My new bedroom came this week, I like to sleep stretched out, and was getting stiff in the morning curled up, got up this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed with some money that came from the Tooth Fairy, no, honest I thought it was one of me moms hair brain idea's, but its true. To all my pup friends don't swallow your first teeth spit um out, let you peeps find um make sure they put them under a toy in your bedroom, next morning yea this thing peeps call money is there, you take it into peep places and change it to something you want.
So I'm off to the Dog shop

In the end I didn't know which one to have, I had gone off the idea, as they said after this we would be going to Bridgnorth, O hek my tummy and long car jounarys just don't go together, so in the end mom picked one out for me. as I didn't feel like playing she thought it would be funny to put it on my head and take a piccy Ha Ha not
Soooooo,Off to Bridgnorth.
Mom was bred here, so knows her way around, so to speak. We parked down by the river and walked up a hill called Cartway it's very steep and made my legs ache.

There are some more piccys of the day, The Cliff Railway

Steps Steps and more Steps
Dad asked me to put this on hoping that all pubs would take this up
Surprise Surprise..................... More Steps
Met this girl today, Wow, wot a paint job. thought I'd show her some of me Folk Dancing, doesn't look to impressed,
I have until August to get it right . Watch this space.

My first paddle in a river

My First ice cream yum yum I needed that
Well back home and I'm wacked, just time for a sleep before I have my George O'clock hour as mom and dad calls it, wunder if dad will take me to the pub tonight.
sweet dreams my doggie pals
All the piccys from today are on my flickr page you can get to it on the links.
Take care till the next time
George XXX
It was my pleasure George - and yes, I'll take you to the pub later
Luv ya
Great a chance to bite the regulars, and a taste of Guinness.
Hi George, what a busy weekend you had. Hope you enjoyed your taster of the Black Nectar. Steady as you walk home............. hic
MOlly, Taffy and MOnty
You live quite a busy life. I think it's great that the tooth fairy found your teeth. Your bedroom looks comfy.
Sally Ann
Your first ice cream! Isn't it the most awesome stuff you've ever eaten, George?!
We love going to the pet store! Have fun with your new skunk!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
George appears to spend more time in the pub than I do !
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