Saturday 3 December 2011

Saturday Steps The Trentham Estate

Here we both are at The Trentham Estate, the place that came first in the vote to where we went on my Birthday

"Hey George how we going to do this post, cus mom took like 87 photos"

"It was more than that, we don't want to bore folks showing them what we got up to"

"why not, we had a good time, lets show them all the photos"

"GEORGE are you listening to me?"

"Two can play at that game"

See what I have to put up with!!

"ha ha, George you love me really"

 I think its best if we just roll out the photos, so are you ready to take a walk with us around The Trentham Estate

Looks like I've got Tess off my back for a while.
Till next time
Have a good week
See Yea George xxxx

"Hang on don't forget I'm back on Tuesday with The Tuesday Tess"

"I don't think they will forget"

  From both of us, have a good weekend see you soon xxxx 


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

What a terrorific time you guys had. Me sure saw a lot of raspberry kisses in some of dos fotos. Da Doggie Diner looked like it was serving leaves and muddy water. Wish me had a place like dat to run around in. Great pictures. Have a nice weekend!


Michelle said...

Very well done, I must say. What a lovely place to visit and quite some nice photos taken by Mom. I do like the photos of you both together.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

George I know this seems hard to believe, butt I'm thinkin that now that there are the TWO of you... you are having TWICE as much FUN and WE are gettin to see TWICE as many BEAUTIFUL Pictures.
You and Tess are TWICE as FANGtastic.
I'm just sayin.
I'm just Sayin.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Aren't sisters so much fun,George? BOL. You have to admit Tess is so cute an adorable. Bet you two really do have lots of fun together.

Thanks for sharing all the great photos- what a wonderful place to visit.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Finn said...

Such a great visit! I really like those horse things, and I love your peek-a-boo pics! Such a great post!

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hey there Bro' - looks like another great outing together - I was worried when I saw what was in the bowls at the Doggie Diner - didn't look that great! You two do a lot of poking out of the tongues!

Still have to work on that steps beach post..... mum's been doin' Xmas stuffs. pah!

Tail Wuggles, your sis, Rubie

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Wow George! What a great time you and Tess had. Thank you for taking me along.. You are such a good brother..
Have a great weekend

The Daily Pip said...

Oh George, you are so lucky to have a little sister and how nice that you seem to like the same things!

What kind of camera does your mom use? Your pictures are always so sharp and rich.

Your pal, Pip

Eileen H said...

Glad you had a good birthday with your sis George. It's a fab place. You are such a good lad.

Love from me and Amber and Annie x xx

Pat said...

Gorgeous photos of a beautiful Estate. xx

WFT Nobby said...

WHo knew there were giraffes in Staffordshire!

Oh and Tess, it looks like you are getting the hang of the steps thing - George must be so proud.

I am trying to decide whether or not a doggy diner is a good idea. At first I thought, 'great!' but then I thought maybe it would mean less treats from the humans' table?

Toodle pip!

Duke said...

What a fabulour place! We love the both of you poking your heads through the stone pillars and our mom adores the mushroom shot!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday walkie! Wow! Did you get to ride in the wee lil cars? They sure looked like fun :D Ha! I saw all the muddy mud mud you got to slosh around in. Yippee! :D

Waggin at ya,

Taryn said...

Lovely, as usual!

Rose H (UK) said...

Eee, it were a grand day out!
Lots of lovely photos of you two enjoying yourselves :o) Love your neckerchiefs, especially Georges ;o) just the thing for a stroll down to the local with Dad!
Have a lovely weekend, and try and keep out of trouble :o)
Lots of love
Auntie Rose
xx xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You just don't know how JOYFUL and ENCHANTED I am every time I come to see these two and their faces....MY GOODNESS they are so expressive. GEORGE MI MAN, are you being a good BIG BROTHA? Tessy dear, are you listening to Sir George? You two are unbelievably cute..and what an to you all....

Scooter said...

Hey George and Tess!
Wow, what a great place to celebrate your barkday! I gotta bark that I really, really want one of those little pooch cars! The pix are amazing and I like that one of both of you looking through those pillars. I bet the creek was a blast to splash in.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Anonymous said...

Hey George and Tess! What a pawsome steps trip! Mom and I just LOVED it!

I thought the twig Deer were really cool. But the Doggie Diner food didn't look too good to me.

Thanks for taking us along!

woos, Tessa

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Lots to do and sniff there!!!! great pictures.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

Sherry said...

What an adventure! I'm sure you told those deer a thing or two, just keeping them in their place.

Bocci said...

As usual, fabulous photos! We so enjoy joining you on your walks- We gotta remember to check back on Tuesdays-Tess, you're adorable! (Of course George loves you!)

Wyatt said...

George and Tess,

That is sure a pretty place! You two fit in perfectly. We like those twiggy deer thingys and the kiddy car track and the big grasses.
Stanzie sends special hugs and kisses tonight. Your pressies arrived. We could hardly get the pink box away from her..haha!

Wyatt's Mom

Leigh said...

That was a wonderful place to go for your birthday George and to have your little sister along too -you two look so good together on the pictures. Great photos of Trentham Estate - and it wasn't snowing this year! Love from Magic xx

julee said...

Excellent tour you two. Lovely gardens. So much good stuff were you guys live.

There were a few really good shots mommy took that my mom laughed out loud. You guys are too cute.

George, Miss Stanzie's jewerly was top notch. You're a good guy!

See you on Tuesday, Tess.

meowmeowmans said...

What a beautiful estate, George! We really enjoyed these steps with you and Tess, and your mom and dad, too. :)

We really loved the pictures of you two with those deer statues.

The Thuglets said...

What an absolutely spiffing day!

Fabulous photos. Those little car things looked brilliant. did you get to ride in one?

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Peggy Frezon said...

I enjoyed those photos so much! You and Tess have such beautiful walks! What was in those doggie dinners anyway? Looked like mud and leaves. Well anyway, thanks for sharing your pretty stroll.

verobirdie said...

What a nice walk! Thank you both.

Dachshund Nola said...

What great pictures!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola

Pup Fan said...

Great photos, as always!

anu said...

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