Wednesday 14 March 2012

Crufts 2012

I'm here reporting from Crufts 2012 

My home for the day

Just had to check this out!

The view we had before it got busy

My pen pal for the day was Griff

 He travelled all the way from Pembrokeshire in Wales
We took it in turns to meet and greet the public 

Mom made sure my fuzz face was tidy

The show was opened and the public let in

I couldn't even go for a walk with out someone wanting to make a fuss of me

I was allowed to go outside for a comfort break 

That's where I met Flash the Curly Coated Retriever

High Lights of the day was meeting
Eileen and her daughter Carol from

Elaine, Winnie's mom

Plus other friends that follow my blog.

But look at this
The newly crowned 
Miss Teen Galaxy Wales
came to have her photo taken with me and Griff 

While me and Fallon were getting to know one another

Dad and Griff was making friends with an Airdale

Ok enough of me talking you want to see the photo's

I'm back home after a great day, tired but happy.

I would like to say
Thank You to 

For letting me represent the Welsh Terrier Breed on the Sunday 


for their backing to let mom take photos for the blog post

 Of course we brought a present home for Tess

"Thanks George"

Have a Good Week
 It will just be me on Saturday Steps
 as we found some at Crufts! 

Love and Hugs 
George and Tess xxxx  


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

This is so darn exciting. George mi man, how did it feel to have a beautiful QUEEN (Miss Wales) fuss about all over YOU???? YOU LUCKY DOG!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, this is a treat. AND GRIFF????? IS HE A BALZAC DOG??????? Well my dears, you have had a wonderful memory made, and we are so happy for you! And we are equally pleased to know that you are back in Blogland, even if it is NOT weekly, we can still see you. AND SAINT GEORGE....OUR DAY IS COMING NEXT MONTH!!!!!!!! ST. GEORGE THE DRAGON SLAYER!!!


Cranberry Morning said...

Crufts! George, what an honor! And how I wish I'd been there to see you. At least your 'mom' took great photos for us all to enjoy. I think I even saw a German Shepherd there. And maybe a couple Tervurens? But, you know George, you're really the cutest! No wonder Miss Galaxy Wales came over to visit you. I bet you were glad to get back home. And aren't you so thankful that you're not a Bedlington Terrier! ;-)

Millie and Walter said...

That looked like a fun time. Good thing you only had to work there one day. I think you would have really been worn out if it was for more than just one. Thanks for sharing all the pictures.


Michelle said...

George! You are quite the representative! How exciting for you! And, I see you met that lovely beauty queen. I am sure she was smitten by you.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

That is one really great batch of fotos. Looks like you had so much fun there and met lots of pup pals!


How Sam Sees It said...

I'd love to go there one day!


Patrice said...

You're a fine representation of your breed. Wow! You get to hang around with pretty girls with crowns, have people make fuss over you, and make lots of new furry friends. It's a dog's life indeed! Tell me- the photo after the one of the single white poodle. Is that a Newfie?(Newfoundland)

Hugs to you and Tess-

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

You gotta do what you gotta do Bro' - you can't help being the most handsome of your breed. Do all those peeps who patted you know how famous you are??

I loved how you showed a mini schnauzer being a bit feisty on the table!!

Tail Wuggles, Your sis, Rubie

Wyatt said...

Just Fabulous, George!! What an action packed day. You must have been worn out, meeting all those adoring fans.
Here Stanzie was worried about you flirting with the lady dogs, but you were flirting with a beauty queen...BOL!

Wyatt and Stanzie

zeeFM said...

what a busy day you had George ! I'd love to attend a dog show one day!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

How very exciting George! What a beautiful show this was... Everyone making a fuss over you I see, no wonder... You are magnificent! So sweet of you to bring Tess home a bag full of goodies!
Best to mom and dad,

houndstooth said...

What an exciting (and exhausting, but in a good way) day! The first thing I wondered was if you met Winnie's mom. How cool to meet some other bloggers in the flesh! It looks like the whole day was just full of all kinds of cool things to see and sniff!


verobirdie said...

You sure had a busy day. Thank you so much for sharing the pics!

rottrover said...

Wowzers, George! you must be exhausted!

-Bart and Ruby

WFT Nobby said...

Excellent job George, I'm sure you did your breed proud. We read yesterday that there were 21,000 dogs at Crufts over the four days. We suspect that your Mum took photos of most of them. Nice to see the fox terrier pic, by the way.
Toodle pip!

Eileen H said...

Hi George,
It was lovely to meet you and your Mom and Dad. You are one stunning lad. You did a great job representing Welsh terriers. I'm sure all that attention must have worn you out. I was worn out as the place is huge and so many dogs to see. You must surely know just how special you are. Glad you had a fabulous day and I'm sure Tess loved her present and wondered where you were for the day. Bet you're still telling her all about it:-)

Lots of love
Eileen and Carol xx

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We're sure lots of people will be adding Welsh Terriers to their homes after meeting you...and Griff.

Great pictures, we love seeing all the dogs, but of course we loved the scotties. You were so lucky to go.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

What an honor to be able to go to Crufts - so many handsome doggies! I really enjoyed your pictures, George.

Love ya lots,

Leigh said...

Wonderful photos George - you certainly had a great day at Crufts with your peeps! My Mums were sad not to see you there the days they went but maybe another time. Nice photo of the affenpinscher there too - he looks a bit like my brother Alfie Crybbe. Glad to see Tess got a bag of goodies :-) Look forward to seeing your Saturday steps - woofs and licks from Magic xx

Taryn said...

Loved all the photos, especially the Cardigan Welsh Corgis, of course :-) Thanks for those!

Looks like it was a really fun day and some great memories!

Cranberry Morning said...

Hey, George, be sure to check Cranberry Morning today. I think one of your ancestors posed for a picture in a vintage suit catalog!! Arf. :-)

The Black and Tans. said...

Wow George you had a very busy and exciting day. You must have felt like Royalty with everyone queueing up to shake your paw and chat with you.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GEORGE!!!! YOU got to go to the CRUFTS thingy that everybuddy has been raving about fur days?????? YOU were the SpokesDawg? How WONDERFUL this is. You looked just fabulous and I can see that I (Frankie Furter) am not the only one that thinks so. Look at all the peeps that wanted to meet and touch you. EVEN the QUEEN Girrrrl!!
What a fangtastic time it must have been fur you.
PeeS.. I think that I saw my cussin FRANCINE there. I hope she wasn't a pain under your tail.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

GEORGE!!!! YOU got to go to the CRUFTS thingy that everybuddy has been raving about fur days?????? YOU were the SpokesDawg? How WONDERFUL this is. You looked just fabulous and I can see that I (Frankie Furter) am not the only one that thinks so. Look at all the peeps that wanted to meet and touch you. EVEN the QUEEN Girrrrl!!
What a fangtastic time it must have been fur you.
PeeS.. I think that I saw my cussin FRANCINE there. I hope she wasn't a pain under your tail.

Rose H (UK) said...

I always knew you were a STAR George :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose xxxx

Scooter said...

Hey George!
Wow, you are even more famous now than you already were! I bet you had an amazing adventure and that beauty queen was really admiring your handsomeness. Congrats and thanks for letting all of see the action!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Kinley Westie said...

Wow! Looks like you had fun!

Climbingmandy said...

Brilliant post George! What a responsibility representing your breed. Poor Tess getting a gammy leg just before. We watched on tv and were looking out for you. Bit disappointed at the winner of best in breed. It should have been a terrier! Amanda and Horatio

Rolo Hound said...

You were still looking fine when we saw you late on Sunday.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

George, you are a star. What a marvellous job you did. Everyone loved you that's for sure. We loved all your photos too. Thanks so much for sharing them. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Littlemissairgap said...

What an honour! I haven't been to a dog show for quite some time now but I'd love to go to Crufts or Westminster ... it's the Olympics of the dog world.

Elaine Pritchard said...

The LOTH was very excited about meeting you George. VERY VERY EXCITED. She kept showing me your photo when she got home, so I've got her to download it so I can use it my blog.

Can your mum give the LOTH photography lessons? Your pix are MUCH better then hers.

The LOTH also enjoyed talking to your mum - she said it made her "feel a lot better" (whatever that means) Not better at taking photos - that's for sure.

Love and licks,


Sara and Gruffudd said...

Hi George! It was great to meet you - Griff and I had such a good day! Glad you enjoyed it too and loved your photos - see you at the next one!
Sara and Griff x

Matilda the Boxer said...

Wow, what an amazing day! You look like you were a wonderful representative of your breed. I saw your pictures over on Winnie's blog and wanted to come here to say hi too!

Oh, and it was so nice of you to bring your sissy something back. I always forget that part when I go out on an ambassadorial trip.

Peggy Frezon said...

Hey George, how did it feel to have so many admirers? And a real beauty queen too! Wow. And you got to meet Winnie's mom! I bet now everyone you met wants a Welch Terrier! Here's a hug for you!!!

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohh Our Momster wishes hers hads gone on da Sunday now to meets yoo butts her wented on da Fursday, her is sads to havs missed yoo n her neva sawed dat Frankie wos dere too.
Maybee hers will see yoo dere next year (paws crossed)
Izzy, Uji n Ronnii (& Sidney)
xxx xxx xxx xxx

The Thuglets said...

What an honour George on being asked to represent the Welsh Terriers!
Looks like you had a pawsome day.
Tess that looks like a good bag of goodies George brought you back.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Leigh said...

Great photos of Crufts - and we love those cheeky affenpinscher and mini schnauzer pictures :-) My peeps were so sad to miss seeing you - maybe another time? What a great stand the Welsh Terrier peeps put together. It was very colourful. Glad you had a fun time at Crufts this year and Tess got a goody bag to enjoy - woofs and licks from Magic xx

meowmeowmans said...

Great report, George! Thank you for sharing with us all about your adventures at Crufts. :)