it but she keeps saying "not now Bertie I'm busy" Do you ever get that?
Lovely retrospective of all your steps, George.
Thank you for doing so many, it must have needed great stamina!
Look forward to your future posts xx
Thank you so much for sharing those Saturday Steps with us, George and Tess. We always love to see the pictures of you all and also hope that we could be there walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery with you guys too.
Hugs to you.
I just had to come back for more of these shining teeth and sweetness. Much love to you all. Anita
We loved that look back at your Saturday steps especially as we haven't been blogging for a year yet so missed all those early ones. Look forward to seeing other steps you and Tess come across during 2012. We always think of you when we see steps when we're out and about - love from Magic and family xxx
What a pawesome look back at Saturday steps! We look forward to seeing what you and Tess get up to during this year.
Have a great weekend.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
P.S. Any sign of any yorkie pud yet?
Hi George and Tess! I have missed a couple of your posts, but am sure glad to be back. I love all your Saturday steps. We have a few more steps in our new house and in your honor, I have given them a try a few times, but no luck, still not a big fan of them. Have a great weekend!
Your pal, Pip
87 Sat. steps is more than a ton of steps - imagine all the combined exercise you got hiking them and blogging about them! Thank you sooooo much for sharing your stairs adventures - have really enjoyed the places...the views! Beautiful! What a wonderful tribute to all those posts - we are so grateful to see them all here!
Huge Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
We don't know how you ever found so many different sets of steps but you did and we enjoyed every single one of your Saturday posts, George and Tess!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi George and Tess, thanks for sharing your Saturday steps flashback. We have only known you for six months or so and have always loved your steps. Even now when we go out and come across steps they remind us of you.
You have given us what mum loves the most. To see other parts of the world and how beautiful they are. Thanks George, Tess and especially your mum for sharing with us. Take care and see you soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
We always like to pose for steps now...thanks to you. We thing of you often.
Always enjoy your steps (and your pub stops ;) George :D Looking forward to more down the road! :D
Waggin at you and Tess,
Hiya George & Tess
I love that picture from your second Birthday. Love it, love it. And that picture of you on the stone path at Hawkstone park -- it reveals a whole new side to you.
All the best
Oh Dearest George and Tess, I thank you so very much for each and every post. Your Saturday Steps are fury special to Mom and I. Mom cannot use steps anymore. But we both looked forward to Saturday Steps because Mom and I felt like we were enjoying your steps with you all.
We are so happy that you have decided to to come back to Blogville. Mom and I say that we will take what we can get as long as you are with us.
Thank you all!
woos, Tessa
George, Tess and peeps, we thank you so very much for all of your Saturday steps-and we'll surely look forward to the new ones you post! Please don't let too long go between posts, if we may be so bold to say-we really look forward to them!
Thank you for this wonderful trip down memory lane, George! :)
We enjoyed these pictures and posts just as much this time as the first time we saw (most of) them.
Hugs to you and Tess!
What beautiful pictures, I just love watching George grow up and now Tess too! Every picture is beautiful. I like the brick steps going to nowhere, lol. I look forward to every step in the new year!
So many steps! :)
Thanks for sharing, we loved all the photos!
George and Tess,
A wonderful post indeed.
Thanks for making our Saturdays so special. :)
See Yea Soon Furiends xxxx
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Oh thank you George for reviewing your steps for us. It was so much fun looking back on them! See you later buddy!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Hello George and Tess,
what a lovely post with a lot of memories of the past year.
I'm sure this 2012 will be so great!
I love the new look of the blog!
have a nice day, dear friends.
Woof, woof,
Stanzie just never gets tired of looking at your cute butt, George!
You sure have climbed a lot of steps, no wonder your backside is so muscled.
For some odd reason, I am unable to leave comments on your Saturday Steps posts! I think Blogger is playing tricks on us again.
I especially love that photo of George in the library. That is an AMAZING photo, reminiscent of another more famous one. So fun!!
Thanks for commenting on my post today. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, y'all!♥
George my pal,
Thanks for taking us down the memory lane of steps. May this year be a year where you and Tess begin to explore have many fun filled adventures!
We are believing greater things are here to come for you and your family in this year.
* tell mommy that i manage to brought forward all her smooches into this year and am looking forward to store more of it this year in this heart of mine :D
Love ya,
Jon Terry
I couldn't possibly choose a favorite from all those beautiful places but I got a laugh out of the little steps that went nowhere!
Wow George, you is a master step finder and poser and teaching Tess well. so many steps!
GEOGE!!!!!!!!!!! OH DEAR, I am so excited to see you come to comment that I have misspelled your NAME, SON! HOW IS TIDY TESS? My goodness it is so good to hear from you! FURRY FUZZY WUZZY HUGS IN ORDER HERE! WHat are you planning to give your Stanzie girl for the 14th?? HEY BIG SPENDER, whatcha got cookin'? teeeheeee
SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't be absolutely certain but I think I've seen that bum before. I never forget an attitude.
Keep on steppin'
George the Lad you are so much loved by the blogging community!!!!!!! We here love you too!!!
We haven't visited with each other in a LONG while and I have missed so much!!!~~~~~~ A sister????? When did that come about??? She is beautiful!!! TESS !!!!!
Loved seeing all the steps I had missed!!! Thank you!!!
xx, Zoie & Fern
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