Saturday 12 May 2012

Saturday Steps.... and the Magazine is?

Now if you read the May issue of The Tess, she told you I was going to be in a magazine, well it dropped through the letter box yesterday.

Its The National Trust Magazine!! 

 I sent in a write up about my favorite National Trust place
Attingham Park  for their page "Reader's Snapshot"
Regular readers of my blog will know I have done quite a lot of blog posts about my walks there.

Hang on, I just want to read it.
 So if you don't mind I'll let you take a look at some photos Mom took last Saturday when we went for a visit, Tess was tired after her swim so she was sleeping it off at home.

Mom borrowed  a 75-300 lens to try out

I think she likes it!

Thank You National Trust for publishing a write up from a dogs point of view

 I'm also going to give
My 4 Paws up Award for being so dog friendly.

Don't forget you can join me on Saturday Steps, just send an email with a little about yourself and a photo of you on steps to
I will return an email letting you know which week you will be here with me.

Have a good week
See Yea George xxx


Finn said...

How awesome is that!! Have a good Saturday!

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you are soooo famous! Now everyone can see what we all know about how great your blog and your steps are. Congrats! Wonderful pix, my furiend.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


This is very exciting and BIG news! YOU ARE A CELEBRITY old man and now, I bet when you walk in town or on the village green, peeps point at you and say, "THERE HE IS! GEORGE THE LAD!" What a magical place you have selected old are sensational! How is Tessy? Tired? Too pooped to party? Well just give her time and she will get into shape.

WISHING YOU ALL A HAPPY MOTHERS'DAY. Jan my sweet friend, you are the best mother to Georgie and Tess; I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George Buddy CONGRATULATIONS on the Magazine Article!! FABULOUS!!!

BUTT BUDDY... are you aware that your dad... made DEVIL HORNS behind you in that one picture??? I'm just sayin.

I love the pictures... and I (Frankie Furter) saw some cool STEPS in there too.

Taryn said...

Lovely photographs!
I've got a 75-200 lens and I LOVE the pictures it takes, but it sure isn't convenient to carry around when I am trying to walk two dogs on leash!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

George, your Mom's photos are so incredibly beautiful! How cool that you appeared in that magazine! You are famous!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Wow, George, your most handsome. If I weren't an engaged welsh girl doggie, then I would be most taken with you. Hootie ask me to marry him. Wow, I am so happy. Would you and your sister come to our wedding?
Sally Ann, An engaged Welsh American doggie girl

Unknown said...

Wow! you're so famous George!

Those pictures are awesome and you look great and handome too

My mom said she will borrow the National Trust magazine from a friend of hers when she goes to the UK in summer.


Eileen H said...

How exciting for you are a celebrity! Your mom's photographs are stunning. Mom is very talented and you are very photogenic!
Attingham Park is yet another place on my list of places to visit. It looks fabulous and dog friendly too, can't get better than that.
I had a good belly laugh...your dad is very norty...course you have no idea what I'm talking about :-) So moving swiftly on...
Annie and I send a big hug for Tess, tell her she's doing great with her swimming lessons and to get well and strong soon xx

Duke said...

Congratulations, George! We know a real celebrity!
Your mom's pictures are just gorgeous!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Rose H (UK) said...

:o) Congratulations! Can I have your paw print please? I'll probably see you over the weekend if you are about, I'll have to speak to Mom first to make sure though.
Tell Mom I love the photos!
Sending lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Posie said...

George, dat izz sooo cool, imargin beein in da nashinul trust magarzeen?!?! Wooowzies! well done, love pdorg xox

Leigh said...

Congratulations George! What an honour to be in the National Trust magazine. And those photos your Mum took are stunning - especially the ones of you :-) Have a great weekend - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Joyce said...

Bravo...!! Congrats my sweet friend. The photographer captured your best angle. Come to think of it, all of your angles are the best. ;) xo

houndstooth said...

Your photos today are lovely and much congratulations for getting published in that magazine! It looks like your dad is a funny guy who thought you needed an extra set of ears!


meowmeowmans said...

Congratulations on being in the National Trust Magazine, George! :)

We really love your Mom's photos ... so beautiful.

CherryPie said...

Congratulations, I shall look out for that when my copy comes through the door.

I was in Attingham last Saturday too, I didn't get chance to do the bluebell walk so I need to go back to see them.

Cranberry Morning said...

Looks like an issue of the National Trust Magazine that I'd like to see! Thank you for your helpful advice re. cameras, George. You're one smart cookie! (dog cookie, that is)♥
I love Mom's photos with that new lens. I wonder if I can get closeup shots with the faded background using a Nikon Cookpix P510 or if I'd have to go with the Nikon D3100. Don't worry, George, I'll read those reviews and keep all your advice in mind. Thanks for helping me out!

WFT Nobby said...

We are well impressed. Very classy indeed George.
Gail is a member of the National Trust for Scotland so we don't see the English magazine. But we are sure your snapshot would be the best thing in this month's edition.
Toodle pip!

Anonymous said...

Excellent! What fun! You are one famous dog George :) Your mug looks pawfect in that magazine :)

Beautiful photos your Mom took with that lens! So, can she keep borrowing that one so she doesn't have to fork out the green papers to buy one of her own? ;)

Waggin at ya,

catkin tales said...

this has to be one of the most exciting journals in blogland, i am not at all surprised that you have been published!
btw your header picture is spectacular! going to read some more of your posts now... toodle-oo

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh George, you're famous, well more famous now! How I wish we had some lovely parks like yours to visit. It looks and sounds wonderful. Hehehe, we love the photo of your Dad giving you bunny ears. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

J_on_tour said...

Well done on getting your article in print & and getting you face in the magazine too George.
Tell your Mom that she has another great collection of quality photos with her lens.
The camera deal I got 16 months ago came with a zoom lens ... that unfortunately I still have to use. I must take the "non portable !" camera bag out with me ... for a change, sometime soon !!!

Piappies World said...

Congratulations to you! That's really pawesome! Beautiful photos!!!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Oui Oui said...

Hi George! What lovely photos! Thanks for coming to my party and helping to make it a success! I hope you had a good time, and its a pleasure to meet you!

The Black and Tans. said...

Excellent write up George. We have our copy and are taking it in turns to read your most interesting article.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Casper Bear said...

Wow your so famous George!Congratulations! Your Mum takes great photos.
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear

The Thuglets said...

Congratulations on being famous George! Great jobbie.

So is you Mum now going to get that lens after seeing her fab photos?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx