Just look at the Rain!!!
The day didn't start off like that.
See I'm dry on this photo
We took a visit to
This place has loads of steps
More Steps
Even though we all got soaked it was a lovely walk, plenty to see and do, with lots of places to take cover
It just started to rain when we stopping at this one folly
A Folly is a building just for decoration, and this place is full of them
Mom was getting worried about her camera getting wet, so we had to walk back to the car to get the umbrella, just so happened it was nearly dinner time, dad wanted something to eat!!
Oatcakes made from Oakmeal, flour and yeast, its a local speciality in the North Staffordshire area of England, you can have them with any filling but the popular one is cheese and bacon.
Very tasty
Got to have a zoomie to lose the calories I've just eaten,
"going to join me mom"
It's ok for mom she's under the umbella and dad has his waterproof coat on, I have a very thick double coat but I'm wet through to the skin!!!
The Cheek of it
So if you don't mind I'll just show you the rest of the photos, so I can get back to the car in the dry
Can you see the flag its the Saint George's Flag
Time to head back to the car
We will be coming back again.
I did get very wet but we loved this place
so much that I'm giving it a
4 Paws up Award
Thank you to the member of staff that gave me some of his ham sandwich
Have a Good Week
See Yes George xxx
A small paw note-
We visited here back in August so we didn't have Tess she would have been 13 weeks old at the time,
she will be with us when we next visit.
I am slowly making my way around to visiting you, but having a new sister is time consuming so it might take a while!
I am slowly making my way around to visiting you, but having a new sister is time consuming so it might take a while!
Hi George --
That was alot of steps in the first few pictures!
Wow that breakfast looks super yummy!
What was hole in the pond for?
Awww..what's a little rain....it makes the flowers grow! Wow..that is a beautiful place. Wish there was something like that here that we could visit. We were wondering where Tess was until we saw your last note at the bottom!
Great post.... :o)
Have a nice weekend!
I was gonna say - were is your lil sis?!? LOL! What a neat place to visit!
George I just HOPE that you truly realize how VERY VERY much My MOM and I appreciate your walkies and steps and SUPER PICTURES. SIGH...
THANK YOU fur taking us around your BEAUTIFUL corner of the world.
You Make my week!!!
PeeS... I think it rained all over the world today... even though these pics were taken in August... hehehe Blogville Magic I guess.. I came in lookin about as drenched as you looked... after just a wee dig under my tree. I just made it in the door when it HAILED.
Lovely place, George (despite the rain). Have a nice week!
Oh George, Mom took some gorgeous photos! And I especially love the ones with you in the folly(ies). You are too cute for words. I think I need to take a zoomie or two with you!
What a beautiful place, George. Too bad it had to rain. We can't wait for you to share all these wonderful walks with Tess, double the pups, double the fun.
Have a great weekend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Did you say those Oatcakes are filled with bacon and cheese!!!
I wonder if your new little sissy, Tess will enjoy steps as much as you!
Your pal, Pip
Wonderful post, George. So much like our Oregon walkies, pretty plants and so much rain. Thanks for the footnote, cuz we were wondering what happen to Tess...heehee.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Another gorgeous walk, George. Makes HER want to travel again.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
We were wondering where Tess was, too.
What a beautifuls place bro'!!!!! Even wet it was still soooooo lovely. Mum wishes we could go there too! we are sure Tess will love it there. Hope she isn't exhausting you too much Bro' !!
Tail Wuggles, your blogging sis.
PeeS: I'm finding it hard to type coz my mum put a cone on my head!!!! I have developed a hotspot on the side of my face and had to go to the vets today!!UUrrcchh! Got an injection, cream and anti-biotics!! Still - I'll bounce back (once I get this darn thing off!!)
I love your Saturday Steps posts. You always visit the most beautiful and interesting places!
Love that butterfly bandanna, George. It looks so handsome against your furs.
Great photos as ever George. My favourite is the one of you sat on the wicker chair.
But, oh George, you are really going to confuse some of our foreign friends with those oatcakes! SO not like the crisp dry and non-yeasty Scottish oatcakes that formed the shell of my MacTaco a couple of weeks ago.
Yours do look yummy though too.
Toodle pip!
Wonderful sights despite the rain. I'm curious about the hole in the water, in the pic before st George's flag.
Take c are of your little sis.
Isn't it lovely there! I've been several times but always in summer so I am hoping to get there this year and see the autumn colour.
Hi George,
That looks a great place to visit. We must ask our cousins Eric and Tinker who live in Stoke-on-Trent if they have been there and can they take us next time we visit.
We can confirm that oatcakes are mmmmmm delicious. We like ours with bacon in mmmmm. Making our chops slobber now. We lurve your blog.
Love from Amber and Annie xx
George, we all just love love love your photos and the beautiful places you take us to visit. I bet your little sister will love going too. Take care big brother. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
The gardens are just beautiful! Your mom got so many fabulous pictures!
Yup, you really are soaked to the bone, aren't you, George!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow that looks a great place for a visit George! Even in the rain it looks wonderful. At least you got some snacks to make up for getting so wet :-) love from Magic xx
Handsome even when wet. Looks like you had a great time. xx
All we really heard was bacon, cheese and ham! BOL! This place is awesome and our Mom & Dad would LOVE it! We think we need to visit your area of the world. None of the gardens around here allow dogs! We sure would love exploring those, though! Thanks for sharing these.
PeeS - Maybe your Mom could make a little duck tape umbrella for her camera? hehe
The Road Dogs
This was probably the most photogenic location yet! Every spot held a perfect place for a picture and you composed they beautifully!!! Wonderful job, thanks for sharing!
Curiosity question....Are most of the places you visit/photograph close to home, or do you sometimes drive a long way?
You visit the most beautiful places George. So nice to see you out and about. Take care of your new sis!
What a great place! I wish I could go there. Stay dry!
OK, this is a fabulous post. Well, all your posts are, but i LOVE THE PIC of you sitting on what looks like YOUR THRONE! KING GEORGE! The Madness of King George, due to having a little sister who is making him do more ZOOMIES than ever! Oh how you delight us dearest ones.....and THE CHEEK OF IT! Not having an umbrella for dogs....you poor thing, soaked to the skin! But you look fabulous, no matter what, and you got a ham sandwich and a bacon-filled oatcake out of it!
I too am SO BUSY that I am barely getting around today myself. SENDING YOU MUCH LOVE TODAY!
Wow! What a fantastic place George, even in the rain! Looks like you had a fun if damp time. Mom's taken such lovely photos :o)
Hope Tess has settled in, and you're not teaching her too many mischevious things ;o)
Mmmm, North Staffs Oatcakes are lovely!
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
Oh George Mom and I just LOVE going on walkies with you and your Pawrents! It really is a special day and we so look forward to it each Saturday.
Your Oat crapes looks quite nom!
Have a grrreat weekend George and my best to little Tess!
woos, Tessa
Hey George!
Wow, I don't know where to start! This is too cool. The steps, the chair, that cave, the geese landing, your colorful bandana! All pawesome. Very, very pawesome pix. Even in the rain! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Incredible place! Such interesting hobbit hovels to take cover in! Laughin myself silly at your soggy self George BOL! You sure did get wet! Your Mom (as always) took some fab photos. Applawse to your Mom! :D That was very nice of the worker at the gardens to give you a bite of his sandwich. Course, who could resist you George ;)
Waggin at ya,
What a beautiful country you live in! Thanks for the tour each week!
These may be my mom's favorite pictures YOUR mom has taken. She has quite the eye!
Looks like you had fun even tho you got soaked.
What a lovely place, George (even with the rain)! We love the picture of you in the chair. :)
What an absolutely beautiful place--rain or no rain. George, you look about as wet as I get after going swimming! But I bet those zoomies helped warm you up.
Oh George! What a great walk this was.. Thank you for taking me along.. Would you mind sending a little rain my way? It is so hot here.. I am ready for WINTER...
I just can't get enough of your sweet face.. I can read your eyes.. You have alot to say, right George?
My best to mom and dad.
George looks like a very wet walk but lots of fun!
Fabulous photos!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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